Day: January 14, 2021
NEW YORK, Jan. 14, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ready Capital’s National Bridge Originations Team announces the closing of acquisition, refinance, renovation and redevelopment loans for approximately $225 million in 11 states between September 2020 and December 2020.In October, Ready Capital closed the financing for the acquisition, renovation, and lease-up of an approximately 260,000 SF, Class B, industrial property in the South Windsor submarket of the Hartford, CT MSA. Upon acquisition, the sponsor will implement a capital improvement plan to upgrade the property and subsequently lease-up to market occupancy and at market rents. Improvements include drywall partitioning, painting, sealing/striping of the parking lot, roof repairs, landscaping, and more. Ready Capital closed the $4.7MM, non-recourse, interest only, floating rate loan...
CATANA GROUP : Premier trimestre 2020/2021 solide : + 9.5 % Trajectoire de croissance à + 15% confirmée pour 2020/2021
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Communiqué de Presse Canet-en-Roussillon, le 14 janvier 2021 à 18h CATANA GROUPPremier trimestre 2020/2021 solide : + 9.5 %Trajectoire de croissance à + 15% confirmée pour 2020/2021
Broadcom BCM4389 Powers the World’s First Wi-Fi 6E Smartphone
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SAN JOSE, Calif., Jan. 14, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Broadcom Inc. (NASDAQ: AVGO) today announced that the BCM4389 chip enables the world’s first Wi-Fi 6E phone, the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra. The BCM4389 combines the benefits of the sixth generation of Wi-Fi with the pristine 6 GHz band to power the Galaxy S21 Ultra with Wi-Fi speeds over 2 Gbps. The chip also has a unique multi-radio Bluetooth 5 architecture that supports a premium audio experience with Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro, and Tri-Band Simultaneous (TBS) connectivity that improves Wi-Fi and Bluetooth performance and battery utilization. Wi-Fi 6E, the latest generation of Wi-Fi, delivers multi-gigabit speeds and millisecond latencies by operating in the 6 GHz band. Countries, including the United States and South Korea, have tripled the available Wi-Fi spectrum by opening up...
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Press release Ecully, 14 January 2021 – 6 p.m. 2020 revenueConfirmed upturn in activity for the 4th quarter of 2020Good performance in Asia: +19% * Figures not auditedSpineway, specialized in innovative implants for the treatment of disorders of the spinal column (spine), showed a sharp increase in sales for the month of December 2020 (+30% compared with December 2019), allowing it to post revenue of €1 068K for the fourth quarter, up 21% compared with the third quarter of 2020. This positive dynamism brough the Group’s annual revenue to €3 380K and decreased the gap with 2019 (-33%) for a year that was deeply affected by the COVID crisis.Sales in Latin America, an area particularly hard-hit by the health crisis, continued to be impacted by the restrictions...
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Communiqué de presse Ecully, le 14 janvier 2021 – 18h Chiffre d’affaires 2020Reprise confirmée de l’activité sur le 4ème trimestre 2020Bonne performance de la zone Asie : + 19% * Chiffres non auditésSpineway, spécialiste des implants innovants pour le traitement des pathologies de la colonne vertébrale (rachis), affiche sur le mois de décembre 2020 un net redressement de ses ventes (+ 30% par rapport à décembre 2019) qui lui permet d’enregistrer au 4ème trimestre un chiffre d’affaires de 1 068 k€, en progression de 21% par rapport au 3ème trimestre 2020. Cette dynamique positive porte le chiffre d’affaires annuel du Groupe à 3 380 k€ et réduit l’écart par rapport à 2019 (- 33%) dans une année très perturbée par la crise du COVID.Les ventes en Amérique Latine, zone particulièrement...
Vörusala Haga á 3F jókst um 5,5% milli ára
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Uppgjör Haga hf. á 3. ársfjórðungi 2020/21Árshlutareikningur Haga hf. fyrir þriðja ársfjórðung 2020/21 var samþykktur af stjórn og forstjóra félagsins á stjórnarfundi þann 14. janúar 2021. Reikningurinn er fyrir tímabilið 1. mars 2020 til 30. nóvember 2020. Árshlutareikningurinn hefur að geyma samstæðureikning félagsins og dótturfélaga þess og er hann gerður í samræmi við alþjóðlega reikningsskilastaðla (IFRS). Reikningurinn hefur hvorki verið kannaður né endurskoðaður af endurskoðendum félagsins, PricewaterhouseCoopers ehf.Helstu lykiltölurVörusala 3F nam 29.787 millj. kr. (2019/20: 28.240 millj. kr.). Vörusala 9M nam 88.952 millj. kr. (2019/20: 87.744 millj. kr.).Framlegðarhlutfall 3F var 21,5% (2019/20: 22,2%). Framlegðarhlutfall 9M var 21,9% (2019/20: 22,1%).Hagnaður fyrir afskriftir, fjármagnsliði og skatta (EBITDA) 3F nam 1.947...
VINCI Airports – Traffic 2020
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Rueil Malmaison, 14 January 2021VINCI Airports – Traffic 2020Passenger traffic down 70% in 2020 as a result of the global health crisisTraffic penalised during the fourth quarter by new confinement measures in EuropeImprovement in trends at the end of the year in airports in the Americas and JapanPassenger traffic in the VINCI Airports network was down 70% in 2020, with a total of 76.6 million passengers welcomed, versus 255 million in 20191, due to the global health crisis.This situation is the result of strong travel restrictions put in place across the world to combat the spread of Covid-19. Network airports based in Europe and Asia, where restrictive measures were the most severe, reported sharper falls in traffic (around 72%) than airports in the Americas (around 61%).Passenger traffic saw a rapid uptick in countries, such as the...
VINCI Airports – Trafic 2020
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Rueil-Malmaison, le 14 janvier 2021VINCI Airports – Trafic 2020Trafic passagers en baisse de 70 % en 2020, conséquence de la crise sanitaire mondialeAu cours du 4e trimestre, trafic pénalisé par les nouvelles mesures de confinement en EuropeAmélioration de tendance en fin d’année sur les plateformes en Amérique et au JaponLe trafic passagers du réseau VINCI Airports a reculé de 70 % en 2020, avec un total de 76,6 millions de passagers accueillis, contre 255 millions en 20191, conséquence de la crise sanitaire mondiale.Cette situation résulte des fortes restrictions de déplacement mises en place à l’échelle mondiale, afin de lutter contre la propagation de la Covid-19. Les aéroports du réseau basés en Europe et en Asie, où les mesures restrictives ont été les plus sévères, ont vu leur trafic baisser plus fortement (de l’ordre de 72 %)...
David Lucchese, Everi’s Executive Vice President of Sales, Marketing and Digital, Appointed President of AGEM
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LAS VEGAS, Jan. 14, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Everi Holdings Inc. (NYSE: EVRI) (“Everi” or the “Company”), the casino gaming industry’s single source provider of gaming products, financial technology and loyalty solutions, announced today that David Lucchese, its Executive Vice President of Sales, Marketing and Digital, has been appointed President of AGEM (Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers). Mr. Lucchese’s two-year term began January 12, 2021.“AGEM is very pleased to welcome David Lucchese as our President for the next two years,” said Marcus Prater, Executive Director of AGEM. “His vast experience and deep understanding of the issues facing gaming suppliers will serve him well as we navigate a difficult path brought on by the pandemic. We will forge ahead under his leadership and the overall gaming industry will emerge...
Big Cypress Acquisition Corp. Announces Closing of $115 Million Initial Public Offering, which Includes Full Exercise of the Underwriters’ Over-Allotment Option
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MIAMI, FL, Jan. 14, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Big Cypress Acquisition Corp. (the “Company”) announced today that it closed its initial public offering of 11,500,000 units, which includes the full exercise of the underwriters’ over-allotment option. The units were sold at $10.00 per unit, resulting in total gross proceeds of $115,000,000. Each unit consists of one share of common stock and one-half of one redeemable warrant to purchase one share of common stock at $11.50 per share. Once the securities comprising the units begin separate trading, the common stock and warrants are expected to be listed on The Nasdaq Capital Market (“Nasdaq”) under the symbols “BCYP” and “BCYPW”, respectively. The units began trading on Nasdaq under the ticker symbol “BCYPU” on January 12, 2021.Ladenburg Thalmann & Co. Inc. acted as sole...