Day: January 26, 2021
Westport, CT, Jan. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Virtuoso Acquisition Corp. (the “Company”) announced today that it closed its initial public offering of 23,000,000 units, including 3,000,000 units issued pursuant to the full exercise by the underwriters of their over-allotment option. The offering was priced at $10.00 per unit, resulting in gross proceeds of $230,000,000.The Company’s units are listed on the Nasdaq Capital Market (“Nasdaq”) and commenced trading under the ticker symbol “VOSOU” on January 22, 2021. Each unit consists of one share of the Company’s Class A common stock and one-half of one redeemable warrant, each whole warrant entitling the holder thereof to purchase one share of Class A common stock at a price of $11.50 per share. Only whole warrants are exercisable. No fractional warrants will be issued upon separation...
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En raison de la crise sanitaire liée à l’épidémie de Covid-19 et des dernières mesures gouvernementales prises pour faire face à cette épidémie, et conformément à l’Ordonnance n° 2020-1497 du 2 décembre 2020 portant prorogation et modification de l’Ordonnance n° 2020-321 du 25 mars 2020 autorisant la tenue des assemblées générales hors la présence des actionnaires et des personnes pouvant y assister, l’Assemblée Générale Mixte de la Société DERICHEBOURG du 10 février 2021 à 16 heures 30 se tiendra exceptionnellement à huis clos, hors la présence physique des actionnaires et des autres personnes ayant le droit d’y assister, à son siège social, 119 avenue du Général Michel Bizot – 75012 Paris.L’avis de réunion comportant l’ordre du jour et le texte du projet de résolutions a été publié au Bulletin des Annonces Légales...
Christian Dior: Christian Dior showed good resilience against the pandemic crisis in 2020
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Christian Dior showed good resilience against the pandemic crisis in 2020Paris, January 26th, 2021The Christian Dior group recorded revenue of 44.7 billion euros in 2020, down 17%. Organic revenue declined 16% compared to 2019. The Group showed good resilience in 2020 in an economic environment severely disrupted by the serious health crisis that led to the suspension of international travel and the closure of its stores and manufacturing sites in most countries over a period of several months.With an organic revenue decline of only 3% in the fourth quarter, the Group saw a significant improvement in trends in all its activities compared to the first nine months of 2020. Fashion & Leather Goods in particular, enjoyed a remarkable performance, with double-digit growth in both the third and fourth quarters. While Europe is still affected...
Christian Dior : Bonne résistance de Christian Dior face à la crise pandémique en 2020
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Bonne résistance de Christian Dior face à la crise pandémique en 2020Paris, le 26 janvier 2021Le groupe Christian Dior réalise en 2020 des ventes de 44,7 milliards d’euros, en recul de 17 %. A périmètre et devises comparables, les ventes sont en baisse de 16 % par rapport à 2019. Le Groupe témoigne en 2020 d’une bonne capacité de résistance dans un environnement économique fortement perturbé par la grave crise sanitaire ayant entraîné l’arrêt des voyages internationaux et la fermeture durant plusieurs mois de ses boutiques et de ses sites de production dans la plupart des pays.Avec des ventes en recul de 3 % à périmètre et devises comparables au quatrième trimestre, le Groupe connaît une amélioration sensible des tendances pour toutes ses activités par rapport aux neuf premiers mois de 2020. La Mode et Maroquinerie en particulier réalise...
Jamf Named a Leader in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Unified Endpoint Management Software for Apple Devices 2021 Vendor Assessment
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MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Jamf (NASDAQ: JAMF), the standard in Apple Enterprise Management, today announced that IDC, a global provider of market intelligence, has named Jamf a leader in its inaugural “Worldwide Unified Endpoint Management Software for Apple Devices 2021 Vendor Assessment.”The vendor assessment report states, “The Adoption of Mac usage in the enterprise (1,000+ employees) is growing by many measures. In the United States, average penetration of macOS devices is around 23%, compared with 17% in 2019.” The report continues, “Macs, of course, are not the entire story around Apple devices in the enterprise. According to IDC’s 2020 enterprise survey, iPhones account for 49% of the smartphone installed base among U.S. enterprises, and iPads make up the majority of tablets used in business. The...
Alpine Banks of Colorado Announces Financial Results for Fourth Quarter 2020 and Year End 2020
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GLENWOOD SPRINGS. Colo., Jan. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Alpine Banks of Colorado (OTCQX: ALPIB) (“Alpine” or the “Company”), the holding company for Alpine Bank, today announced results (unaudited) for the fourth quarter and the year ended December 31, 2020. The Company reported net income of $14.2 million, or $137.86 per basic Class A common share and $0.92 per basic Class B common share for the fourth quarter 2020, and net income of $51.1 million, or $492.75 per basic Class A common share and $3.28 per basic Class B common share for the year ended December 31, 2020. Achievements in the fourth quarter and the year ended December 31, 2020 include:Fourth Quarter 2020Book Value per Class A Share increased 3.3%, or $116.49 to $3,650.83 per share vs. third quarter 2020Book Value per Class B Share increased 3.3%, or $0.78 to $24.34...
Regarding the claim for the compensation of damage caused to the environment received by AB Grigeo Klaipėda from the Environmental Protection Department
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AB Grigeo (hereinafter – the Company) hereby confirms public information that the subsidiary of the Company, AB Grigeo Klaipėda, received a Civil Claim of the Environmental Protection Department (hereinafter – the EPD) regarding compensation of damage caused to the environment in the amount of EUR 48,257,676.57 from the Klaipėda District Prosecutor’s Office of Klaipėda County Prosecutor’s Office on 26 January 2021. The claim was filed within the framework of pre-trial investigation conducted by Klaipėda District Prosecutor’s Office of Klaipėda County Prosecutor’s Office related to actions of AB Grigeo Klaipėda concerning wastewater management.The damage caused to the water body (Curonian Lagoon) was estimated in the claim according to the Methodology for Estimation of the Amounts of Compensation for Damage Caused to the Environment...
Dėl AB „Grigeo Klaipėda“ gauto Aplinkos apsaugos departamento ieškinio dėl aplinkai padarytos žalos atlyginimo
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AB „Grigeo“ (toliau – Bendrovė) patvirtina viešoje erdvėje pasirodžiusią informaciją apie tai, kad Bendrovės dukterinė bendrovė AB „Grigeo Klaipėda“ 2021 m. sausio 26 d. gavo iš Klaipėdos apygardos prokuratūros Klaipėdos apylinkės prokuratūros atsiųstą Aplinkos apsaugos departamento (toliau – AAD) civilinį ieškinį dėl aplinkai padarytos žalos atlyginimo, kurio suma 48 257 676,57 Eur. Ieškinys pateiktas Klaipėdos apygardos prokuratūros Klaipėdos apylinkės prokuratūros atliekamame ikiteisminiame tyrime dėl AB „Grigeo Klaipėda“ veiksmų, susijusių su nuotekų tvarkymu.Padaryta žala vandens telkiniui (Kuršių Marioms) ieškinyje apskaičiuota pagal Lietuvos Respublikos aplinkos ministro 2002-09-09 įsakymu Nr. 471 patvirtintą Aplinkai padarytos žalos atlyginimo dydžių apskaičiavimo metodiką (toliau – Metodika). Kadangi AB „Grigeo Klaipėda“...
Voltalia SA: A very dynamic Q4 2020 with revenues up 65% at constant currency
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A very dynamic Q4 2020 with revenues up 65% at constant currencyQ4 2020 consolidated revenues up by 65% at constant currency, at €89.6 millionEnergy sales sustained growth driven by new wind and solar plants vs. continuous weakness of the Brazilian realServices strong growth in Q4, further Development sales and increased Construction activityFY 2020 consolidated revenues up by 57% at constant currency, at €239.6 millionEnergy sales record contribution, overcoming COVID-related impacts and H1 2020 low wind and continuous weakness of the Brazilian realIncreased share of third-party clients in Services: greater contribution to consolidated revenuesAll ambitions confirmedGrowth trajectory in line with EBITDA ambitions1 GW installed capacity and additional power sales contracts won secure 2.6 GW1 target by 2023Voltalia (Euronext Paris, ISIN...
Voltalia SA: Un T4 2020 très dynamique, des revenus en hausse de 65% à taux constants
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Un T4 2020 très dynamique, des revenus en hausse de 65% à taux constantsRevenus consolidés du T4 2020 en hausse de 65% à taux de change constants, à 89,6 millions d’eurosCroissance soutenue des Ventes d’énergie grâce aux nouvelles centrales solaires et éoliennes, malgré la faiblesse du réal brésilienCroissance solide des Services grâce à la vente d’un actif dans l’activité Développement et la hausse de l’activité ConstructionRevenus consolidés de l’exercice 2020 en hausse de 57% à taux de change constants, à 239,6 millions d’eurosContribution record de l’activité Ventes d’énergie, compensant les impacts liés à la COVID-19 , la faiblesse de la ressource en vent constatée sur le S1 2020, et la faiblesse du réal brésilienAugmentation de la part des clients tiers dans les revenus de Services : contribution accrue au chiffre d’affaires consolidéConfirmation...