Day: January 22, 2021
VIDELIO renforce son activité Cruise.VIDELIO, communiqué de presse, 22 janvier 2021.VIDELIO, leader français du marché de l’intégration audiovisuelle annonce l’acquisition de 100% des parts de l’activité Entertainment du Groupe finlandais Wärtsilä.Wärtsilä Entertainment intervient dans le domaine du design, de la fabrication, de l’ingénierie et de l’intégration de systèmes « entertainment » pour les bateaux de croisière et les parcs à thème.L’activité Wärtsilä Entertainement créée en 2015 suite à l’acquisition de L-3 Communications MSI, emploie 173 collaborateurs répartis dans 5 pays dont la majorité est basée à Emden en Allemagne. Son chiffre d’affaires 2020 est d’environ 50 millions d’euros.“Nous sommes ravis d’être parvenus à un accord pour vendre l’activité Entertainment de Wärtsilä à VIDELIO qui est un acteur reconnu sur ce marché...
N95 Grade Medical Protective Mask Market 2021 Size, Share, Growth, Trends, Revenue, Competitive Analysis, Forecast Report 2020-2027
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Pune, India, Jan. 22, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global N95 grade medical protective mask market is set to experience an exceptional growth owing to the increasing risk of respiratory diseases, states Fortune Business Insights™ in an upcoming report. The report further explains how N95 grade medical protective masks have aided in preventing the spread of COVID-19 amid the ongoing pandemic, thereby increasing their demand across the globe.High Protection from Respiratory Diseases to Drive GrowthAs per the World Health Organization’s COVID-19 dashboard, 1.47 million cases of death have been reported as of today. As nations across the world are unanimously working on developing the vaccine, medical protective masks are playing a crucial role in preventing the contagion. For instance, as per the researchers of the University of California,...
Biopharmaceutical CMO Market 2021 Size, Share, Growth, Trends, Analysis, Revenue, Forecast Report 2020-2027
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Pune, India, Jan. 22, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global Biopharmaceutical CMO Market is projected to showcase an impressive growth owing to the increasing need to outsource the manufacturing process in the biopharmaceutical industry, observes Fortune Business Insights™ in an upcoming report, these organizations allow pharmaceutical companies to outsource some aspects of their business, which saves their valuable time and aids them to focus on the development of drugs.While making the report, we segmented the market on the basis of product, type, consumption, distribution channel, and region. Based on the segmentation, we made a list of companies and conducted a detailed analysis of their financial positions, product portfolios, and growth strategies. Our next step included the study of core competencies of key players and their...
Exploration Update
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For immediate release 22 January 2021Serabi Gold plc(“Serabi” or the “Company”)Exploration UpdateSerabi Gold plc (AIM:SRB, TSX:SBI), the Brazilian-focused gold mining and development company, is pleased to announce first exploration drilling results at the recently acquired Sao Domingos project (see news release issued 19 October 2020) and continued success with ore body extension drilling at the Sao Chico deposit.A PDF version of this release including all images can be accessed using the following link – DomingosFollowing encouraging regional reconnaissance work within the Sao Domingos property, the Company elected to focus on the 600 metre long, high-grade gold prospect, Toucano, located eight kilometres west of the Company’s Sao Chico operation. The first three diamond drill holes...
Mikko Koskimies to become the CEO of eQ Plc, Janne Larma becomes full-time Chair of the Board
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eQ Plc Stock Exchange Release22 January 2021, at 9:01 ameQ Plc’s Board of Directors has decided to appoint Mikko Koskimies as CEO of eQ Plc. Mikko Koskimies acts currently as the Managing Director of eQ Asset Management Ltd and will continue also in this position after the nomination. The appointment will take effect on 1 April 2021.Major shareholders of eQ Plc have proposed to the Annual General Meeting, that the current CEO of eQ Plc, Janne Larma, is elected as a member to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors has decided that, if the company’s Annual General Meeting decides on the composition of the Board of Directors in accordance with the proposal of the shareholders, the Board of Directors will elect Janne Larma as the Chair of the Board. In addition, eQ’s Board of Directors has entered into an agreement with Janne Larma...
Mikko Koskimiehestä eQ Oyj:n toimitusjohtaja, Janne Larma siirtyy päätoimiseksi hallituksen puheenjohtajaksi
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eQ Oyj Pörssitiedote22.1.2021, klo 9:01eQ Oyj:n hallitus on päättänyt nimittää Mikko Koskimiehen eQ Oyj:n toimitusjohtajaksi. Mikko Koskimies toimii tällä hetkellä eQ Varainhoito Oy:n toimitusjohtajana ja jatkaa nimityksen jälkeen myös tässä tehtävässä. Nimitys astuu voimaan 1.4.2021.eQ Oyj:n suurimmat osakkeenomistajat ovat tehneet ehdotuksen yhtiön varsinaiselle yhtiökokoukselle, että eQ:n nykyinen toimitusjohtaja Janne Larma valittaisiin yhtiön hallituksen jäseneksi. Hallitus on päättänyt, että mikäli yhtiön yhtiökokous päättää hallituksen kokoonpanosta suurimpien osakkeenomistajien ehdotuksen mukaisesti, hallitus valitsee keskuudestaan Janne Larman puheenjohtajaksi.Samassa yhteydessä eQ:n hallitus on tehnyt Janne Larman kanssa päätoimista hallituksen puheenjohtajuutta koskevan sopimuksen, joka on ehdollinen sille, että eQ Oyj:n varsinainen...
Private Placement Markets to Open Aircraft Financing Division
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Steve Muehler, the Founder & Senior Managing Member of Private Placement Markets, today announced that the firm will be greatly increasing debt loan ventures by expanding into the financing of both Private and Commercial Aircraft, both of which can be manned by pilots on the aircraft of have no pilots on the aircraft (drone).
According to Steve Muehler, “the global business jet market was valued at approximately $27.54 Billion USD in 2019 and is projected to reach $35.56 Billion USD by 2027, that is a CAGR of 5.37% during this forecasted period. When you look at the development of autonomous automobile industry, and see how fast it has begun to develop, and parallel it to the aviation industry, we believe we are much closer to achieving true autonomous, no in cockpit pilot aircraft for private use. When combined with delivery drones,...
Beter Bed Holding records strong sales growth of 28.7% in Q4 2020
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HighlightsQ4 sales amount to € 61.3 million with strong growth driven across all businesses. Order intake in Benelux in Q4 (+15.1% like-for-like) and New Business (+52.0% like-for-like) resulted in +18.7% in order intake over Q4 and +24.8% for the full year (like-for-like).Order book rose to a record level of € 24.8 million (up 19% vs. 31 December 2019), despite the COVID-19 pandemic and store closures following the second lockdown as of mid-December.Online sales up 119.2% in Q4, leading to a channel share of 17.4% over Q4 and 14.8% for the full year.Strong performance New Business with significantly improved sales at Sängjätten and continued significant growth in the B2B channel at DBC.John Kruijssen, CEO of Beter Bed Holding, comments:“The fourth quarter of 2020 marks our seventh consecutive quarter of revenue growth for the Group...
GrandVision reports comparable revenue growth of 0.8% in 4Q20
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Schiphol, the Netherlands – 22 January 2021. GrandVision NV (EURONEXT: GVNV) publishes its preliminary and unaudited 4Q and FY20 revenue and comparable growth update.Fourth Quarter and Full Year DevelopmentFollowing a strong revenue recovery in the third quarter, GrandVision entered the fourth quarter with good momentum. The impact of the COVID-19 second wave subsequently built up through the quarter and slowed our progress resulting in 4Q revenue growth of 1.1% at constant exchange rates. Organic and comparable revenue growth for the quarter were 0.7% and 0.8% respectively.In the fourth quarter, we continued the strong EBITA momentum from the previous months. However, the increased restrictions in more and more countries due to the second wave in November and December resulted in a deceleration in the EBITA growth compared with the...
Kiadis announces multiple abstracts related to its K-NK-cell therapy platform have been accepted for presentation at TCT, the Combined Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Meetings of ASTCT and CIBMTR
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Amsterdam, The Netherlands, January 22, 2021 – Kiadis Pharma N.V. (“Kiadis” or the “Company”) (Euronext Amsterdam and Brussels: KDS), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing innovative NK-cell-based medicines for the treatment of life-threatening diseases, today announces that four abstracts related to its K-NK-cell therapy platform were accepted for presentation at the TCT Meetings, the Transplantation & Cellular Therapy Meetings of the American Society of Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (ASTCT) and Center for International Blood & Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR), which is being held virtually from February 8–12, 2021.The abstracts are now available at 2021 TCT | Transplantation & Cellular Therapy Meetings of ASTCT and CIBMTR ( of the oral presentation are...