Day: January 20, 2021
SAN DIEGO, Jan. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BIONANO GENOMICS, INC. (Nasdaq: BNGO), announced today the pricing of its previously announced underwritten public offering of 33,333,350 shares of its common stock at a price to the public of $6.00 per share. The gross proceeds to Bionano from the offering, before deducting underwriting discounts and commissions and estimated offering expenses, are expected to be approximately $200 million. In addition, Bionano has granted the underwriters a 30-day option to purchase up to an additional 5,000,002 shares of common stock at the public offering price, less underwriting discounts and commissions, to cover over-allotments, if any. All of the shares in the offering are to be sold by Bionano. The offering is expected to close on January 22, 2021, subject to customary closing conditions.Oppenheimer...
Compass Identifies a Wide Zone of Gold Mineralization Over 1.1-km Within the 10-km Tarabala Trend
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TORONTO, Jan. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Compass Gold Corp. (TSX-V: CVB) (Compass or the Company) is pleased to provide an update on the recently completed drilling at the Tarabala and Samagouela prospects, located on the Company’s Sikasso Property in Southern Mali (Figure 1).HighlightsDrilling at Tarabala identifies a pronounced, broad, shallow gold target, associated with a shear zone, extending at least 1.1-kilometresHigher-grade mineralized zones intercepted within wide zones of low-grade mineralization; remains open down dipBest interval: 5 m at 2.86 g/t Au (from 8 m), including 1 m @ 12.50 g/t Au (from 9m)Preparing immediate further drilling at Tarabala and initial drilling on other prospects on the Tarabala TrendLatest drilling along 1.7 km portion of 10 km Samagouela Trend confirms wide zones of quartz veiningCompass to...
Bragg Gaming Closes Earn-out Conversion
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TORONTO, Jan. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bragg Gaming Group (TSXV: BRAG, OTC: BRGGF) (“Bragg” or the “Company“) announces today that, further to its news releases of September 30, 2020, November 7, 2020, and November 18, 2020, it has satisfied its earn-out payment obligations owed to K.A.V.O. Holdings Limited, as vendor (the “KAVO“).“We’re pleased that Matevž has demonstrated such strong conviction in Bragg’s future,” said Adam Arviv, CEO of Bragg Gaming. “His unparalleled knowledge of gaming technology and content will be invaluable to Bragg as we continue our global expansion.”“I’m excited to continue to play a role in Bragg’s growth,” said Mr. Mazij. “With our market-leading technology and strong pipeline, I’m confident that the Company is on track to be a leader in the rapidly expanding global...
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Gaithersburg, MD, Jan. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — mPhase Technologies, Inc. (OTC Pink: XDSL) (“mPhase” or the “Company”) reported financial results for its fiscal 2021 first quarter, which ended September 30, 2020. The first quarter of fiscal 2021 financial results achieved the Company’s third consecutive profitable quarter. In conjunction with this release, the Company is also providing additional operational developments.For fiscal Q1 2021, management is noting the following items of importance:Revenue remained steady at $7.6 million, a continuation of the recurring revenue trend in recent quarters and in line with the $7.6 million reported in fiscal Q1 2020;Gross profit margin of 25.9% was 130 basis points higher than the 24.6% reported in fiscal Q1 2020;Operating income of $1.2 million achieved the Company’s third consecutive...
Relevium Reports Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2020 Results
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MONTREAL, Jan. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Relevium Technologies Inc. (TSX.V:“RLV”, OTCQB:“RLLVF” and Frankfurt: “6BX”) (the “Company” or “Relevium”), is pleased to report the completion of the financial audit for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020.The Company’s overall performance for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020 was influenced primarily by the impact of the Covid-19 global pandemic starting in the third quarter, and secondarily, by major changes to our spend and product mix, both implemented during the second quarter of the reporting period.Covid-19 had an initial impact on the Company in the six months ended June 30, 2020 and the Company experienced a significant decrease in revenues from all our major online marketplaces totalling 18% as compared to the previous year.The overall effect of the pandemic on the Company’s...
Get The Best Pre Paid Funeral Plans At Reynolds Financial
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Reynolds Financial ( offers a wide range of pre paid funeral plans packages for those looking at planning their funerals. With our over 20 years of service, everyone can be guaranteed that they are entrusting the right people with their future.
This company offer flexible funeral plan packages that match a variety of budgets and preferences. All their plans can be paid in a lump sum or via monthly instalments, depending on the client’s financial status. They extend their services to everyone, whether young or old, who wants to save their families from the hassle of arranging funerals. With Reynolds Financial’s help, clients can protect themselves from the rapid inflation in the UK as their plans are locked in at a lower price of around £4,000 to £12,000. However, take note that these price ranges may change...
Published Data Demonstrate Sexual Function Improvement and Preservation with the Minimally Invasive UroLift® System Compared to Medications Prescribed for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
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WAYNE, Pa., Jan. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Teleflex Incorporated (NYSE: TFX) announced today that new data published in the peer-reviewed journal, European Urology Focus, found that men treated with the Prostatic Urethral Lift (PUL) procedure (using the UroLift® System) showed preservation and some improvement of sexual function compared to men being treated with medication for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).The comparative analysis “Prostatic Urethral Lift vs. Medical Therapy: Examining the Impact on Sexual Function in Men with BPH,” is the first study to longitudinally compare sexual function outcomes between major PUL studies1-4 and data from the Medical Therapy of Prostatic Symptoms (MTOPS) trial. Treatment-related changes in sexual function were reported by validated patient questionnaires. In this comparison, researchers...
Radisson intersects 14.90 g/t over 8.00 m, 41.04 g/t Au over 2.30 m and 5.73 g/t over 9.20 m highlighting resource expansion potential to the east and west of the first trend at the O’Brien project
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ROUYN-NORANDA, Quebec, Jan. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Radisson Mining Resources Inc. (TSX-V: RDS, OTC: RMRDF): (“Radisson” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce significant high-grade gold intercepts from the ongoing exploration drill program at its 100% owned O’Brien gold project located along the Larder-Lake-Cadillac Break (see location map 1 and location map 2), halfway between Rouyn-Noranda and Val-d’Or in Quebec, Canada.Drilling has continued to validate the 2019 litho-structural model (announced in February 2019) while demonstrating the potential for resource growth at depth and along strike. Drilling so far has been focused on an approximately 1 km strike length to the east of the old O’Brien Mine, historically considered the highest-grade gold mine in Quebec (production of 587,121 oz Au grading 15.25 g/t from...
Radisson recoupe 14,90 g/t Au sur 8,00 m, 41,04 g/t Au sur 2,30 m et 5.73 g/t Au sur 9.20 m démontrant le potentiel d’expansion des ressources à l’est et l’ouest du premier vecteur d’enrichissement au projet O’Brien
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ROUYN-NORANDA, Québec, 20 janv. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ressources minières Radisson Inc. (TSXV: RDS) (« Radisson » ou la « Société ») est heureuse d’annoncer aujourd’hui des résultats significatifs à hautes teneurs en or de la campagne de forage d’exploration en cours au projet aurifère O’Brien. Le projet O’Brien se situe le long de la faille Larder-Lake-Cadillac, à mi-chemin entre les deux villes de Rouyn-Noranda et Val-d’Or au Québec. (Voir figure 1 and figure 2)À ce jour, les forages continuent de valider le modèle litho-structural publié en février 2019, tout en démontrant le potentiel d’expansion des ressources en profondeur et latéralement au projet O’Brien. Les efforts d’exploration se sont limités à environ 1 km à l’est de l’ancienne mine O’Brien, historiquement reconnue comme l’ancienne mine d’or la plus riche au Québec...
Global WholeHealth Partners Corp (GWHP-OTC) to Announce that the Antibody Test Kits Offered by Global Can Detect the Mutated COVID-19 Strain
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Global’s Antibody Test Can Detect the New CoViD 19 SARS 2 StrainSAN CLEMENTE, CA, Jan. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — Charles Strongo, CEO of Global WholeHealth Partners Corp (GWHP-OTC), comments on regarding the potential of 500,000 deaths by mid-February, as stated by the incoming director of the Centers for Disease Control. Mr. Strongo states that “the statement about the death toll reaching 500,000 is staggering, and it is our responsibility to be tested and to follow the rules of the CDC. We must keep testing, wearing masks and following the rules of social distancing, as directed by the CDC. We can defeat this virus. We must not take it lightly. It has killed thousands.”The market is growing because of the outbreak...