Day: January 25, 2021
Preliminary Financial Results and Other Matters for the Quarter and Year Ended December 31, 2020:CECL Adoption: The recently-enacted COVID relief legislation, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, provides for an optional additional delay for certain bank holding companies to adopt the Current Expected Credit Loss (CECL) accounting standard. Great Southern Bancorp, Inc. (the Company) has elected to delay the initial adoption date of this standard to January 1, 2021, in accordance with guidance approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Therefore, the Company’s financial statements for the three months and year ended December 31, 2020, were prepared under the existing incurred loss accounting standard. The adoption of the CECL model during the first quarter of 2021 will require us to recognize a one-time cumulative adjustment...
Glacier and GVIC Announce Definitive Agreement Whereby Glacier Will Acquire All Class B Common Voting Shares and Class C Non-Noting Shares of GVIC Not Already Owned
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Glacier Media Inc. (TSX: GVC) (“Glacier”) and GVIC Communications Corp. (TSX: GCT) (“GVIC”) today announced that they have entered into a definitive arrangement agreement (the “Agreement”) under which Glacier will acquire all of the Class B common voting shares and Class C non-voting shares of GVIC not currently held by Glacier and its subsidiary, or by a wholly-owned limited partnership of GVIC (the “Arrangement”), subject to GVIC shareholder approval and other customary closing conditions. Glacier currently owns 37.9% of the Class B common voting shares and 97.7% of the Class C non-voting shares of GVIC, excluding shares held by the wholly-owned limited partnership of GVIC.Under the terms of the Agreement, each Class B common voting share (“GVIC B Share”) and Class C...
Contango Comments on DOI 60-Day Suspension of Leasing and Permitting on Federal Lands and Provides Update on Silvertip Acquisition Closing
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Temporary suspension of approvals expected to have no impact on legacy Contango production or production acquired through Mid-Con Energy Partners (“MCEP”) and Silvertip transactionsPine Tree growth project acquired in the MCEP transaction already has necessary permits approved for base case development programTemporary suspension not expected to interfere with any plans to restore shut in production with favorable economics at current oil prices across the portfolioProject Silvertip acquisition is expected to close February 1, 2021FORT WORTH, Texas, Jan. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Contango Oil & Gas Company (NYSE American: MCF) (“Contango” or the “Company”) today provided commentary on the US Department of Interior’s 60-day suspension of authority for federal permitting, leasing, or other fossil fuel authorizations.Contango...
Glacier And GVIC Announce Definitive Agreement Whereby Glacier Will Acquire All Class B Common Voting Shares and Class C Non-Voting Shares of GVIC Not Already Owned
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Glacier Media Inc. (TSX: GVC) (“Glacier”) and GVIC Communications Corp. (TSX: GCT) (“GVIC”) today announced that they have entered into a definitive arrangement agreement (the “Agreement”) under which Glacier will acquire all of the Class B common voting shares and Class C non-voting shares of GVIC not currently held by Glacier and its subsidiary, or by a wholly-owned limited partnership of GVIC (the “Arrangement”), subject to GVIC shareholder approval and other customary closing conditions. Glacier currently owns 37.9% of the Class B common voting shares and 97.7% of the Class C non-voting shares of GVIC, excluding shares held by the wholly-owned limited partnership of GVIC.Under the terms of the Agreement, each Class B common voting share (“GVIC B Share”) and Class C...
Southern Missouri Bancorp Reports Preliminary Results for Second Quarter of Fiscal 2021; Increases Quarterly Dividend to $0.16 Per Common Share; Conference Call Scheduled for Tuesday, January 26, at 3:30pm Central Time
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Poplar Bluff, Missouri, Jan. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Southern Missouri Bancorp, Inc. (“Company”) (NASDAQ: SMBC), the parent corporation of Southern Bank (“Bank”), today announced preliminary net income for the second quarter of fiscal 2021 of $12.0 million, an increase of $4.3 million, or 56.1%, as compared to the same period of the prior fiscal year. The increase was attributable to increases in net interest income and noninterest income, partially offset by increases in provision for income taxes, noninterest expense, and provision for credit losses. Preliminary net income was $1.32 per fully diluted common share for the second quarter of fiscal 2021, an increase of $.48 as compared to the $.84 per fully diluted common share reported for the same period of the prior fiscal year.Highlights for the second quarter of fiscal 2021:Annualized...
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東京, Jan. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FactSet Research Systems Inc.(本社:米国コネチカット州ノーウォーク、以下「ファクトセット」)は本日、アセットマネジメントOne株式会社(以下「AM-One」) にクライアント向けレポーティング・ソリューションVermilionを提供することを発表しました。Vermilionは日本を含むグローバルで多くの資産運用会社にご利用いただいておりますが、AM-Oneは国内のお客様向けのレポーティングでVermilionを採用する日本で最初のお客様になります。AM-One は、次のようにコメントしております。「当社は、日本・アジア最大級の資産運用会社として、グローバルにおいて、トップレベルのソリューション・サービスの提供を目指しております。最先端のレポーティングシステムであるVermilion を導入することで、資料作成において品質の向上・業務効率化を実現し、最高水準のお客様サービスの提供をすることが可能になります。今後ともお客様サービスの向上に取り組んで参ります。」ファクトセットとAM-Oneが連携しVermilionを全社的に導入することで、定期的なデータ更新や自動化による業務プロセスの効率化を実現できます。従来のMicrosoft®Excel®を使用したレポート作成ではなく、クライアント毎のニーズに合わせた、カスタマイズされたレポーティングテンプレートを作成する事が可能です。また、担当部署や上長への承認および配布プロセスを自動化し、フロント・ミドル・バックオフィス間のレポート・ワークフローを合理化し透明性を高めます。ファクトセット日本支社長田中由美氏は、次のように述べています。「レポーティングは、依然として非常に人手のかかるプロセスです。特に顧客の要望も高い国内では、高品質のレポーティングが求められています。当社では、このプロセスを効率的に改善していただけるよう、最先端のテクノロジーと統合されたデータを活用したソリューションを提供致しております。Vermilionの最大の強みは、自動化することで高品質のレポートを維持できることです。当社の提供するソリューションが、業務の効率化そして業界の活性化の一助となれば幸いです。」ファクトセットについてファクトセット(NYSE:FDS、NASDAQ:FDS)は、優れた分析、サービス、コンテンツ及びテクノロジーを提供することで、いち早く投資機会を発見、実践できるよう131,000人以上におよぶユーザーを支援しております。また、情報に基づいた知見、ポートフォリオライフサイクル全体のワークフローソリューション、および豊富な知識を有する専門家によるサポートを通して、投資の専門家である皆様の成功をお約束します。ファクトセットは優れた分析機能や独自性のあるデータに基づいたソリューションを提供し複数の賞を受賞しています。また、LGBTQへの企業の方針や慣行に関するベンチマークであるHuman...
German American Bancorp, Inc. (GABC) Posts Record Earnings, Declares 11% Cash Dividend Increase and Announces Stock Repurchase Plan
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JASPER, Ind., Jan. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — German American Bancorp, Inc. (Nasdaq: GABC) reported record quarterly earnings of $20.9 million, or $0.79 per share, during the fourth quarter 2020 and that, for the 11th consecutive year, the Company has achieved record annual earnings posting annual net income of $62.2 million, or $2.34 per share, for the year ended December 31, 2020. This level of annual earnings resulted in a double-digit return on shareholders’ equity in 2020, marking the 16th consecutive year in which the Company has delivered a double-digit return on shareholders’ equity. The Company also announced the declaration of an 11% increase in its quarterly cash dividend, and the approval of a new share repurchase plan for up to one million GABC shares.The record annual net income for 2020 represented an increase of...
AMC Networks Inc. Announces Pricing of $1 Billion of Senior Notes
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NEW YORK, Jan. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AMC Networks Inc. (“AMC Networks” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq:AMCX) today announced that it has priced a public offering of $1 billion in aggregate principal amount of 4.25% Senior Notes due 2029 (the “Senior Notes”). The offering is expected to close on February 8, 2021, subject to the satisfaction of customary closing conditions.AMC Networks intends to use the proceeds of the offering to redeem (i) the remaining $400 million principal amount of the Company’s 4.75% Senior Notes due December 2022 (the “2022 Notes”) at a redemption price of 100.000% and (ii) $600 million principal amount of the Company’s 5.00% Senior Notes due April 2024 (the “2024 Notes”) at a redemption price of 102.500%. This press release shall not constitute a notice of redemption with respect to the 2022 Notes or the...
Chimerix Announces Closing of Public Offering of Common Stock and Full Exercise of Option to Purchase Additional Shares
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DURHAM, N.C., Jan. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Chimerix, Inc. (Nasdaq: CMRX), a biopharmaceutical company focused on accelerating the development of medicines to treat cancer and other serious diseases, announced today the closing of its previously announced underwritten public offering of common stock. Prior to the closing, the underwriters exercised in full their option to purchase an additional 1,764,750 shares of common stock. As a result, the Company issued a total of 13,529,750 shares in this offering at a price to the public of $8.50 per share. The gross proceeds to Chimerix from the offering, before deducting the underwriting discounts and commissions and other offering expenses, were $115.0 million.Chimerix intends to use the net proceeds from the offering to fund the clinical development of its product candidates, commercial...
Globalive Technology Announces Results of Shareholder Meeting on January 25, 2021
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TORONTO, Jan. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Globalive Technology (TSX-V: LIVE) (the “Company”), a technology firm based in Toronto, Ontario, held a special meeting of its shareholders (the “Meeting”) on January 25, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. (Toronto time).The Company is pleased to announce that each of the resolutions proposed in the management information circular for the Meeting (the “Circular”) were approved by the shareholders of the Company, including:Additional details about the Meeting, the resolutions approved by the shareholders and other matters pertaining to the RTO Transaction can be found in the Circular, and in supplementary press releases issued by the Company on January 18, 2021 and January 20, 2021, all of which are available on the Company’s SEDAR page at Company notes that the business of the Meeting remains...