Day: January 18, 2021
TORONTO, Jan. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — GameSquare Esports Inc. (CSE: GSQ; FRA: 29Q1) (“GameSquare”, “GameSquare Esports” or the “Company”), an international esports company, is pleased to announce that Jan Neumeister has joined GameSquare Esports as its new Head of European Operations. Mr. Neumeister, who has nearly two decades of experience in media, digital marketing and the monetization of assets, has been at the forefront of a content revolution and has guided brands, platforms, and talent through the complexity of new media in esports, sports and entertainment. Mr. Neumeister will be tasked with driving organic revenue growth in the European Union and identifying cross-selling opportunities with the Company’s North American operations.“I am extremely excited that we are attracting experienced professionals like Jan to the...
H2O Innovation Builds Momentum, Signing $3.2 M in New Industrial and Wastewater Contracts
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QUEBEC CITY, Jan. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — (TSXV: HEO) – H2O Innovation Inc. (“H2O Innovation” or the “Corporation”) is proud to announce it was awarded the engineering contract on a capital equipment project for the largest electric vehicle manufacturer in the US, as well as four new municipal and industrial capital equipment projects. These new contracts, totaling $3.2 M, will bring the Corporation’s Water Technologies & Services (“WTS”) sales backlog to $37.1 M.“Our WTS business has been very active, and their efforts are highlighted by the recent wave of projects we have captured, keeping our WTS backlog very healthy. With our business model, the projects we execute often also lead to opportunities for our other business units down the line”, stated Frédéric Dugré, President and Chief Executive Officer of H2O Innovation.The...
H2O Innovation poursuit sa lancée en signant 3,2 M $ de nouveaux contrats industriels et d’eaux usées
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QUÉBEC, 18 janv. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — (TSXV : HEO) – H2O Innovation inc. (« H2O Innovation » ou la « Société ») est heureuse d’annoncer qu’elle a remporté la partie d’ingénierie pour le plus grand fabricant de véhicules électriques aux États-Unis ainsi que quatre nouveaux projets municipaux et industriels. Ces nouveaux contrats, d’une valeur totale de 3,2 M $, porteront le carnet de commandes de Technologies de traitement d’eau et Services (« WTS ») de la Société à 37.1 M $.« Notre ligne d’affaires WTS a été très active récemment et leurs efforts sont soulignés par la récente vague de projets que nous avons remportés, conservant notre carnet de commandes WTS très équilibré. Avec notre modèle d’affaires, les projets que nous exécutons mènent souvent aussi à des opportunités en cours de route pour nos autres lignes d’affaires...
Udbetaling af udbytte vedrørende regnskabsåret 2020 for afdelinger i Investeringsforeningen Jyske Invest
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Foreningens bestyrelse har besluttet at udbetale de forventede udbyttesatser vedrørende regnskabsåret 2020 for 12 af foreningens børsnoterede udloddende afdelinger.De forventede udbyttesatser vedrørende regnskabsåret 2020 for fire børsnoterede udloddende afdelinger udbetales senest umiddelbart efter godkendelse på foreningens ordinære generalforsamling den 24. marts 2021.Se også vedhæftede meddelelse. Henvendelser kan ske til Senior Director Finn Beck, tlf. 89 89 25 00.Vedhæftet fil02 – 2021 01 18 Udbetaling af udbytte for regnskabsåret 2020 i Jyske Invest
Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj: SPX Flow Technology Germany GmbH to commence redemption proceedings in respect of the remaining Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj’s minority shares
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Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj Stock Exchange Release 18 January 2021 at 03:00 p.m. EETNOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN OR INTO, CANADA, JAPAN, AUSTRALIA, SOUTH AFRICA, NEW ZEALAND OR HONG KONG OR IN ANY OTHER JURISDICTION IN WHICH THE TENDER OFFER WOULD BE PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE SEE SECTION “IMPORTANT INFORMATION” BELOW.SPX Flow Technology Germany GmbH to commence redemption proceedings in respect of the remaining Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj’s minority sharesSPX Flow Technology Germany GmbH (the “Offeror“), a German limited liability company indirectly wholly owned by SPX FLOW, Inc., (“SPX FLOW“), a corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware in the United States, has announced on 15...
Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj: SPX Flow Technology Germany GmbH aloittaa lunastusmenettelyn koskien Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj:n jäljellä olevia vähemmistöosakkeita
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Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj Pörssitiedote 18.1.2021 klo 15:00 EETEI JULKISTETTAVAKSI TAI LEVITETTÄVÄKSI, KOKONAAN TAI OSITTAIN, SUORAAN TAI VÄLILLISESTI KANADASSA, JAPANISSA, AUSTRALIASSA, ETELÄ-AFRIKASSA, UUDESSA-SEELANNISSA TAI HONGKONGISSA TAI MILLÄÄN MUULLA ALUEELLA MISSÄ OSTOTARJOUS OLISI SOVELLETTAVAN LAIN VASTAINEN. KATSO LISÄTIETOJA ALLA KOHDASTA “TÄRKEITÄ TIETOJA”.SPX Flow Technology Germany GmbH aloittaa lunastusmenettelyn koskien Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj:n jäljellä olevia vähemmistöosakkeitaSPX Flow Technology Germany GmbH (“Tarjouksentekijä“), Yhdysvaltain Delawaren osavaltiossa perustetun osakeyhtiön SPX FLOW, Inc.:in (“SPX FLOW“) välillisesti kokonaan omistama saksalainen osakeyhtiö on 15.1.2021 tiedottanut, että se toteuttaa julkisen ostotarjouksen Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj (“UTG“)...
Porch Group to Present at the Northland Capital Markets SPAC Conference on Tuesday, January 19, 2021
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SEATTLE, Jan. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Porch Group, Inc. (“Porch” or “the Company”) (NASDAQ: PRCH), a leading vertical software company reinventing the home services industry, has been invited to present at the Northland Capital Markets SPAC Conference being held virtually on January 19-20, 2021.Porch management is scheduled to present on Tuesday, January 19 at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time, with one-on-one meetings to be held throughout the day. The company’s presentation will be webcast live and available for replay here.For additional information, please contact your Northland representative or Gateway Investor Relations at (949) 574-3860 or Porch GroupSeattle-based Porch Group, the vertical software platform for the home, provides software and services to more than 10,500 home services companies...
RevoluGROUP Canada Inc. Launches RevoluPOS on Apple and Android
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — RevoluGROUP Canada Inc. (TSX-V: REVO), (Frankfurt: IJA2) (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has officially launched the free RevoluPOS “Point of Sale” app for Apple and Android devices.About RevoluPOSRevoluPOS is a POS (“Point of Sale”) system linked to RevoluPAY available from today for free on Apple & Android devices, enabling anyone to accept digital payments worldwide. Designed principally to bring the developing world into the 21st century, RevoluPOS also appeals to small businesses in developed nations who wish to expand payment acceptance. RevoluGROUP has pinpointed a nascent and untapped sector consisting of small to medium-sized enterprises excluded from the current digital payment cycle. Whether these be tiny...
Update on Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Gowest Gold to be Held on January 29, 2021
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TORONTO, Jan. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Gowest Gold Ltd. (“Gowest” or the “Company”) (TSX VENTURE: GWA) today provided an update on its annual and special meeting of shareholders scheduled to be held on January 29, 2021 (the “Meeting”).In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and in keeping with the current Government of Ontario stay-at-home order, and in the interest of protecting the health and safety of Gowest’s shareholders, employees and the communities in which they live, we ask that shareholders refrain from attending the Meeting in person. Rather, shareholders are strongly encouraged to vote by proxy in advance of the Meeting. Only the minimum number of proxyholders and shareholders as are required to conduct the Meeting will be permitted to attend in person.The vast majority of our shareholders typically vote by proxy and we...
Enstar gibt Rückversicherungsgeschäft mit ProSight bekannt
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HAMILTON, Bermuda, Jan. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Enstar Group Limited (NASDAQ: ESGR) hat heute bekanntgegeben, dass eine ihrer hundertprozentigen Tochtergesellschaften eine Vereinbarung mit Tochtergesellschaften von ProSight Global, Inc. („ProSight“) über die Rückversicherung für Geschäfte des Jahres 2019 sowie des Vorjahres abgeschlossen hat.Die Rückversicherung umfasst den Transfer des Schadenportfolios der ProSight Sparten für die Entschädigung nicht länger beschäftigter Arbeitnehmer und die Entschädigung überzähliger Arbeitnehmer sowie ein Adverse Development Cover (ADC) für den diversifizierten Mix der allgemeinen Haftpflichtsparten von ProSight.Im Rahmen der Transaktion wird ProSight Nettoverlustreserven in Höhe von etwa 500 Millionen Dollar abtreten, und die Tochtergesellschaft von Enstar wird ein zusätzliches Gesamtlimit...