Day: January 28, 2021
BALA CYNWYD, Pa., Jan. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Leading private markets investment management firm Hamilton Lane (NASDAQ: HLNE) today announced plans to acquire the business of 361 Capital, LLC (“361 Capital”), a Denver-based boutique alternative asset management firm.The acquisition aims to expand Hamilton Lane’s presence and capabilities in the U.S. private wealth channel. The 361 Capital team, led by Chairman and CEO Tom Florence and President Josh Vail, will remain in Denver, CO, growing Hamilton Lane’s footprint to 18 locations around the world.The deal is the latest development in Hamilton Lane’s expansion into the private wealth universe, following the recent launch of the Hamilton Lane Private Asset Fund (“PAF”), a closed-end management investment company, available to qualified U.S. investors that offers a portfolio...
Big Screen Bringing Sci-Fi Series ‘Singularity Principle’ to the Small Screen
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HOLLYWOOD, Calif., Jan. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A fascinating science fiction series set around the mystery of parallel universes is being developed by Big Screen Entertainment Group (OTC: BSEG).“Singularity Principle” is adapted from the 2013 thriller movie of the same name, which was successfully distributed by BSEG.The movie is performing especially well on the company’s streaming service, Big Stream, and that success has prompted the small screen adaptation.Big Screen hopes to tap into audience demand for such intelligent and entertaining content demonstrated by similar shows like Quantum Leap, Fringe, The OA, The Time Tunnel and Sliders.BSEG’s content development team is working on the new TV series with the duo behind the movie, physicist Dr. Robert Deranian and filmmaker Austin Robert Hines.“The film gave us the chance...
Conversion Labs Increases Stake in Fast-Growing SaaS Subsidiary
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NEW YORK, Jan. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Conversion Labs, Inc. (NASDAQ: CVLB), a leading direct-to-consumer telemedicine company, has increased its stake in its legacy LegalSimpli Software subsidiary from 51% to 82.6%, largely from the conversion of long-term debt held by Conversion Labs into equity. LegalSimpli operates, an online software-as-a-service (SaaS) that allows users to easily create, edit, convert, sign and share PDF documents. The subsidiary is currently operating at an annualized run-rate revenue of more than $18 million.“Since we first invested in LegalSimpli in 2018, its growth has been explosive, driven by its exceptionally talented management team and the same trends driving our telemedicine business, including the massive consumer shift toward subscription-based online services,” noted Conversion...
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Continued New Milestones Reached as Unique Capabilities Adopted by OrganizationsRESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC, Jan. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Data443 Risk Mitigation, Inc. (OTCPK: ATDS), a leading data security and privacy software company for ALL THINGS DATA SECURITY™, is pleased to announce new milestones reached by its privacy compliance suite for open-source solutions, referred to as a “privacy badge.” The Company’s recently launched Privacy Safe™ is the world’s first privacy compliance badge delivering to clients the ability to demonstrate compliance with privacy legislation, while also instilling confidence in their end users and visitors that their personal information will be protected. Over 1,000 Data443 clients have now adopted and deployed the Privacy Safe badge on their corporate web presence as a commitment to privacy...
MJ Holdings, Inc. Announces the Execution of a Letter of Intent to Acquire Cultivation and Production Licenses
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Company moving forward with owned licenses and cultivation on proprietary landLas Vegas, NV, Jan. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — MJ Holdings, Inc. (OTC Pink: MJNE) a diversified holding company, which through its subsidiaries, provides services to the regulated cannabis industry inclusive of cultivation and production management, infrastructure development and sales is pleased to inform shareholders that it has executed a Letter of Intent (LOI) to purchase two cultivation licenses (medical and recreational) and two production licenses (medical and recreational).The LOI with MJ Distributing, Inc. and affiliates (not related to MJ Holdings, Inc) provides for a closing to occur on or before April 30, 2021. This transaction replaces the previously announced license acquisition with the same seller that was sidetracked and didn’t close...
Document Security Systems, Inc. Announces Exercise of Full Over-Allotment Option
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ROCHESTER, N.Y., Jan. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Document Security Systems, Inc. (NYSE American: DSS) (the “Company”), a multinational company operating businesses focusing on brand protection technology, blockchain security, direct marketing, healthcare, real estate, and securitized digital assets, today announced the underwriter of its previously announced public offering of 6,666,666 common shares, has exercised its full over-allotment option to purchase an additional 1,000,000 common shares of the Company. The price to the public in the offering was $3.60 per share and the gross proceeds to the Company from the exercise of the over-allotment option were $3,600,000 before deducting underwriting discounts and commissions and other estimated offering expenses.The total gross proceeds, including the full exercise of the over-allotment...
IPG is Recognized with Two ESG Honors
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Company is Included in Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index for Second Year and HRC Corporate Equality Index for 12th YearNew York, Jan. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Interpublic Group (NYSE: IPG) announced today that the company has been named once again to two important measures of diversity, equity and inclusion. For the second year, IPG has been included on the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index, and for the 12th year, the company has been named to the HRC Corporate Equality Index.“Diversity, equity and inclusion are business imperatives for IPG,” noted Philippe Krakowsky, Chief Executive Officer of IPG. “IPG has long been committed to ensuring equal opportunities for all employees, and we work hard to make certain that our policies and our culture live up to these goals. We do this by constantly evolving our programming and by keeping...
Activity results of 12 months of the year 2020
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The Management Board of AB Kauno Energija (hereinafter – the Company) (code – 235014830) approved on January 28, 2021 a non-audited abbreviated Set of Consolidated and Company’s Financial Statements for the 12 months of the year 2020, prepared according to International Financial Reporting Standards, as adopted by the European Union.The result of Company’s business activities of 12 months of the year 2020 according to International Accounting Standards is profit in amount of EUR 60 thousand (profit of 12 months of the year 2019 is EUR 747 thousand), turnover from sales is EUR 42,036 thousand (turnover of 12 months of the year 2019 is EUR 54,659 thousand). The result of business activities of the Group which as at December 31, 2020 consisted of AB Kauno Energija and of its subsidiaries – UAB Kauno Energija NT (code – 303042623) and UAB...
2020 m. 12 mėnesių ūkinės veiklos rezultatai
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2021 m. sausio 28 d. AB „Kauno energija“ (toliau – Bendrovė) (įm. kodas 235014830) valdyba patvirtino neaudituotą konsoliduotųjų ir Bendrovės 2020 m. 12 mėnesių sutrumpintų tarpinių finansinių ataskaitų rinkinį, parengtą pagal Tarptautinius finansinės atskaitomybės standartus, priimtus taikyti Europos Sąjungoje.Bendrovės 2020 m. 12 mėnesių veiklos rezultatas pagal Tarptautinius finansinės atskaitomybės standartus yra pelnas – 60 tūkst. Eur (2019 m. pelnas – 747 tūkst. Eur), pardavimų pajamos – 42 036 tūkst. Eur (2019 m. – 54 659 tūkst. Eur), o Grupės, kurią 2020 m. gruodžio 31 d. sudarė AB „Kauno energija“ bei jos patronuojamos bendrovės – UAB „Kauno energija NT“ (įm. kodas 303042623) ir UAB „Petrašiūnų katilinė“ (įm. kodas 304217723), nuostolis – 154 tūkst. Eur (2019 m. pelnas – 933 tūkst. Eur), pardavimų pajamos – 42 030 tūkst. Eur...
Brim hefur ráðið Guðmund Kristjánsson sem forstjóra á ný.
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Brim er leiðandi sjávarútvegsfyrirtæki og tekur virkan þátt í uppbyggingu íslensks samfélags. Hjá Brim starfa um 800 manns við hin ýmsu störf í virðiskeðju sjávarútvegs. Brim framleiðir afurðir úr sjávarfangi og rík áhersla er lögð á nýsköpun og háþróaða tækni við veiðar og vinnslu sjávarafurða.„Við hjá Brim erum ánægð með að fá Guðmund aftur til starfa. Guðmundur býr yfir gríðarlegri reynslu og hefur skýra framtíðarsýn á rekstur sjávarútvegsfyrirtækja.“ er haft eftir Kristjáni Þ. Davíðssyni stjórnarformanni Brims.„Það er ánægjulegt að vera kominn aftur til starfa. Ég hef nýtt tímann vel og kem fullur krafts og tilhlökkunar til starfa. Við höfum séð að þegar aðstæður í efnahagslífinu verða erfiðar, eins og síðustu misseri, að sjávarútvegur er burðarstólpi í íslensku samfélagi og við hjá Brim munum leggja okkar af mörkum til þess að svo...