Day: January 18, 2021
NACON ET CREĀ-TURE STUDIOS S’ASSOCIENTPOUR L’ÉDITION ET LA DISTRIBUTION DE SESSION.Lesquin, le 18 janvier 2021 – NACON et creā-ture Studios sont heureux d’annoncer leur collaboration pour l’édition et la distribution du jeu Session: Skateboarding Sim Game, une nouvelle simulation de skateboard, actuellement disponible en accès anticipé. Avec plus de 85% d’opinions positives sur Steam, le jeu bénéficie d’une attente très forte grâce à une expérience de jeu immersive, portée par un gameplay novateur.Session. est une simulation authentique et réaliste à destination des passionnés de skateboard. Actuellement en cours de développement par le studio montréalais creā-ture, fondé par Marc-André Houde et Vincent Da Silva, vétérans de l’industrie du jeu vidéo et skateurs expérimentés, le jeu est disponible en accès anticipé sur Steam (PC) et sur...
ASMI Share Buyback Update January 11 – 15, 2021
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Almere, The NetherlandsJanuary 18, 2021, 5:45 p.m. CETASM International N.V. (Euronext Amsterdam: ASM) reports the following transactions, conducted under ASMI’s current share buyback program.These repurchases were made as part of the €100 million share buyback program announced on June 2, 2020. Of the total program, 70.3% has been repurchased. For further details including individual transaction information please visit: ASM InternationalASM International NV, headquartered in Almere, the Netherlands, its subsidiaries and participations design and manufacture equipment and materials used to produce semiconductor devices. ASM International, its subsidiaries and participations provide production solutions for wafer processing (Front-end segment) as well as for assembly &...
Wendel announces promotion of Harper Mates to Managing Director
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Wendel announces promotion ofHarper Mates to Managing DirectorWendel, one of Europe’s leading listed investment firms, today announced the promotion of Harper Mates to Managing Director. In her new role, Ms. Mates will continue to focus on Wendel’s long-term investment activities, including overseeing the operating companies for which she is responsible. She will also serve as a member of the Group’s Investment Committee and has joined Wendel’s Supervisory Board as an employee representative.Adam Reinmann, CEO of Wendel North America, said, “Harper’s promotion is well-deserved and has been made in recognition of her strong investing history, leadership qualities and overall contributions to Wendel. She has been an important part of the success of the New York office, which has helped Wendel invest approximately $1.2 billion since...
Wendel annonce la promotion de Harper Mates à la fonction de Directeur associé
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Wendel annonce la promotion deHarper Mates à la fonction de Directeur associéWendel annonce la promotion de Harper Mates à la fonction de Directeur associé. Harper continuera à se concentrer sur les activités d’investissement du Groupe, et, en particulier, à superviser les sociétés dont elle a la responsabilité. Harper Mates intègre également le Comité d’investissement et a rejoint le Conseil de surveillance de Wendel en tant que représentante des salariés.Adam Reinmann, CEO de Wendel North America, a déclaré : « La promotion de Harper Mates est méritée et salue son expérience dans le domaine de l’investissement, ses qualités en management et son engagement à Wendel. Elle a, ainsi, joué un rôle majeur dans la réussite du bureau de New York, qui a aidé Wendel à investir près de 1,2 milliard de dollars depuis son ouverture en 2013, notamment...
Eurobio Scientific expands its range of COVID-19 tests with an antigenic rapid test
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Eurobio Scientific expands its range of COVID-19 testswith an antigenic rapid test The full range of tests is now referenced by the French AdministrationNew variants of the virus remain detected by PCR testsParis, January 18, 2021 – 5:45 pmEurobio Scientific (FR0013240934, ALERS, PEA-PME eligible), a leading French group in in vitro medical diagnostics and life-sciences, today announces that its entire range of COVID-19 tests, that includes its new proprietary antigenic test for the detection of the SARS-CoV-2 antigen, is now fully referenced on the official website of the French Administration1.Eurobio Scientific is thus offering one of the most comprehensive global range of SARS-CoV-2 tests, aware of the public health and economic challenges represented by the current wave of the COVID-19 epidemic, while the vaccination campaign...
Eurobio Scientific complète sa gamme de tests COVID-19 avec un test antigénique rapide
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Eurobio Scientific complète sa gamme de tests COVID-19 avec un test antigénique rapideLa gamme de tests est entièrement référencée par l’AdministrationLes nouveaux variants restent détectés par les tests PCRParis, le 18 janvier 2021 – 17h45Eurobio Scientific (FR0013240934, ALERS, éligible PEA-PME), groupe français leader dans le diagnostic médical in vitro et les sciences de la vie, annonce aujourd’hui que l’intégralité de sa gamme de tests COVID-19, qui inclut son nouveau test propriétaire de diagnostic rapide permettant la recherche de l’antigène du SARS-Cov-2, est désormais référencée sur le site officiel de l’Administration1. Elle précise aussi que la performance des tests PCR qu’elle commercialise reste optimale face aux variants actuels du virus, entre autres le britannique.Eurobio Scientific propose ainsi une offre globale de test...
Aéroports de Paris SA – December 2020 traffic figures
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PRESS RELEASEJanuary 2021, 18thAéroports de Paris SA2020 traffic impacted by the Covid-19 crisis2020 full year trafficImpacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, Groupe ADP1 total traffic is down by 60.4% in 2020 compared to 2019 with 96.3 million passengers welcomed for the entire network of operated airports. Excluding the integration of GMR Airports as of 1 March 2020, the decrease in group traffic would be 69.8% since the beginning of the year.At Paris Aéroport alone, the traffic decreased by 69.4% compared to 2019 with 33.1 million passengers welcomed. Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport welcomed 22.3 million passengers (-70.8%) and Paris-Orly Airport 10.8 million (-66.1%). Traffic decreased by 62.2% over the 1st half of the year and by 76.1% over the 2nd half.In Paris Aéroport:International traffic (excluding Europe) was down (-70.6%), due to...
Cornish Metals Announces Agreement in Principle to Convert Amounts Owing Under Its 2018 Note Financing Into a Royalty
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cornish Metals Inc. (TSX-V: CUSN) (“Cornish Metals” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that, subject to certain conditions, one being a successful listing on London’s AIM exchange (the “AIM”), it has reached an agreement with Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd (OR:TSX & NYSE) (“Osisko”) to convert the outstanding amount of C$7.17 million under the 2018 note financing (the “Note”, see news release dated January 29, 2018) into a royalty.Upon listing on AIM the Note will convert into a 1.5% Net Smelter Return (“NSR”) royalty on the South Crofty Tin Project and a 0.5% NSR royalty on any other mineral rights held by Cornish Metals in Cornwall that do not form part of the South Crofty Tin Project.Richard Williams, CEO of Cornish Metals, stated; “This transaction clears the...
HF COMPANY : Chiffre d’Affaires 2020
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Chiffre d’affaires 2020Solide croissance organique de l’activité Home Digital Life portée par son adaptation rapide à la vente multicanal Activité Digital Broadband en repli sous l’effet des reports de déploiement liés à la crise sanitaireChiffre d’affaires annuel en retrait sous l’effet de la crise sanitaire mais retour de la croissance dès le troisième trimestre grâce à l’agilité du Groupe dans un contexte de crise. Poursuite de la forte croissance des ventes web.HF Company est résolument inscrit dans la transformation digitale de l’économie.Le chiffre d’affaires du Groupe HF Company a atteint 29,1 M€ au cours de l’exercice 2020, en repli de 9,5% par rapport à l’exercice 2019.Après un premier semestre en retrait sous l’effet de la fermeture des principaux canaux de distribution du Groupe, HF Company a su s’adapter pour retrouver...
Globalive Technology Provides Additional Disclosure With Respect to the Previously Announced Reverse Takeover Transaction
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TORONTO, Jan. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Globalive Technology Inc. (TSX-V: LIVE) (the “Company”), a technology company based in Toronto, Ontario, wishes to provide supplemental disclosure to the joint management information circular (the “Circular”) dated December 21, 2020 for the special meetings of the shareholders of the Company (“GTI Shareholders”) and the shareholders of Yooma Corp. (“Yooma”), each to be held on January 25, 2021 to consider the Company’s previously announced arm’s length reverse take-over of Yooma to be completed by way of a court approved plan of arrangement under the Business Corporations Act (Ontario) (the “Arrangement”) and related matters.After a review by, and consultation with, staff of the Ontario Securities Commission, this update is being provided to supplement the disclosure in the Circular in relation...