Day: January 18, 2021
Attention Editors: Message from Captain Murray Strom here, Jan. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Air Canada today said that following Transport Canada’s (TC) Airworthiness Directive and January 20, 2021 lifting of the existing Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) for the Boeing 737 MAX aircraft, the aircraft ungrounding by regulatory bodies worldwide, and the carrier’s own independent assessments of the aircraft and operating procedures by its specialized safety and flight operations experts, it will be resuming Boeing 737 MAX commercial operations on February 1, 2021.“We are very confident the nearly two-year regulatory process undertaken by Transport Canada and other regulators worldwide ensures the utmost safety of the Boeing 737 MAX fleet from nose to tail, and from wing to wing. As part of Air Canada’s multi-layered...
Air Canada reprendra l’exploitation commerciale du 737 MAX de Boeing le 1er février 2021
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À l’attention des rédacteurs en chef : Message du commandant Murray Strom iciÉAL, 18 janv. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Air Canada a annoncé aujourd’hui qu’à la suite de la consigne de navigabilité émise pour les 737 MAX de Boeing et de la levée le 20 janvier 2021 de l’avis aux aviateurs (NOTAM) par Transports Canada (TC), de même que l’annulation de l’immobilisation de ces avions par les organismes de réglementation à l’échelle mondiale ainsi que des évaluations indépendantes de ces appareils et des procédures d’exploitation effectuées par ses propres experts spécialisés en sécurité et en opérations aériennes, elle reprendra l’exploitation commerciale du 737 MAX de Boeing le 1er février 2021.« Nous sommes entièrement convaincus que le processus réglementaire de près de deux ans entrepris par Transports Canada...
Proactive news headlines including KWESST Micro Systems, Newrange Gold Corp, Trillium Gold Mines Inc, and Silvercorp Metals Inc
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New York, Jan. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Proactive Investors, provider of real-time news and video interviews on growth companies listed in the US and Canada, has covered the following companies.KWESST Micro Systems Inc (CVE:KWE) (OTCMKTS:KWEMF) to acquire non-lethal munitions technology from DEFSEC. Click here to read more.Newrange Gold Corp (CVE:NRG) (OTCMKTS:NRGOF) (FRA:X6C) finalizes Columbia and Red Lake asset deals to focus solely on Ontario and Nevada. Click here to read more.Trillium Gold Mines Inc (CVE:TGM) (OTCQX:TGLDF) (FRA:0702) acquires Red Lake, Ontario property and adds assets in Quebec. Click here to read more.Silvercorp Metals Inc (CVE:SVM) sees its rating raised to ‘buy’ from ‘hold’ by Canaccord Genuity on valuation grounds. Click here to read more.XPhyto Therapeutics Corp (CSE:XPHY) (OTCQB:XPHYF)...
Keytronic Corporation Announces Second Quarter Reporting Date
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SPOKANE VALLEY, Wash., Jan. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Key Tronic Corporation (Nasdaq: KTCC), announced today that it plans to report its results for the second quarter of fiscal 2021 after market close on January 26, 2021.Keytronic will host a conference call to discuss its financial results at 2:00 PM Pacific (5:00 PM Eastern) on January 26, 2021. A broadcast of the conference call will be available at under “Investor Relations” or by calling 800-437-2398 or +1-323-289-6576 (Access Code: 2393766). A replay will be available by calling 888-203-1112 or +1-719-457-0820 (Access Code: 2393766).About Key TronicKey Tronic is a leading contract manufacturer offering value-added design and manufacturing services from its facilities in the United States, Mexico, China and Vietnam. The Company provides its customers full...
Bilan semestriel au 31/12/2020 du contrat de liquidité AUREA
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Bilan semestriel au 31/12/2020 du contrat de liquidité AUREAAu titre du contrat de liquidité confié par AUREA à TSAF – Tradition Securities And Futures, les moyens suivants figuraient au compte de liquidité en date du 31/12/2020 :6 700 actions,35 901,47 €.Il est rappelé que, lors du bilan semestriel au 30/06/2020, les moyens suivants figuraient au compte de liquidité :7 200 actions,32 156,43 €.Au cours du 2ème semestre 2020, il a été négocié par le contrat de liquidité :A propos d’AUREAParmi les premiers acteurs industriels en Europe spécialistes de la régénération des déchets, AUREA s’inscrit au cœur de l’économie circulaire. Depuis près de 20 ans, le Groupe régénère des déchets de tous types afin qu’ils soient réutilisés comme des matières premières renouvelées. N°1 français de la fabrication d’alliages d’aluminium, leader mondial du...
Change in Listing Arrangements
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Schlieren/Switzerland, 18 January 2021The news release can be downloaded from the following link:AttachmentRelease
Société Générale : Actions et droits de vote au 31 décembre 2020
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Raison sociale de l’émetteur : Société Générale S.A. – SA au capital de 1 066 714 367,50 euros Immatriculée sous le n° 552 120 222 R.C.S. PARIS Siège social : 29, Boulevard Haussmann, 75009 Paris Pièce jointeSociété Générale actions et droits de vote au 31-12-2020
Societe Generale: shares and voting rights as of 31 December 2020
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Name of issuer: Société Générale S.A. – French public limited company (“SA”) with a share capital of 1,066,714,367.50 euros Registered under nr.552 120 222 R.C.S. PARIS Registered office: 29, Boulevard Haussmann, 75009 ParisAttachmentSociete Generale shares & voting rights as of 31-12-2020
Ipsos acquires technology company Fistnet-Dotmetrics
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Paris, January 18th, 2021 – Ipsos is pleased to announce the acquisition of Fistnet d.o.o, the Croatian-based company who engineered the digital audience measurement platform “Dotmetrics”.This acquisition seals a longstanding and fruitful collaboration between Ipsos and Fistnet in the Adria region, where Dotmetrics has seen great success in measuring and reporting digital audiences. With new enhancements, the platform has been deployed by Ipsos for Iris solution, becoming in 2021 the official source for Online Audience Measurement adopted by UKOM1.Founded in 2012, Fistnet comprises Big Data audience measurement experts and software engineers. With the Dotmetrics platform, the company has been at the forefront of digital audience measurement, seamlessly tracking and reporting internet traffic to participating websites and apps with improved...
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NACON AND CREĀ -TURE STUDIOS TEAM UP FOR THE PUBLISHING AND DISTRIBUTION OF SESSION.Lesquin, 18 January 2021 – NACON and creā-ture Studios are pleased to announce that they are joining forces for the publishing and distribution of the game Session: Skateboarding Sim Game, a new skateboarding simulation, currently available in early access. With more than 85% of positive reviews on Steam, the game is eagerly awaited due to its immersive experience and innovative gameplay.Session. is an authentic and realistic simulation for skateboarding fans. It is currently being developed by the Montreal studio creā-ture, founded by Marc-André Houde and Vincent Da Silva, two video-game veterans and experienced skateboarders. The game is available in early access on Steam (PC) and on Xbox One / Xbox Series X|S consoles in Game Preview version. It is already...