Day: January 15, 2021
GOLDEN, Colo., Jan. 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Golden Minerals Company (NYSE American and TSX: AUMN) (“Golden Minerals”, “Golden” or “the Company”) announced today that it has received written notice from the NYSE American LLC (the “NYSE American”) that the Company has regained full compliance with the continued listing standards outlined in Part 10 of the NYSE American Company Guide (the “Company Guide”).As previously disclosed, the Company received notice from the NYSE American on August 19, 2019 that it was not in compliance with Section 1003(a)(iii) of the Company Guide when it reported stockholders’ equity of less than $6.0 million as of June 30, 2019.The Company has regained compliance by meeting the requirements of the $50 million market capitalization exemption in Section 1003(a) of the Company Guide from the...
Negotiations concerning an acquisition of ThyssenKrupp’s mining business
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Company Announcement No. 1-2021, 15 January 2021FLSmidth today announces that it is in negotiations with ThyssenKrupp concerning an acquisition of ThyssenKrupp’s mining business.The negotiations are at a non-binding stage. Accordingly, there can be no assurances as to whether and when a transaction will transpire.Any transaction, if entered into, would be subject to, amongst other, statutory clearances from authorities, including approvals from merger control authorities.ContactsMedia RelationsRasmus Windfeld, +45 40 44 60 60, rwin@flsmidth.comInvestor RelationsNicolai Mauritzen, +45 30 93 18 51, About FLSmidth FLSmidth provides sustainable productivity to the global mining and cement industries. We deliver market-leading engineering, equipment and service solutions that enable our...
Global WholeHealth Partners, Corp (GWHP: OTC) Announces the Beginning Research for Saliva COVID 19 SARS 2 Antigen (N+S) Tests
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Dr. Shujie Cui has developed a (N+S) Antigen test with great sensitivity and is planning to create the first Saliva N+S Antigen TestSan Clemente, CA, Jan. 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — Mr. Strongo, CEO of Global WholeHealth Partners Corp, has encouraged the increase in R&D to make Global the leader in the area of the CoViD 19 SARS 2 testing. Global knows that the market is growing because of the outbreak of the coronavirus (SARS CoV-2) pandemic, which has increased the demand for rapid testing across the world. As the number of people suffering from the viral infection increases, the demand for rapid testing, which allows detecting the virus quickly, is growing. The adoption of a population-wide testing approach, which includes household, individual testing, is one of the trends influencing the demand...
SEACOR Marine Completes Sale of Windfarm Support Business
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HOUSTON, Jan. 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SEACOR Marine Holdings Inc. (NYSE:SMHI) (the “Company” or “SEACOR Marine”), a leading provider of marine and support transportation services to offshore oil and natural gas and wind farm facilities worldwide, today announced that on January 12, 2021, SEACOR Marine completed the previously announced sale of Windcat Workboats Holdings Limited (“Windcat”) and its crew transfer vessel business to Compagnie Maritime Belge (“CMB”), a diversified shipping and logistics group. As consideration for the sale, CMB paid SEACOR Marine £32.8 million in cash, and assumed all of the approximately £20.4 million of debt outstanding under Windcat’s existing revolving credit facility. After deducting transaction costs and expenses and giving effect to foreign exchange rate hedges, the Company received net cash...
2021 Corporate Calendar
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Maranello (Italy), 15 January 2021 – Ferrari N.V. (the “Company”) (NYSE/MTA: RACE) announced today the following corporate calendar for year 20211:Earnings Releases2 February 2021 – Group results for 4th quarter and full-year 20204 May 2021 – Group results for 1st quarter 20212 August 2021 – Group results for 2nd quarter 20212 November 2021 – Group results for 3rd quarter 2021A conference call for financial analysts is also planned on the date of each earnings release. Listen only live webcasts of the presentations as well as related materials will be accessible on the Company’s corporate website ( 2021 corporate calendar is available on the Company’s corporate website ([1] The Calendar is consistent with the Company’s practice of providing quarterly...
Hagar hf.: Fjárfestakynning 3F 2020/21 – vegna útsendingar
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Vegna ábendinga um truflun í útsendingu á fjárfestakynningu Haga, sem haldin var kl. 08:30 í morgun, teljum við rétt að benda á að hægt er að horfa á útsendinguna aftur þar sem búið er að lagfæra það sem úrskeiðis fór. Við biðjumst velvirðingar á þeim óþægindum sem þetta kann að hafa valdið.Kynninguna má finna hér:
Aspocomp issues a profit warning: the operating result for 2020 will be slightly unprofitable
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Aspocomp Group Plc, Inside Information, January 15, 2021 at 11:30 a.m. Aspocomp’s January-December 2020 net sales is estimated to be EUR 25.6 million. Demand in the telecommunications networks and automotive segments in the fourth quarter was lower than expected. Due to the low net sales and the EUR 0.3 million loan provision recorded in the first quarter, Aspocomp’s operating result for January-December 2020 is estimated tobe lower than previously forecast and to be approximately EUR -0.1 million.
Aspocomp antaa tulosvaroituksen: vuoden 2020 liiketulos jää niukasti tappiolliseksi
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Aspocomp Group Oyj, Sisäpiiritieto, 15.1.2021 klo 11.30
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YLEISELEKTRONIIKKA OYJ PÖRSSITIEDOTE 15.1.2021 klo 11:00KUTSU YLEISELEKTRONIIKKA OYJ:N YLIMÄÄRÄISEEN YHTIÖKOKOUKSEENYleiselektroniikka Oyj:n osakkeenomistajat kutsutaan ylimääräiseen yhtiökokoukseen, joka pidetään 5.2.2021 klo 12:00 yhtiön pääkonttorissa, osoitteessa Luomannotko 6, 02200 Espoo.Yleiselektroniikan hallitus on päättänyt poikkeuksellisesta kokousmenettelystä eduskunnan 3.10.2020 hyväksymän väliaikaisen lain nojalla. COVID-19 pandemian leviämisen rajoittamiseksi yhtiökokous pidetään ilman osakkeenomistajien tai näiden asiamiesten läsnäoloa kokouspaikalla. Tämä on tarpeen yhtiön osakkeenomistajien, työntekijöiden ja muiden sidosryhmien terveyden ja turvallisuuden turvaamiseksi sekä yhtiökokouksen järjestämiseksi ennakoitavalla tavalla, jotta osakkeenomistajilla on yhtäläiset mahdollisuudet osallistua varmistaen...