Day: January 20, 2021
WORLDLINE SASociété AnonymeSiège social : River Ouest – 80 Quai Voltaire – 95870 BEZONS323 623 603 RCS PONTOISEBilan semestriel du contrat de liquidité de la société Worldline SA au 31 décembre 2020Bezons, le 20 janvier 2021 – Au titre du contrat de liquidité confié par la société Worldline SA à Rothschild Martin Maurel, à la date du 31 décembre 2020, les moyens suivants figuraient au compte de liquidité :0 Titre5 269 028,00 €Il est rappelé qu’au 30 juin 2020, les moyens suivants figuraient au compte de liquidité :4 000 Titres4 962 650,00 €ContactsPour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter :Laurent Marie+33 7 84 50 18 90laurent.marie@ingenico.comBenoit d’Amécourt+33 6 75 51 41 47benoit.damecourt@worldline.comA propos de WorldlineWorldline [Euronext : WLN] est le leader du marché européen dans le secteur des services de paiement...
Nokia and Mobily pilot world’s first 4G and 5G Fixed Wireless Access network slicing
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Press ReleaseNokia and Mobily pilot world’s first 4G and 5G Fixed Wireless Access network slicing First-ever network slicing trial on a live commercial network showcases fixed wireless access (FWA) slicing use case for the first timeThe pilot will enable new services and high-quality customer experience to consumers and enterprises in Saudi ArabiaNokia is first vendor to deploy 4G and 5G network slicing in live multi-vendor network across all domains, including access, transport and core20 January 2021Espoo, Finland – Nokia today announced that it has successfully piloted 4G and 5G fixed wireless access (FWA) network slicing with Saudi Arabian telecommunications services provider, Mobily on their live commercial network – the first sliced FWA deployment in the world. The ongoing pilot, which took place in the capital city of Riyadh,...
نوكيا وموبايلي تجريان أول تجربة عالمية على تقنية التقسيم الإفتراضي للشكبة (Network Slicing) بهدف تمكين الوصول اللاسلكي الثابت (Fixed Wireless Access) على شبكات 4G و5G
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بيان صحفينوكيا وموبايلي تجريان أول تجربة عالمية على تقنية التقسيم الإفتراضي للشكبة (Network Slicing) بهدف تمكين الوصول اللاسلكي الثابت (Fixed Wireless Access) على شبكات 4G و5Gتُعد هذه التجربة لتقسيم الشبكة الإفتراضي (Network Slicing) إلى عدة شرائح خدماتية (Service Slices) الأولى من نوعها على شبكة تجارية لتوفير خدمات الانترنت اللاسلكي الثابت (Fixed Wireless Access) عن طريق شبكة الجيل الرابع والجيل الخامسالتجربة ستمكن موبايلي من توفير خدمات جديدة ومنح عملائها من الأفراد والمؤسسات فرصة التمتع بتجربة عالية الجودة في المملكة العربية السعوديةنوكيا هي أول شركة في مجال الاتصالات توفر تقنية تقسيم الشبكة افتراضياً إلى عدة شرائح خدماتية، لخلق شبكات فرعية افتراضية متعددة ذات إستخدامات مختلفة، كخدمة FWA وخدمة انترنت الأشياء (Internet of Things – IoT)20 يناير 2021مإسبو، فنلندا – أعلنت نوكيا اليوم عن نجاحها في تجربة تجزئة شبكة الاتصال اللاسلكي الثابت...
Result of the auction of 0.00 per cent DGB 2031
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Bids, sales, cut-off price, pro rata and yield are presented in the table below: Settlement: 22 January 2021
Resultat af auktion over 0,00 pct. Danske Stat 2031
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Bud, salg, skæringspris, pro rata og effektiv rente fremgår af nedenstående oversigt: Salget bliver afviklet den 22. januar 2021.
Borregaard ASA: Invitation to Q4 2020 announcement
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20 January 2021: Borregaard ASA (”Borregaard”, OSE ticker: BRG)Presentation of Q4 2020 resultsBorregaard will report fourth quarter 2020 results on Wednesday 3 February 2021 at 07:00 CET. A stock exchange announcement will be made. A press release, the quarterly report and a presentation will be made available on Investor ( presentation will be held at 08:00 CET and can be followed live on web-TV at Investor ( presentations will be held in English.For more information about Borregaard ASA, please visit Borregaard.Contact:Lotte Kvinlaug, Investor Relations Officer, +47 922 86 909This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5 -12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Kinnevik’s Deputy Chairman Henrik Poulsen will not be available for re-election
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Kinnevik AB (publ) (“Kinnevik”) today announced that the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, Henrik Poulsen, has informed the Nomination Committee that he will not be available for re-election at the Annual General Meeting in 2021.The Chairman of the Nomination Committee, Anders Oscarsson, commented:“On behalf of the shareholders I would like to thank Henrik for his dedicated work in the Kinnevik board. The nomination committee looks forward to presenting its full proposal of the new board well ahead of the Annual General Meeting.” For further information, visit or contact:Torun Litzén, Director Investor RelationsPhone +46 (0)70 762 00 50Email press@kinnevik.comKinnevik is an industry focused investment company with an entrepreneurial spirit. Our purpose is to make people’s lives better by providing more...
Kinneviks vice ordförande Henrik Poulsen ställer inte upp för omval
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Kinnevik AB (publ) (“Kinnevik”) meddelade idag att styrelsens vice ordförande Henrik Poulsen har meddelat valberedningen att han inte ställer upp för omval vid årsstämman 2021.Anders Oscarsson, ordförande i valberedningen, kommenterade: ”Å aktieägarnas vägnar vill jag framföra vårt tack till Henrik Poulsen för hans värdefulla arbete i Kinneviks styrelse. Valberedningen ser fram emot att presentera sitt fullständiga förslag till ny styrelse i god tid innan årsstämman.”För ytterligare information, besök eller kontakta:Torun Litzén, Informations- och IR-chefTelefon +46 (0)70 762 00 50Email press@kinnevik.comKinnevik är ett sektorfokuserat investmentbolag som brinner för entreprenörskap. Vårt syfte är att förbättra människors liv genom att erbjuda fler och bättre valmöjligheter. Tillsammans med drivna grundare och företagsledare...
Relay Medical and Fio Corporation Announce Launch of High-Throughput COVID-19 ‘Mobile Testing Toolkit’ Capable of Processing 100 Tests Per Hour
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Relay & Fio announce the launch of Fionet’s mobile, high-throughput COVID-19 rapid testing solution, for on-site rapid testing in high-volume settingsFionet’s high-throughput modular configuration is capable of processing up to 100 COVID-19 rapid antigen tests per hour with only 2 Fionet devices and 2 personnel, and can easily be scaled into the 1000s per hour with additional devices & personnelThe solution is well positioned to support the growing demand for high-volume testing solutions for airports, sports & entertainment events, workplaces, schools, etc.This solution is designed to turn around tests in as little as 20 minutes and requires a small physical footprint to allow processing at the point of sample collectionA growing body of research demonstrating the feasibility of using rapid antigen tests in airports including...
Finanskalender for 2021 for Værdipapirfonden Sydinvest
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(selskabsmeddelelse 04/2021)Foreningens bestyrelse har godkendt følgende datoer:25. februar 2021 Offentliggørelse af regnskabsmeddelelse og årsrapport for 202016. august 2021 Offentliggørelse af regnskabsmeddelelse og halvårsrapport for 2021 Meddelelser og rapporter kan ses på foreningens hjemmeside efter offentliggørelse.Venlig hilsenSyd Fund Management A/STlf. 74 37 33 00