Day: January 25, 2021
Communiqué de presse Ecully, le 25 janvier 2021 – 18h Résultats annuels 2020Progression du résultat d’exploitation de 18 %Amélioration des performances sur le 2nd semestre 2020Renforcement continu de la structure financière Le Conseil d’Administration de Spineway, réuni le 25 janvier 2021 sous la Présidence de Stéphane Le Roux, a arrêté les comptes annuels 2020.Porté par une forte progression de ses ventes en décembre 2020 (+ 30% par rapport à décembre 2019), Spineway a vu son chiffre d’affaires du 4ème trimestre 2020 s’apprécier de 21% par rapport au 3ème trimestre pour s’inscrire à 1 068 k€. Cette dynamique positive, notamment impulsée par l’accélération des ventes en Asie sur le 4ème trimestre (+71% par rapport à 2019), permet...
Undercarriage Systems Market to Reach USD 24.76 Billion by 2027; Increasing Demand for Mining Products to Aid Growth in Europe: Fortune Business Insights™
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Pune, Jan. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global undercarriage systems market is set to gain impetus from the increasing usage of excavators in several applications, such as demolition, quarrying, and mining. Fortune Business Insights™ published this information in a new report, titled, “Undercarriage Systems Market Size, Share & COVID-19 Impact Analysis, By Type (Rubber Track, Steel Track), By Application (Agriculture, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Others) and Regional Forecast, 2020-2027.” The report further states that the market size was USD 21.80 billion in 2019 and is projected to reach USD 24.76 billion by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 1.9% during the forecast period.Click here to get the short-term and long-term impact of COVID-19 on this market.Please visit:
ACTEOS : Chiffre d’affaires 2020
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Une croissance annuelle du chiffre d’affaires de 12,5% soutenue par une forte progression de l’activité Mobilité (+28,1%), et une activité Software positive (+1,9 %)EBITDA positif attendu sur les résultats annuelsConfiance pour 2021 malgré une certaine prudenceActeos, éditeur et intégrateur de logiciels dédiés aux métiers de la Supply Chain , publie son chiffre d’affaires consolidé au titre de l’exercice 2019.(1) Chiffres non audités par les commissaires aux comptes à la date de publication du présent communiqué(1) Chiffres non audités par les commissaires aux comptes à la date de publication du présent communiquéCroissance à deux chiffres de l’activité en France et en AllemagneMalgré les circonstances exceptionnelles liées à la pandémie de COVID qui ont fortement perturbées l’exercice, le Groupe a su maintenir une croissance...
Radio Frequency Cables Market to Reach USD 17.59 Billion by 2027; Expansion of Broadcasting Stations to Facilitate Industry Growth, states Fortune Business Insights™
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Pune, Jan. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global radio frequency cables market size is expected to reach USD 17.59 billion by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 11.5% during the forecast period. The growing installation of radio frequency cables across commercial radios, televisions, and broadcasting stations will drive the global market during the forecast period, states Fortune Business Insights, in a report, titled “Radio Frequency Cables Market Size, Share & COVID-19 Impact Analysis, By Type (Fiber Optic Cables, LAN Cables, and Others) By End-User (Aerospace & Defense, Construction {Commercial and Residential}, IT & Telecommunication, Power Transmission and Distribution, Oil & Gas, Consumer Electronics {High Tech Products, Small Appliances, Household Appliances, White Goods, HVAC, and Others}, Manufacturing {Industrial...
Tilnefningarnefnd Reita fasteignafélags hf. auglýsir eftir tilnefningum eða framboðum til stjórnar
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Tilnefningarnefnd Reita auglýsir eftir tilnefningum eða framboðum til stjórnar félagsins vegna aðalfundar sem haldinn verður 11. mars 2021.Í því skyni að fá umfjöllun tilnefningarnefndar um tilnefningar eða framboð til stjórnar er áhugasömum bent á að fylla út form, sem finna má á vefsíðu félagsins, og senda nefndinni eigi síðar en 3. febrúar 2021 á netfangiðð verður með allar persónuupplýsingar sem tilnefningarnefnd berast sem trúnaðarmál og í samræmi við reglur um persónuvernd. Tillaga nefndarinnar um val á stjórnarmönnum verður birt samhliða boðun aðalfundar eða í síðasta lagi þremur vikum fyrir aðalfund. Önnur framboð verða birt sex sólarhringum fyrir aðalfund. Einstaklingur sem nefndin gerir ekki tillögu um sem stjórnarmann í félaginu getur ávallt gefið kost á sér til stjórnarsetu með því að skila...
New Vishay Intertechnology 650 V SiC Schottky Diodes Increase Efficiency for High Frequency Applications
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MALVERN, Pa., Jan. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. (NYSE: VSH) today introduced 10 new 650 V silicon carbide (SiC) Schottky diodes. Featuring a merged PIN Schottky (MPS) design, the Vishay Semiconductors devices are designed to increase the efficiency of high frequency applications by reducing switching losses regardless of the effects from temperature variances, allowing the diodes to operate at higher temperatures.The MPS design of the diodes released today shields the electric field from the Schottky barrier to reduce leakage currents while increasing surge current capability via hole injection. Compared to pure silicon Schottky devices, the diodes handle the same level of current with only a slight increase in forward voltage drop while demonstrating a significantly higher degree of ruggedness.The devices...
Post Holdings Announces Partnership With Hungry Planet®
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ST. LOUIS, Jan. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Post Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:POST), a consumer packaged goods holding company, today announced a partnership with Hungry Planet® Inc., a plant-based meat company. In this new partnership, Post’s Foodservice and Refrigerated Retail units will work closely with Hungry Planet to expand the distribution of Hungry Planet’s industry-leading range of plant-based meats to address the rapidly growing demand for alternative protein solutions across all meal occasions.Hungry Planet produces a full range of chef-crafted plant-based meats that match the taste and texture of conventional meat, and offer a superior nutritional profile. These proteins provide a sustainable food alternative to traditional meat products. Based in St. Louis, Hungry Planet meats are distributed throughout the United States via...
First Midwest Provides Nearly $500,000 in Grants and Donations to Support Local Communities
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CHICAGO, Jan. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — First Midwest Bank today announced it awarded $250,000 in grants to more than 80 local non-profit organizations through its charitable foundation. These donations are part of First Midwest’s broader $2.5 million philanthropic commitment to its communities announced last year. Since March 2020, the foundation has provided more than $750,000 to local United Way COVID-19 emergency response funds and awarded $500,000 in grants to local non-profit organizations.In addition to these most recent grants from its foundation, First Midwest recently raised more than $225,000 through its annual Colleague Giving Campaign, which enables colleagues to make personally meaningful contributions to United Way and other charitable organizations.“At First Midwest, our goal is to help drive Momentum for All by...
UPDATE – Genius Brands International Delivers Exclusive Sneak Peek for New Animated Series, “Stan Lee’s Superhero Kindergarten,” with Introduction by Star and Co-Executive Producer, Arnold Schwarzenegger
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Sneak Peek Weekend Event Sponsored by Award-Winning Toy Company Laser Pegs®,Available Exclusively on Genius Brands’ Kartoon Channel! from January 29th at 12:00pm EST – January 31st at 11:59pm PSTBEVERLY HILLS, Calif., Jan. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Genius Brands International, Inc. (“Genius Brands”) (NASDAQ:GNUS) announces a sneak peek event for season one of the Company’s new animated children’s series, Stan Lee’s Superhero Kindergarten, Co-Executive Produced by and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, which will officially premiere on: Kartoon Channel! in spring 2021. To download the app, please visit Lee’s Superhero Kindergarten, an action-adventure comedy series, is one of the last creations from the genius mind of the late Stan Lee. The school day at Superhero Kindergarten is a lot like...
Oxford Lane Capital Corp. Schedules Third Fiscal Quarter Earnings Release and Conference Call for February 1, 2021
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GREENWICH, Conn., Jan. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Oxford Lane Capital Corp. (Nasdaq: OXLC) (NasdaqGS: OXLCO) (NasdaqGS: OXLCM) (NasdaqGS: OXLCP) announced today that it will hold a conference call to discuss its third fiscal quarter earnings on Monday, February 1, 2021 at 9:00 AM ET. The toll free dial-in number is 1-844-792-3730. There will be a recorded replay of the call available for 30 days after the call. If you are interested in hearing the recording, please dial 1-877-344-7529. The replay pass-code number is 10151951. About Oxford Lane Capital Corp.Oxford Lane Capital Corp. is a publicly-traded registered closed-end management investment company principally investing in debt and equity tranches of collateralized loan obligation (“CLO”) vehicles. CLO investments may also include warehouse facilities, which are financing...