Day: January 18, 2021
Pune, Jan. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global higher education market is projected to reach USD 2,367.51 billion by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 10.2% during the forecast period. Sudden surge in the adoption of online learning platforms during the on-going COVID-19 pandemic will revolutionize the higher education sector, observes Fortune Business Insights™ in its report, titled “Higher Education Market Size, Share & COVID-19 Impact Analysis, By Component (Hardware, Solutions, and Services), By Learning Mode (Offline Learning, Online Learning), By End User (Private Colleges, Community Colleges, and State Universities), and Regional Forecast, 2020-2027”.Click here to get the short-term and long-term impact of COVID-19 on this market.Please visit: coronavirus...
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Stockholm, Sweden, January 18, 2021 – Hoylu, a leader in visual collaboration solutions for distributed teams, announced today that it has received a new order from Walbridge ( a full-service construction firm headquartered in Detroit, MI, to use Hoylu’s workspace and pull planning software ( for a new construction project for a large automotive company in the US.Walbridge is an existing customer of Hoylu and the new order value is SEK 350,000, including software licenses (SEK 100,000 ARR) and a 3 channel HoyluWall ( For more information, please contact:Stein Revelsby, CEO at Hoylu +1 213 440 2499 Email: sr@hoylu.comAbout HoyluFor more information: Test Hoylu for free:
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Stockholm, Sverige, 18 januari 2021 – Hoylu, ledande inom visuella samarbetslösningar för distribuerade team, meddelade idag att man fått ytterligare en order från Walbridge, ( en fullservice entreprenad firma med huvudkontor i Detroit, MI, genom att använda Hoylus workspaces och Pull planning programvara ( för ett nytt konstruktionsprojekt hos en stor biltillverkare i USA.Walbridge är en befintlig kund hos Hoylu och det nya ordervärdet är 350 000 kronor, inkluderar mjukvarulicenser (100 000 kronor i ARR, årligen återkommande intäkter) och en 3 kanal HoyluWall. (ör mer information, kontakta:Stein Revelsby, CEO at Hoylu +1 213 440 2499 Email: Karl Wiersholm,...
PGS ASA: Webcast Details for Presentation of Q4 2020 Results and 2021 Perspectives
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January 18, 2021: Oslo, Norway; PGS will release its fourth quarter and preliminary full year 2020 results on Thursday, February 4, 2021 at approximately 08:00 am Central European Time (CET).The earnings release and the earnings presentation will be published on and on PGS’ web site President & CEO Rune Olav Pedersen and EVP & CFO Gottfred Langseth will present the results and PGS 2021 perspectives, including company guidance, via a webcast the same day at 09:00 am CET. To join the webcast, copy and paste the link below into your browser, or go to PGS website link: replay of the webcast will be made available on shortly after. FOR...
Scatec ASA receives regulatory approvals related to acquisition of SN Power
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Oslo, 17 January 2021: Reference is made to the stock exchange release on 16 October 2020 where Scatec ASA announced the acquisition of SN Power from Norfund. Scatec has now received all necessary regulatory and local competition approvals, and the company expects to close the transaction in first quarter 2021.For further information, please contact: Ingrid Aarsnes, VP Communication & IR,tel: +47 950 38 64, ingrid.aarsnes@scatec.comAbout Scatec ASA: Scatec is a leading renewable power producer, delivering affordable and clean energy worldwide. As a long- term player, Scatec develops, builds and operates renewable power plants and integrates technologies. In 2021, the company will have a total of 1.9 GW in operation on four continents. In October 2020, Scatec announced the acquisition of SN Power, a leading hydropower developer and...
Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc Production Update & Record Annual Production at Blanket Mine
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ST HELIER, Jersey, Jan. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc (NYSE AMERICAN & AIM: CMCL) (“Caledonia” or the “Company”) announces quarterly and annual gold production from the Blanket Mine in Zimbabwe (“Blanket”) for the quarter ended 31 December 2020 (“Q4 2020” or the “Quarter”). All production numbers are expressed on a 100 per cent basis and are based on mine production data and are, therefore, subject to adjustment following final assay at the refiners.HighlightsRecord total gold production during 2020 was 57,899 ounces, the top end of the Company’s revised increased guidance.Approximately 15,012 ounces of gold was produced during the Quarter.Gold production for 2021 is expected to be between 61,000 – 67,000 ounces.Commenting on the announcement,...
Orion Animal Health and Vetoquinol expand collaboration – Vetoquinol to distribute Orion’s Clevor® in the USA and Orion to distribute Drontal® and Profender® products in Finland, Hungary and Romania
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ORION CORPORATION PRESS RELEASE 18 JANUARY 2021 at 9.00 EET Orion Animal Health and Vetoquinol expand collaboration – Vetoquinol to distribute Orion’s Clevor® in the USA and Orion to distribute Drontal® and Profender® products in Finland, Hungary and Romania Orion Animal Health and Vetoquinol are expanding their collaboration with new distribution agreements.The U.S. Food and Drug Administration FDA granted approval for Orion’s Clevor®, an eye drop indicated for the induction of vomiting in dogs, in June 2020. Under the terms of the related agreement, Vetoquinol will have the right to sell and market Clevor® (ropinirole) in the USA.On August 1st 2020, Vetoquinol acquired the rights for the Drontal® and Profender® products in the EU and the UK. Effective January 1st 2021, Orion will have the right to sell and market...
Orion Eläinlääkkeet ja Vetoquinol laajentavat yhteistyötään – Vetoquinol Orionin Clevor®-tuotteen jakelijaksi Yhdysvalloissa ja Orion Drontal®- ja Profender®-tuotteiden jakelijaksi Suomessa, Unkarissa sekä Romaniassa
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ORION OYJ LEHDISTÖTIEDOTE 18.1.2021 klo 9.00 Orion Eläinlääkkeet ja Vetoquinol laajentavat yhteistyötään – Vetoquinol Orionin Clevor®-tuotteen jakelijaksi Yhdysvalloissa ja Orion Drontal®- ja Profender®-tuotteiden jakelijaksi Suomessa, Unkarissa sekä RomaniassaOrion Eläinlääkkeet ja Vetoquinol laajentavat yhteistyötään uusilla jakelusopimuksilla.Yhdysvaltain lääkeviranomainen FDA myönsi kesäkuussa 2020 myyntiluvan Orionin Clevor®-tuotteelle, joka on silmätippamuotoinen lääke, jonka tarkoituksena on saada koira oksentamaan. Tuotetta koskevan sopimuksen ehtojen mukaan Vetoquinol saa oikeuden myydä ja markkinoida Clevor®-lääkettä (vaikuttava aine ropiniroli) Yhdysvalloissa.Vetoquinol osti 1.8.2020 Drontal®- ja Profender®-tuotteiden oikeudet EU:ssa ja Isossa-Britanniassa. Orion saa oikeuden myydä ja markkinoida...
Subsea 7 announces changes to Board responsibilities
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Luxembourg – 18 January 2021 – Subsea 7 S.A. (Oslo Børs: SUBC, ADR: SUBCY) today announced that, following the death of Allen Stevens, changes have been made to the responsibilities of the Board members.David Mullen has been appointed Senior Independent Director and, in addition, will serve as Chairman of the Corporate Governance and Nomination Committee.Niels Kirk will serve as a member of the Corporate Governance and Nomination Committee.Elisabeth Proust will serve as a member of the Compensation Committee.All other responsibilities are unchanged.Biographies for each of the Directors and full details of the membership of each committee can be found in the Corporate Governance section of the Company’s website:*******************************************************************************Subsea 7 is a global leader...
Reporting of transactions related to shares in Agillic A/S made by persons with managerial responsibilities
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Announcement no. 4 2021Copenhagen – 18 January 2021 – Agillic A/S (Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark: AGILC) has received notification pursuant to Article 19 of the Market Abuse Regulation of transactions related to shares in Agillic A/S made by persons with managerial responsibilities in Agillic and/or persons closely associated with them.Johnny Henriksen, Chair of the Board of DirectorsPeter Elbek, Board memberDico ApS / Mikael Konnerup, Board memberLohmann Holding II ApS / Jesper Genther Lohmann, Board memberDico ApS / Mikael Konnerup, board memberFor further information, please contact:Emre Gürsoy, CEO, Agillic A/S+45 30 78 42 00emre.gursoy@agillic.comBent Faurskov, CFO, Agillic A/S+45 25 16 21 03bent.faurskov@agillic.comCertified AdviserJohn Norden, Norden CEFKongevejen 365, 2840 Holte+ 45 20 72 02 00jn@nordencef.dkAbout Agillic...