Day: January 20, 2021
CHICAGO, Jan. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — PureCircle und Almendra haben in einem Patentstreit in den USA über die Verwendung der Steviarome®-Produkte von Almendra einen gütlichen Vergleich geschlossen.Zum 31. Dezember 2020 haben PureCircle und Almendra das Verfahren freiwillig beigelegt und alle Forderungen und Gegenforderungen fallen gelassen.Im Rahmen des Vergleichs hat Almendra eine Lizenzvereinbarung mit PureCircle unterzeichnet, die Almendra dazu berechtigt, seine Steviarome®-Inhaltsstoffe weiterhin weltweit zu verkaufen. Alle anderen Bedingungen der Vereinbarung bleiben vertraulich.Anfragen:Jackson Pillow, PureCircle Communications ManagerE-Mail: Telefon: +1 (630) 256 8394Kimberly Hunter, CFO von AlmendraE-Mail: Kimberly.H@almendra.comTelefon: +1 (708) 926-5403Informationen zu PureCirclePureCircle...
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芝加哥, Jan. 21, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — PureCircle与Almendra在有关Almendra的Steviarome®产品及其使用的美国专利纠纷案中达成友好和解。截至2020年12月31日,PureCircle和Almendra自愿就该诉讼案达成和解,所有索赔和反索赔就此取消。作为和解协议的一部分,Almendra与PureCircle签署了许可协议,使Almendra可以继续在全球范围内销售其Steviarome®调味料。该协议的所有其他条款仍然保密。相关咨询:Jackson Pillow,PureCircle传播经理电子邮箱 电话:+1 (630) 256 8394Kimberly Hunter,Almendra首席财务官电子邮箱: Kimberly.H@almendra.com电话:+1 (708) 926-5403关于PureCirclePureCircle是全球饮料和食品行业中美味甜菊甜味剂和风味改良剂的领先生产商和创新者。PureCircle将实现先进研发与从农场到质量高、风味佳的创新甜菊成分垂直领域全面一体化相结合。该公司与种植其专有甜菊品种的农户以及寻求使用植物性非转基因成分改善其低热量和无热量配方的食品和饮料公司合作。若需了解更多信息,请访问。关于AlmendraAlmendra是一家私有天然甜味剂和调味料公司,致力于满足食品和饮料行业对天然、“清洁标签”解决方案的需求。该公司的团队合作、创新、知识产权和专有技术使其能够开发行业领先的甜味解决方案,并提供具有可调节特性的调味品,解决低糖食品和饮料复杂的口味挑战。Almendra总部位于新加坡,其产品在泰国制造,面向全球客户销售。有关Almendra的更多信息,请访问
PureCircle e Almendra resolvem o litígio de patentes nos EUA
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CHICAGO, Jan. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A PureCircle e a Almendra chegaram a um acordo amigável em uma disputa de patentes nos Estados Unidos relacionada aos produtos Steviarome® da Almendra e ao uso deles.Em 31 de dezembro de 2020, a PureCircle e a Almendra resolveram voluntariamente o litígio com todas as reivindicações e reconvenções sendo posteriormente rejeitadas.Como parte do acordo, a Almendra assinou um contrato de licença com a PureCircle, que permite que a Almendra continue vendendo seus ingredientes aromatizantes Steviarome® em todo o mundo. Todos os outros termos do acordo permanecem confidenciais.Informações:Jackson Pillow, Gerente de Comunicações da PureCircleEmail: Jackson.Pillow@purecircle.comTelefone: +1 (630) 256 8394Kimberly Hunter, Almendra CFOEmail: Kimberly.H@almendra.comTelefone: +1 (708) 926-5403Sobre a...
PureCircle y Almendra resuelven litigio de patentes en Estados Unidos
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CHICAGO, Jan. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — PureCircle y Almendra llegaron a un acuerdo amigable en una disputa de patentes en Estados Unidos relacionada con productos Steviarome® de Almendra y su uso.Al 31 de diciembre de 2020, PureCircle y Almendra resolvieron de forma voluntaria el litigio con todas las reclamaciones y contrademandas posteriormente desestimadas.Como parte del acuerdo, Almendra firmó un acuerdo de licencia con PureCircle, que permite a Almendra continuar la venta de sus ingredientes saborizantes Steviarome® en todo el mundo. Todos los demás términos del acuerdo se mantienen confidenciales.Preguntas:Jackson Pillow, gerente de comunicaciones de PureCircleEmail: Jackson.Pillow@purecircle.comTeléfono: +1 (630) 256 8394Kimberly Hunter, director financiero de AlmendraEmail: Kimberly.H@almendra.comTeléfono: +1 (708) 926...
Lamar Advertising Announces Tax Reporting Information For 2020 Distributions on Common Stock
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BATON ROUGE, La., Jan. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lamar Advertising Company (“Lamar”) (Nasdaq: LAMR) today announced certain year-end federal income tax reporting information for its 2020 distributions on its Class A and Class B common stock (“Common Stock”).The following tables summarize, for federal income tax purposes, the nature of distributions paid to holders of Lamar Common Stock, presented on a per share basis, during the calendar year ended December 31, 2020. Stockholders are encouraged to consult with their tax advisors as to the specific tax treatment of Lamar’s 2020 distributions.About Lamar Advertising CompanyFounded in 1902, Lamar Advertising Company is one of the largest outdoor advertising companies in North America, with more than 357,500 displays across the United States and Canada. Lamar offers advertisers a...
Automotive Finco Corp. Announces February 2021 Cash Dividend
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Not for distribution to United States newswire services or for dissemination in the United States. This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any of the securities in the United States.TORONTO, Jan. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Automotive Finco Corp. (TSX-V: AFCC) (the “Company”) is pleased to announce a cash dividend of $0.0171/common share ($0.205/common share on an annual basis) to be paid on February 26, 2021 to the shareholders of record as of January 29, 2021. The dividend is an eligible dividend.The declaration, amount and payment of future cash dividends are subject to the board of directors’ continuing determination that the payment of dividends are in the best interests of the Company, its shareholders and are in compliance with all laws and agreements of the Company applicable...
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Chicago, IL, Jan. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FOMO CORP. (US OTC: ETFM) is pleased to announce that a Strategic Alignment Agreement has been signed between its wholly owned subsidiary, Purge Virus, LLC (PV) and AGILE Technologies Group, LLC (AGILE), a provider of highly accurate, FDA approved point-of-care rapid COVID-19 testing, technology-based screening, contact tracing, and COVID-19 safety solutions. A description of AGILE’s current offerings is provided at, and PV’s germicidal disinfection technology offerings are provided here: Agreement between PV and AGILE, effective for 2021, includes reciprocal business referrals with AGILE focusing on an integrated solution for on-site rapid COVID-19 testing and disinfection technology, and PV focusing on supplying the most appropriate...
Extraction Oil & Gas Completes Financial Restructuring
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Company Achieves $1.3 Billion Reduction in Funded Debt and Preferred Equity; Names New Board and Leadership; Commences Trading on NASDAQ Under “XOG” on January 20, 2021Extraction to embrace new E&P business and governance modelDENVER, Jan. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Extraction Oil & Gas, Inc. (NASDAQ: XOG) (“Extraction” or the “Company”) today announced it has successfully completed its financial restructuring process and emerged from Chapter 11. The Company officially concluded its reorganization after completing all required actions and satisfying the remaining conditions of its Plan of Reorganization (the “Plan”).Extraction also announced the appointments of Tom Tyree as the Company’s new Chief Executive Officer, Matt Owens as President and Chief Operating Officer and Marianella Foschi as Chief Financial Officer. Pursuant...
PHOTO RELEASE — Stephanie L. O’Sullivan Joins Huntington Ingalls Industries’ Board of Directors
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NEWPORT NEWS, Va., Jan. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Huntington Ingalls Industries (NYSE:HII) announced today that Stephanie L. O’Sullivan has been elected to its Board of Directors, effective Friday, Jan. 15.O’Sullivan has been a business consultant since 2017. Prior to that, she served as principal deputy director of the Office of National Intelligence (PPDNI), having been appointed in 2011. As PDDNI she worked to assist the director of national intelligence in the management of the day-to-day operations of the intelligence community“We are very pleased to welcome Stephanie to the board of HII,” Chairman of the Board Kirk Donald said. “She is a proven leader in the nation’s intelligence community, bringing more than 25 years of national security experience to HII. Her deep understanding of the technologies used by the intelligence...
WillScot Mobile Mini Holdings to Participate in the Barclays Industrial Select Conference
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PHOENIX, Jan. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WillScot Mobile Mini Holdings Corp. (“WillScot Mobile Mini Holdings” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: WSC), a North American leader in turnkey modular space and portable storage solutions, today announced that Brad Soultz, Chief Executive Officer, and Tim Boswell, Chief Financial Officer, will present and host virtual private meetings during the Barclays Industrial Select Conference on Tuesday, February 16, 2021. The presentation will take place at 12:10 p.m. EST. The meetings will be held by appointment only.About WillScot Mobile Mini HoldingsWillScot Mobile Mini Holdings trades on the Nasdaq stock exchange under the ticker symbol “WSC”. Based in Phoenix, Arizona, WillScot Mobile Mini Holdings is a North American leader in turnkey modular space and portable storage solutions. It was formed in...