Day: January 12, 2021
Tilnefningarnefnd Símans auglýsir hér með eftir tilnefningum eða framboðum til stjórnar Símans vegna aðalfundar félagsins sem haldinn verður 11. mars næstkomandi.Nefndin metur frambjóðendur með tilliti til reynslu, þekkingar og viðeigandi hæfni til að starfa sem stjórnarmenn hjá félaginu samkvæmt hæfnisviðmiðum félagsins. Á grundvelli niðurstaðna mun nefndin leggja fram tillögur sínar um framboð til stjórnar fyrir hvern aðalfund.Ekki er sjálfgefið að breyta þurfi samsetningu stjórnar á hverjum tíma en slíkt er háð aðstæðum hverju sinni, virkni núverandi stjórnar og vilja núverandi stjórnarmanna til áframhaldandi stjórnarsetu.Síminn hf. setti á laggirnar tilnefningarnefnd í samræmi við ákvörðun hluthafafundar félagsins þann 28. nóvember 2018, sbr. einnig ályktun aðalfundar þann 15. mars 2018. Tilgangur tilnefningarnefndar Símans hf. er...
Yleiselektroniikka Oyj:n uudet osakkeet rekisteröity kaupparekisteriin
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YLEISELEKTRONIIKKA OYJ Pörssitiedote 12.1.2021 klo 18:00Yleiselektroniikka Oyj tiedotti 5.1.2021 saaneensa päätökseen PM Nordic AB:n ja Sany Nordic AB:n (Yhtiöt) yritysoston ja toteuttavansa 15 000 osakkeen suunnatun osakeannin Yhtiöiden myyjälle yrityskaupan osittaiseksi rahoittamiseksi. Uudet liikkeellelaskettavat osakkeet on rekisteröity Patentti- ja rekisterihallituksen ylläpitämään kaupparekisteriin tänään 12.1.2021. Uusien osakkeiden rekisteröinnin seurauksena yhtiön liikkeeseen laskemien osakkeiden kokonaislukumäärä on 2 577 500.Espoossa, 12. päivänä tammikuuta 2021Yleiselektroniikka OyjKari NergToimitusjohtajaJakelu:Helsingin pörssikeskeiset tiedotusvälineet,www.yeint.fiLisätietoja:Toimitusjohtaja Kari Nerg+358 44 341 8514Yleiselektroniikka-konserni lyhyesti:Yleiselektroniikka-konserni on Helsingin...
Innovative Food Holdings, Inc. Appoints Richard Tang Chief Financial Officer
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Appointment is part of ongoing strategy to enhance IVFH’s specialty-food platformTang is a successful leader with strong e-commerce and subscription-based business experienceBONITA SPRINGS, Fla., Jan. 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Innovative Food Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB: IVFH) (“IVFH” or the “Company”), a direct-to-chef and a direct-to-consumer platform that provides high-quality, unique specialty foods through e-commerce offerings and multichannel partnerships, today announced Richard Tang has joined the Company as Chief Financial Officer. Mr. Tang will be an integral part of IVFH’s executive team as he takes responsibility for the Company’s financial strategies and helps support the Company’s significant growth initiatives.“Richard is a proven leader, and I am excited to welcome him to IVFH. Richard is the latest addition...
Monument conclut un Accord de vente relatif au projet Mengapur en Malaisie
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VANCOUVER, Colombie-Britannique, 12 janv. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Monument Mining Limited (TSX-V : MMY et FSE : D7Q1) (« Monument » ou la « Société ») a le plaisir d’annoncer avoir conclu un accord définitif d’achat et de vente (l’ « Accord définitif ») en date du 8 janvier 2021 avec Fortress Minerals Limited (« Fortress ») pour vendre à Fortress 100 % des parts de sa filiale malaisienne, Monument Mengapur Sdn Bhd (« MMSB »), qui détient une participation à 100 % dans le projet de cuivre et de fer de Mengapur (le « Projet de Mengapur »).Cathy Zhai, présidente-directrice générale de la Société, a déclaré lors de la signature de l’Accord définitif : « Je suis très heureuse d’annoncer la signature de l’Accord définitif pour le projet Mengapur. Cela fait partie de notre restructuration d’entreprise...
Monument geht Verkaufsvereinbarung für Mengapur-Projekt in Malaysia ein
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Monument Mining Limited (TSX-V:MMY und FSE:D7Q1) („Monument“ oder das „Unternehmen“) freut sich bekannt zu geben, dass es am 8. Januar 2021 eine endgültige Verkaufs- und Kaufvereinbarung (die „endgültigeVereinbarung“) mit Fortress Minerals Limited(„Fortress“) getroffen hat, um Fortress eine 100%-Beteiligung an seiner malaysischen Tochtergesellschaft Monument Mengapur Sdn Bhd („MMSB“) zu verkaufen, die 100% der Anteile am Mengapur-Kupfer- und Eisenprojekt (das „Mengapur-Projekt“ besitzt).Cathy Zhai, President und CEO des Unternehmens, erklärt bei der Unterzeichnung der endgültigen Vereinbarung:„Ich freue mich sehr, die Unterzeichnung der endgültigen Vereinbarung für das Mengapur-Projekt bekannt geben zu können.Dies ist Bestandteil unserer Unternehmensumstrukturierung,...
ORBCOMM Wins 2021 IoT Breakthrough Award for M2M Vehicle Telematics Company of the Year
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ROCHELLE PARK, N.J., Jan. 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ORBCOMM Inc. (Nasdaq: ORBC), a global provider of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, today announced that it has been named as the M2M Vehicle Telematics Company of the Year by the 5th Annual IoT Breakthrough Awards program, which showcases technologies and companies that drive innovation and exemplify the best in IoT technology solutions across the globe.ORBCOMM was recognized for its innovation in developing the next-generation ORBCOMM Platform, which provides fleet customers with a single, unified view of all asset types, deep data insights and unparalleled processing power and bandwidth. The ORBCOMM Platform allows customers to seamlessly track, monitor and control all of their transportation assets in one place – from reefers, dry trailers, trucks, to chassis, dry and refrigerated...
Results of additional issuance – RIKB 28 1115 – RIKS 26 0216
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As stated in paragraph 6 in General Terms of Auction for Treasury bonds, the Government Debt Management offered the equivalent of 10% of the nominal value sold in the auction 8. January, at the price of accepted bids.
Niðurstöður viðbótarútgáfu – RIKB 28 1115 – RIKS 26 0216
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Í tengslum við útboð sem haldið var 8. janúar stóð aðalmiðlurum til boða, samkvæmt 6. grein í almennum útboðsskilmálum ríkisbréfa, að kaupa 10% af andvirði þess sem selt var í útboðinu á söluverði samþykktra tilboða.
Stolt Sea Farm Exploring Possible IPO
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NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR RELEASE, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, TO U.S. NEWS WIRE SERVICES OR FOR DISSEMINATION IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATES, AUSTRALIA, CANADA OR JAPAN, OR ANY OTHER JURISDICTION IN WHICH THE DISTRIBUTION OR RELEASE WOULD BE UNLAWFULLONDON, January 12, 2021 – Stolt-Nielsen Limited (Oslo Børs: SNI) today announced that it is evaluating an initial public offering (the “IPO”) of its land-based fish farming business (“Stolt Sea Farm”). Stolt Sea Farm has engaged ABG Sundal Collier ASA and Pareto Securities AS as financial advisers to explore a potential listing in Oslo during 2021, subject to prevailing equity capital markets conditions.Stolt Sea Farm is a specialist land-based aquaculture business sustainably producing turbot and sole at 14 different locations in Spain, Portugal, France, Iceland and Norway. The turbot and sole...
EHang to Provide UAM Services in Hengqin New Area in Zhuhai, China
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GUANGZHOU, China, Jan. 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — EHang Holdings Limited (Nasdaq: EH) (“EHang” or the “Company”), the world’s leading autonomous aerial vehicle (“AAV”) technology platform company, announced strategic partnerships with Zhuhai Da Heng Qin Pan-Tourism Development Co., Ltd., Zhuhai Huafa Sports Operations Management Co., Ltd. and Flying World (Zhuhai) Technology Co., Ltd. to jointly initiate Urban Air Mobility (“UAM”) operations for aerial sightseeing and other air mobility services in the Hengqin New Area, the largest island and a Free Trade Zone in southeast Zhuhai in Guangdong Province of China. By establishing AAV experience centers and a suite of supporting service systems, EHang AAVs will be integrated into the daily life of the local population.During a signing ceremony held on January 8, a fleet of EH216...