Day: January 20, 2021
(selskabsmeddelelse 05/2021)Ledelsen i Værdipapirfonden Sydinvest har godkendt nedenstående foreløbige udlodninger fra værdipapirfondens udloddende afdelinger. De foreløbige udbytter er angivet i kr. pr. bevis:Udbytterne forventes at være på investorernes konti den 25. januar 2021. Den sidste handelsdag for andele inkl. de foreløbige udbytter ovenfor er den 20. januar 2021. Første handelsdag, hvor de foreløbige udbytter er fragået i prisen på andelene, er den 21. januar 2021.Venlig hilsenSyd Fund Management A/STlf. 74 37 33 00
Investeringsforeningen Sydinvest, udbetaling af foreløbige udbytter for 2020
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Selskabsmeddelelse 05/2021Bestyrelsen i Investeringsforeningen Sydinvest har godkendt nedenstående foreløbige udlodninger fra foreningens udloddende afdelinger.De forventede udbytter er angivet i kr. pr. bevis:Der udbetales ikke foreløbige udbytter fra afdelinger / andelsklasser, som ikke er nævnt i tabellen ovenfor.Udbytterne forventes at være på investorernes konti den 25. januar 2021.Der vil blive tilbageholdt udbytteskat i samtlige aktiebaserede afdelinger samt afdelingerne Virksomhedsobligationer HY Etik A DKK, Virksomhedsobligationer HY A DKK, Virksomhedsobligationer IG Etik A DKK og Virksomhedsobligationer IG A DKK.Den sidste handelsdag for andele inkl. de foreløbige udbytter ovenfor er den 20. januar 2021. Første handelsdag, hvor de foreløbige udbytter er fragået i prisen på andelene, er den 21. januar 2021.Udbytterne for 2020...
ArcAroma AB: 210120 ArcAroma och OptiFreeze skapar tillsammans ett starkare bolag
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Pressmeddelande 2021-01-20ArcAroma och OptiFreeze skapar tillsammans ett starkare bolagStyrelserna i ArcAroma AB (publ) och OptiFreeze AB (publ) beslutade igår att föreslå ett samgående mellan bolagen genom fusion. Beslutet har tagits mot bakgrund av den marknadspotential och de synergieffekter som identifierats i samband med bolagens utökade samarbetsavtal, som tecknades i november 2020.ArcAroma och OptiFreeze har i olika omfattning samarbetat sedan grundandet av OptiFreeze 2011, där ArcAroma var en av grundarna till OptiFreeze. Sedan bolagens utökade samarbete inleddes i november 2020 har marknadsmöjligheter och synergier framstått som allt tydligare om bolagens resurser och tillväxtpotential kombineras. När fusionen är genomförd är målet att inleda processen för ett listbyte till Nasdaq Stockholm Small Cap.Storleken på det fusionerade...
Precipio Signs HemeScreen™ Deals with Two Leading Oncology Groups
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NEW HAVEN, Conn., Jan. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Specialty cancer diagnostics company Precipio, Inc. (NASDAQ: PRPO) has signed agreements with two of the largest oncology practices in the US, West Cancer Center of Memphis, TN; and New York Cancer & Blood Specialists of New York. During the coming weeks, both practices will be bringing Precipio’s HemeScreen technology in-house. The implementation of HemeScreen will enable these practices to significantly improve turnaround time for important molecular tests for diseases such as MPN (Myeloproliferative Neoplasms), CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia) and AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia), delivering better care to their cancer patients.Following the recent publication introducing HemeScreen to physician office laboratories (POLs) in ION’s Oncologists Magazine, the partnership with...
Ritter Insurance Marketing and HTA Financial Services Merge Medicare Wholesale Businesses
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HARRISBURG, Pa., Jan. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ritter Insurance Marketing (Ritter), a national leader in Medicare insurance contracts and sales technology, today announced a merger of HTA Financial Services (HTA) and Ritter’s wholesale Medicare business.Under the terms of the agreement, HTA, based in Exton, Pa., will continue to operate their retail Medicare, life, and long-term care businesses. Ritter will assume management of HTA’s wholesale Medicare business.The purchase strengthens Ritter’s Medicare sales footprint in southeastern Pennsylvania and the larger Mid-Atlantic region. As part of the merger, agents contracted to sell through HTA will receive access to Ritter’s expansive contract portfolio, industry-leading sales technology platform, and top-tier back-office support.“We believe Ritter’s established contract portfolio...
Plumas Bancorp Reports Record Quarterly Earnings
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QUINCY, Calif., Jan. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Plumas Bancorp (Nasdaq:PLBC), the parent company of Plumas Bank (the “Bank”), today announced record earnings for the fourth quarter of 2020 of $4.3 million, an increase of $0.4 million, or 10%, from $3.9 million for the three months ended December 31, 2019. Earnings per diluted share increased to $0.82 for the three months ended December 31, 2020, up $0.08 from $0.74 for the fourth quarter of 2019. For the year ended December 31, 2020, Plumas Bancorp (the “Company”) reported net income of $14.5 million, a decrease of $1.0 million, or 7%, from $15.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2019. Earnings per diluted share decreased to $2.77 for the year ended December 31, 2020, down $0.20 from $2.97 for 2019. Financial HighlightsDecember 31, 2020 compared to December 31, 2019Total...
Castor Maritime Inc. Announces Capesize Bulk Carrier Vessel Acquisition
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LIMASSOL, Cyprus, Jan. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Castor Maritime Inc. (NASDAQ: CTRM), (“Castor” or the “Company”), a global shipping company specializing in the ownership of dry bulk vessels, announces that it entered, through a separate wholly-owned subsidiary, into an agreement to purchase a 2006 Japan-built Capesize dry bulk carrier from an unaffiliated third-party seller for a purchase price of $17.5 million.The acquisition is expected to be consummated by taking delivery of the vessel sometime in the end of the first quarter or beginning of the second quarter of this year, after the completion of its scheduled dry docking and special survey that also includes the installation of a ballast water treatment system, and is subject to the satisfaction of certain customary closing conditions.Petros Panagiotidis, Chief Executive...
Disposable Medical Gloves Market to Reach USD 11.52 Billion by 2027; Increasing Demand from End-user Industries to Bolster Growth, says Fortune Business Insights™
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Pune, India, Jan. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global disposable medical gloves market size is projected to reach USD 11.52 billion by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of -0.19% during the forecast period. The market is expected to gain impetus from the increasing awareness about health and safety, especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Medical gloves or disposable gloves are used by medical practitioners during surgical or examining procedures.A recent report by Fortune Business Insights titled, “Disposable Medical Gloves Market Size, Share & COVID-19 Impact Analysis, By Application (Surgical and Examination), By Material (Latex and Synthetic), By Category (Powdered and Powder-free) End User (Hospitals & Clinics, Diagnostic/Pathology Labs, and Others), and Regional Forecast 2020-2027,” states that the market will hit USD 11.52...
Sickle Cell Disease Treatment Market to Exhibit a CAGR of 18.5% and Reach USD 7.71 Billion by 2027; FDA Approval for Emmaus’s Endari to Aid Development, states Fortune Business Insights™
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Pune, India, Jan. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global sickle cell disease treatment market size is expected to reach USD 7.71 billion in 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 18.5% during the forecast period. The unmet needs of patients and lack of novel therapies has resulted in research grants from governments, which, in turn, will promote the growth of the market, states Fortune Business Insights, in a report, titled “Sickle Cell Disease Treatment Market Size, Share & Covid-19 Impact Analysis, By Treatment Modality (Bone Marrow Transplant, Blood Transfusion, Pharmacotherapy (Hydroxyurea and Branded Drugs (Endari, Adakveo, Oxbryta, Zynteglo, CTX001, Mitapivat, and FT-4202))), By End User (Hospitals, Specialty Clinics, and Others), and Regional Forecast, 2020-2027.” The market size stood at USD 1.35 billion in 2019.The entire world...
Midwest Energy Emissions Corp. to Host Shareholder Update Call on January 27, 2021
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Company to Provide Update on Initial Success of Litigation Strategy with Four Major EntitiesCORSICANA, TX, Jan. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Midwest Energy Emissions Corp. (OTCQB: MEEC) (“ME2C” or the “Company”), a leading environmental technologies firm, today announced management has scheduled a shareholder update call at 11:30 AM ET on Wednesday, January 27, 2021.Richard MacPherson, President and CEO of ME2C, will provide an overview of the business model as well as an update on the initial successes of the patent litigation strategy and go-forward initiatives. The shareholder call will be accompanied by a presentation and followed by a question-and-answer session, which can be accessed via the webcast link or dial-in numbers below.To access the shareholder call, please use the following information:A telephone replay...