Day: January 20, 2021
The European Patent Office has granted SSH Communications Security Corporation a further patent for PrivX® technologyHelsinki, Finland – January 20, 2021 – The European Patent Office (EPO) has granted SSH patent number EP 3495976 on the use of virtual smart cards in temporary certificate-based passwordless access such as the SSH PrivX technology.Passwords are a hassle to use, and they present significant security risks for users and organizations of all sizes, with an average of one in every 250 corporate accounts compromised each month. The World Economic Forum (WEF) estimates that cybercrime costs the global economy $2.9 million every minute, with roughly 80 percent of those attacks directed at passwords. Furthermore, password management is very costly: according to the analyst firm Gartner, up to 20 to 50 percent of all help desk calls...
LEHDISTÖTIEDOTE: Euroopan patenttivirasto myöntänyt SSH Communications Security Oyj:lle PrivX®-teknologiaa koskevan lisäpatentin
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Euroopan patenttivirasto myöntänyt SSH Communications Security Oyj:lle PrivX®-teknologiaa koskevan lisäpatentinHelsinki – 20.01.2021 – Euroopan patenttivirasto (EPO) on myöntänyt SSH:lle patentin EP 3495976, joka kattaa SSH:n PrivX-teknologian mahdollistaman virtuaalisten älykorttien käytön lyhytkestoisten sertifikaattien kanssa salasanattomaan pääsynhallintaan.Salasanojen käyttö on hankalaa ja ne ovat merkittävä tietoturvariski käyttäjille ja kaiken kokoisille organisaatioille: tutkimusten mukaan yksi yritystili 250:stä vaarantuu joka kuussa. World Economic Forum (WEF) arvio, että kyberrikollisuuden aiheuttamat kustannukset maailmantaloudelle ovat noin 2,9 miljoonaa USD joka minuutti, ja että 80 % hyökkäyksistä kohdistuu juuri salasanoihin. Salasanojen hallitseminen on myös kallista: tutkimusyritys Gartnerin mukaan jopa 20–50 % kaikista...
Insiderköp av aktier inom koncernledningen i Northbaze Group AB (publ)
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Generellt pressmeddelande 2021-01-20Northbaze Group’s affärsområdesansvarige för den nordiska konsumentförsäljningen, Christopher Danielsson, har förvärvat 175 500 aktier den 2020-01-18 till ett värde om 1.0223 SEK per aktie på handelsplatsen Nasdaq First North Growth Market.Christopher Danielsson ingår i Northbaze Group’s koncernledning och äger efter köpet totalt 255 428 aktier samt 291 667 teckningsoptioner i bolaget.Göteborg den 20:e januari 2021.För mer information, vänligen kontakta: Henrik Andersson, verkställande direktörMobil: +46 761 99 35 55E-mail: henrik.andersson@northbazegroup.comOm Northbaze Group ABNorthbaze Group grundades 2006 med en vision att alla skall ha möjlighet att uppleva bra ljud och sofistikerad design. Koncernen utvecklar, producerar och marknadsför idag egna varumärken och produkter inom ”Audio & Sound”...
Finanskalender for 2021 for Investeringsforeningen Sydinvest
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(Selskabsmeddelelse 04/2021)Foreningens bestyrelse har godkendt følgende datoer:25. februar 2021 Offentliggørelse af regnskabsmeddelelse og årsrapport for 202026. marts 2021 Afholdelse af ordinær generalforsamling16. august 2021 Offentliggørelse af regnskabsmeddelelse og halvårsrapport for 2021 Meddelelser og rapporter kan ses på foreningens hjemmeside efter offentliggørelse.Venlig hilsenSyd Fund Management A/STlf. 74 37 33 00
Grieg Seafood ASA: Grieg Seafood enters joint venture for post-smolt and land-based salmon farming
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The move makes Grieg Seafood the first global salmon producer to invest in land-based salmon farming.The joint venture Årdal Aqua will produce at least 3 000 tonnes of post-smolt annually and grow fish all the way to harvest size in a new land-based facility in Rogaland in Southern Norway. Grieg Seafood owns one third of the company.“We are working hard to improve biology and fish welfare, and to reduce our impact. For a long time, we have invested in post-smolt, where we keep the fish longer on land before we release it into the sea, as an important part of the solution. With Årdal Aqua we will be able to develop this farming method further. We aim for all of our fish in Rogaland to spend less than one year in the sea,” says Andreas Kvame, CEO of Grieg Seafood and Chair of Årdal Aqua.Land-based production to complement ocean farmingThe...
Reliq Health Technologies, Inc. Announces Launch of Multilingual Interactive Voice Recognition and New Contract in Maryland
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HAMILTON, Ontario, Jan. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Reliq Health Technologies Inc. (TSXV:RHT or OTC:RQHTF or WKN:A2AJTB) (“Reliq” or the “Company”), a rapidly growing global telemedicine company that develops innovative Virtual Care solutions for the multi-billion dollar Healthcare market, today announced the launch of its new multilingual Interactive Voice Recognition product, iUGO Care IVR, and a new contract with a physician practice in Maryland to use iUGO Care IVR with both their English- and Russian-speaking patients.“We have incorporated Interactive Voice Recognition (IVR) in the iUGO Care platform to support patients who are using their own, non-connected monitoring devices, have cellular or internet connectivity challenges or simply prefer an automated daily phone call in the language of their choice as a reminder to collect...
Regarding the notification of the Board of AB SNAIGĖ about the intention to delist the Company’s shares from trading on the regulated market of AB Nasdaq Vilnius and to no longer offer the shares to the public
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The share price indicated in the Board announcement is weighted average price of the last 6 months, which had to be specified in accordance with the Law on Securities (Article 29 (1) (1p)). The price of the Official tender offer due to delisting of the company is not set yet. It will be set not by the Company, but by the shareholders who will vote in favor of the decision in general meeting of shareholders on February 11 2021.The company itself (if the necessary decisions are adopted at the meeting of shareholders) will not sell or buy its shares during the official tender offer, nor will set offer price, but will only inform the public about the decisions made in accordance with the legal acts. To the Company’s knowledge, the major shareholder does not plan to announce a mandatory redemption of shares, therefore its minority...
Dėl AB SNAIGĖ valdybos pranešimo apie ketinimą išbraukti Bendrovės akcijas iš prekybos reguliuojamoje rinkoje AB Nasdaq Vilnius ir nebesiūlyti akcijų viešai
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Valdybos pranešime esanti bendrovės akcijų kaina yra vidutinė svertinė 6 paskutinių mėnesių kaina, kuri turi būti nurodyta remiantis Vertybinių popierių įstatymu (29 str. 1 d. 1p). Oficialaus siūlymo, kuriuo siekiama išbraukti bendrovės akcijas iš prekybos reguliuojamoje rinkoje kaina šiuo metu nėra aiški ir bus nustatyta ne bendrovės, bet akcininkų, kurie balsuos už atitinkamą sprendimą 2021 m. vasario 11 d. šaukiamame bendrovės visuotiniame akcininkų susirinkime.Pati bendrovė (jei Susirinkime būtų priimti reikiami sprendimai) savo akcijų oficialaus siūlymo metu neparduos ir nesupirks, taip pat nenustatys jų kainos, o viso proceso metu tik informuos visuomenę apie priimtus sprendimus teisės aktų numatyta tvarka. Bendrovės žiniomis, pagrindinis akcininkas neplanuoja skelbti privalomo akcijų išpirkimo, todėl smulkieji jos akcininkai...
Alstom SA: Alstom wins major signalling & telecommunication systems contract for rapid rail line between Delhi and Meerut
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20 January 2020 – Alstom has won a contract1 worth €106 million from the National Capital Region Transport Corporation Ltd. (NCRTC) to design, supply and install the signalling, train control and telecommunication system (Package 24) of the 82.15 km Delhi – Ghaziabad – Meerut Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) Corridor. NCRTC is a joint venture between the Government of India and States of Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. It is implementing RRTS, a first-of-its-kind semi-high-speed rail line which will reduce the journey time between Delhi and Meerut to just 60 minutes, compared to the current 90-100 minutes, and with a maximum speed of 160 km/h.Alstom’s scope of work includes design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning...
ALSTOM SA: Alstom remporte un important contrat de signalisation et télécommunication pour la ligne rapide Delhi – Meerut
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20 janvier 2020 – Alstom vient de remporter un contrat1 d’une valeur de 106 millions € auprès de National Capital Region Transport Corporation Ltd. (NCRTC) pour concevoir, fournir et installer le système de signalisation, de télécommunication et de contrôle des trains (Lot 24) du corridor RRTS (Regional Rapid Transit System) Delhi – Ghaziabad – Meerut de 82,15 km. La NCRTC est une coentreprise entre le Gouvernement de l’Inde et les États de Delhi, de Haryana, du Rajasthan et de l’Uttar Pradesh. Elle met en œuvre le RRTS, la toute première ligne à semi-grande vitesse qui ramènera le temps de trajet entre Delhi et Meerut à tout juste 60 minutes, contre 90-100 minutes actuellement, avec une vitesse maximale de 160 km/h.Alstom est chargé de la conception, de la fourniture, de l’installation, des essais et de la mise en service...