Day: January 26, 2021
Par līdzdalības iegūšanu Akciju sabiedrība „Grindeks” informē, ka šodien, 26. janvārī, tā ir saņēmusi paziņojumus par nozīmīgas līdzdalības iegūšanu no tās akcionāriem SIA „Liplat Holding”.Pēc obligātā akciju atpirkšanas piedāvājuma izpildes SIA „Liplat Holding”, kuras īpašnieki ir Kirovs Lipmans, Anna Lipmane un Filips Lipmans, rīcībā būs 96,78% no akciju sabiedrības „Grindeks” kapitāla.Pielikumos:SIA „Liplat Holding” paziņojums par nozīmīgas līdzdalības iegūšanuSIA „Liplat Holding” paziņojums par darījumiem saskaņā ar regulas 596/2014 prasībām Kontakti:Laila Kļaviņa, AS „Grindeks” Komunikācijas departamenta vadītājaTel.: 67083370, 29256012fakss: 67083505E-pasts: laila.klavina@grindeks.lvwww.grindeks.lvPielikumiLidzdalibas_iegusanaveidne_par_personu_parvaldibas_pienakumus_26012021
New data show treatment with etesevimab (JS016) and bamlanivimab together reduced risk of COVID-19 hospitalizations and death by 70 percent
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Trial met primary endpoint and key secondary endpoints with high statistical significanceResults from more than 1,000 high-risk patients were consistent with previous dataIn November, Lilly submitted a EUA request to the FDA for etesevimab and bamlanivimab together for mild to moderate COVID-19 in high-risk patients, which remains under review by the FDAFindings from BLAZE-4 trial provide data on lower doses of etesevimab and bamlanivimab togetherSHANGHAI, China, Jan. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Junshi Biosciences (HKEX: 1877; SSE: 688180), a leading innovation-driven biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the discovery, development and commercialization of novel therapies, announced today that etesevimab (JS016 or LY-CoV016) 2800 mg and bamlanivimab (LY-CoV555) 2800 mg together significantly reduced COVID-19-related hospitalizations...
Waturu Holding A/S – Downgrades expectations
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Company announcement nr. 54Fredericia, January 26th 2021Waturu Holding A/S downgrades expectations
Waturu Holding A/S – Nedjustering af forventninger
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Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 54Fredericia, den 26. jan 2021Waturu Holding A/S nedjusterer forventningerneOm Waturu Holding A/SWaturu Holding A/S er en Greentech-virksomhed, som udvikler innovativ vandteknologi til opvarmningeller behandling af vand, med det fokus at sikre bakteriefrit vand samt nedsætte vand- og energiforbrugettil opvarmning af varmt brugsvand i ejendomme og dermed sikre CO2- besparelser. Waturu Holding A/S erhovedaktionær i medico selskabet Watgen Medical A/S samt i teknologiselskabet Aquaturu A/S.Finansielleøbende opdateringer fra
Fireweed Intersects 4.42% Zinc over 212.70 m Including 25.58% Zinc over 5.81 m at Boundary Zone
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FIREWEED ZINC LTD. (“Fireweed”) (TSXV: FWZ) is pleased to announce the first results from the 2020 drilling at the Macmillan Pass Project in Yukon, Canada. These results are from Boundary Zone, located 15 road kilometres west of the Tom-Jason deposits (see Map 1).HighlightsSignificant assays over wide sections have been received from the first two diamond drill holes, NB20-001 and NB20-002, drilled in the central Boundary Zone area.Hole NB20-002 intersected 4.42% Zinc, 0.08% Lead and 10.7 g/t Silver over 212.70 m, including 25.58% Zinc, 0.14% Lead and 44.0 g/t Silver over 5.81 m.Hole NB20-001 intersected 2.60% Zinc, 0.06% Lead and 5.9 g/t Silver over 246.68 m from surface including 23.62% Zinc, 0.22% Lead and 53.7 g/t Silver over 4.95 m.Assays from other holes including...
Vertex acquiert la société spécialisée dans l’informatique périphérique Tellutax pour étendre son leadership mondial dans le domaine de la technologie fiscale
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KING OF PRUSSIA, Pennsylvanie, 26 janv. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Vertex, Inc. (NASDAQ : VERX) (« Vertex » ou la « Société »), un fournisseur de premier plan de technologies et de services fiscaux, a annoncé l’acquisition de Tellutax, une startup spécialisée dans la technologie de l’informatique périphérique (ou edge computing) basée à Portland. Les modalités financières de la transaction n’ont pas été divulguées.Tellutax conçoit une technologie périphérique à l’aide d’une architecture de conteneurs, qui permet aux clients de fournir des solutions fiscales en toute transparence là où elles sont nécessaires avec une évolutivité accrue et une gestion simplifiée.« Nous sommes convaincus que la technologie de périphérie de Tellutax étendra notre leadership sur le marché des entreprises et accélérera l’expansion...
Vertex erwirbt Edge-Computing-Unternehmen Tellutax zum Ausbau seiner globalen Führungsposition im Bereich Steuertechnologie
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KING OF PRUSSIA, Pennsylvania, Jan. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Vertex, Inc. (NASDAQ: VERX) („Vertex“ oder das „Unternehmen“), ein führender Anbieter von Steuertechnologie und -dienstleistungen, hat die Übernahme von Tellutax, einem Start-up für Edge-Technologie mit Sitz in Portland, bekannt gegeben.Die finanziellen Bedingungen der Transaktion wurden nicht veröffentlicht.Tellutax entwickelt Edge-Technologien unter Verwendung einer Container-Architektur, mit der Kunden Steuerlösungen nahtlos am Point-of-Need mit erhöhter Skalierbarkeit und vereinfachtem Management bereitstellen können.„Wir sind überzeugt, dass wir mit der Edge-Technologie von Tellutax unsere Führungsposition auf dem Enterprise-Markt ausbauen und unsere Expansion im Bereich Zahlungs- und IoT-Plattformen der nächsten Generation beschleunigen können“, erklärt David...
ServisFirst Bank Announces Leadership Transition
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Executive Vice President of Correspondent Banking, Rodney Rushing Named Chief Operating OfficerBIRMINGHAM, Ala., Jan. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Board of Directors of ServisFirst Bank and ServisFirst Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ:SFBS), recently announced that Rodney Rushing is assuming the role of Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for ServisFirst Bank. As a member of the Bank’s executive team, he will collaborate with the President/CEO and CFO in the overall administration of the Bank and in executing its broader objectives and goals.Rushing’s problem-solving ability, bank leadership experience and business acumen bring an unmatched value to the ServisFirst Bank executive team.Rodney Rushing, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating OfficerRodney Rushing will be assuming the role of Executive Vice President...
IZEA Releases The 2021 State of Influencer Equality
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Orlando, Florida, Jan. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (NASDAQ: IZEA), the premier provider of influencer marketing technology, data, and services for the world’s leading brands, released its second annual State of Influencer Equality report today. First introduced in 2020, it is the influencer marketing industry’s only published examination of earnings equality among social influencers. The report provides analysis of influencer earnings observed in IZEA’s online marketplace spanning 2015 to 2020. Data is comprised of negotiated rates between marketers and creators spanning the spectrum of micro-influencers to celebrities, and incorporates self-reported gender and race identifiers.“The historic events that have unfolded over the past year have had a dramatic impact on the way brands are embracing inclusion,” said...
Piippo Oyj:n osakkeen LP-markkinatakaus päättyy
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Piippo OyjYhtiötiedotePiippo Oyj:n osakkeen LP-markkinatakaus päättyyPiippo Oyj Yhtiötiedote 26.1.2021 klo 17.00Nordea Bank ABp:n LP-markkinatakaus Piippo Oyj:n osakkeelle päättyy.Nordean ja Piippo Oyj:n välinen Nasdaq Helsingin Liquidity Providing (LP) – toiminnan edellytykset täyttävä markkinatakaussopimus päättyy 26.2.2021.Piippo Oyj arvioi markkinatakauksen tarvetta uudelleen tarvittaessa. PIIPPO OYJLisätietoja: Piippo Oyj, toimitusjohtaja Jukka Keisanen, puh. +358 43 218 1245Hyväksytty neuvonantaja: Sisu Partners Oy, Juha Karttunen, puh. +358 40 555 4727Jakelu: NASDAQ OMX NordicKeskeiset tiedotusvälineetwww.piippo.fiPiippo Oyj on kansainvälisesti yksi johtavista toimijoista agriliiketoiminta-alueella, jonka päätuotteet ovat paalausverkot ja -langat. Yhtiön globaali jakeluverkosto kattaa jo...