Day: January 12, 2021
Information mensuelle relative au nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital socialMonthly information relating to the total number of voting rights and shares making up the share capitalArticle L. 233-8-II du Code de commerce et article 223-16 du Règlement général de l’AMFArticle L. 233-8 II of the French Commercial code and article 223-16 of the AMF General Regulation* Nombre de droits de vote exerçables = nombre de droits de vote théoriques (ou nombre total de droits de vote attachés aux actions) – actions privées du droit de vote** Number of effective voting rights = number of theoretical voting rights (or total number of voting rights attached to shares) – shares without voting rightsPièce jointeWorldline – Droits de vote et nombre d’actions – 31 décembre 2020
Ørsted exceeds guidance and expects EBITDA of DKK 18 billion for 2020 – EBITDA guidance for 2021 is expected to be DKK 15-16 billion excluding new partnership agreements.
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EBITDA for 2020The increase in earnings is primarily of temporary nature, but we have also seen strong operational performance throughout the Group in the last months of the year. We achieved higher than expected earnings from our operating assets and trading related to hedging of our power exposures, and we saw positive temporary effects in our gas portfolio business due to higher gas prices at year-end. In addition, fixed costs came in lower than expected throughout the Group, and we had lower than expected project development costs in the US, mainly due to timing.Financial outlook 2021Group EBITDA guidanceOperating profit (EBITDA) excluding new partnership agreements is expected to be DKK 15-16 billion in 2021.As in previous years, our EBITDA guidance does not include earnings from new partnership agreements as it is difficult to predict...
Ørsted leverer over den udmeldte guidance og forventer et EBITDA på 18 mia. kr. for 2020 – For 2021 forventes et EBITDA på 15-16 mia. kr. eksklusive nye partnerskabsaftaler.
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EBITDA for 2020Den højere indtjening er primært af midlertidig karakter, men i årets sidste måneder har vi også set en stærk operationel performance i hele koncernen. Vi opnåede en højere end forventet indtjening fra vores driftsaktiver og trading vedrørende afdækning af vores eleksponeringer, og vi oplevede ligeledes midlertidige positive effekter i vores gasporteføljeforretning som følge af højere gaspriser ved årets udgang. Desuden blev de faste omkostninger lavere end forventet i hele koncernen, og projektudviklingsomkostningerne i USA blev ligeledes lavere end forventet, primært på grund af timing.Finansielle forventninger til 2021Koncern EBITDA guidanceI 2021 forventes driftsresultatet (EBITDA) eksklusive nye partnerskabsaftaler at udgøre 15-16 mia. kr.Vores forventninger til EBITDA omfatter i lighed med tidligere år ikke indtjening...
The new wording of the Articles of Association of AB Klaipėdos nafta registered following the decrease of the authorised capital
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On 11 January 2021 the new wording of Articles of Association of AB Klaipedos nafta (hereinafter – the Company) were registered within the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Lithuania following the decrease of the authorised capital of the Company, which is now equal to EUR 110 315 009,65 and divided into 380 396 585 units of shares, which grant 380 396 585 votes. Nominal value per share – EUR 0,29.ENCLOSURE: Articles of Association of the Company registered on 11 January 2021.Jonas Lenkšas, Chief Financial Officer, +370 694 80594AttachmentKN AoA_EN_2021-01-11
Įregistruota nauja AB „Klaipėdos nafta“ įstatų redakcija sumažinus įstatinį kapitalą
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2021 m. sausio 11 d. Juridinių asmenų registre buvo įregistruota nauja AB „Klaipėdos nafta“ (toliau – Bendrovė) įstatų redakcija po įstatinio kapitalo sumažinimo, kuris dabar yra lygus 110 315 009,65 EUR ir yra padalintas į 380 396 585 vnt. akcijų, kurios suteikia 380 396 585 balsus. Vienos akcijos nominali vertė – 0,29 EUR.PRIDEDAMA: 2021 m. sausio 11 d. įregistruoti Bendrovės įstatai.Jonas Lenkšas, Finansų direktorius, tel. +370 694 80594PriedasKN Istatai_2021-01-11
Ovaro Kiinteistösijoitus Oyj: OMIEN OSAKKEIDEN HANKINTA 12.1.2021
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Millrock Forms Strategic Alliance With Felix Gold and Vends Three Projects, Fairbanks Gold District, Alaska
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Millrock Resources Inc. (TSX-V: MRO, OTCQB: MLRKF) (“Millrock” or the “Company”) announces that it has sold its Treasure Creek, Ester Dome, and Liberty Bell projects (“Projects”) to Alaska-domiciled subsidiary companies of Felix Gold Ltd. (Australia) (“Felix Gold”) for a future share payment, US$210,000 in cash, and retained royalties. Felix Gold will have the right to secure 100% ownership in the projects in accordance with the underlying option agreements.Felix Gold is planning to undertake an initial public offering (“IPO”) and listing on the Australian Securities Exchange (“ASX”) in 2021. Upon successful listing and ASX approval, Millrock will vest with a circa 10% share ownership of Felix Gold (dependent on the final capital raising amount).Each of the...
Artea : Bilan annuel du contrat de liquidité de la société ARTEA.
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Bilan annuel du contrat de liquidité de la société ARTEAAu titre du contrat de liquidité confié par ARTEA à TSAF, les moyens suivants figuraient au compte de liquidité en date du 31 décembre 2020 :2 183 actions,13 555,58 €. Le groupe ARTEA est coté sur le compartiment C d’EURONEXT Paris, ARTEA(ARTE ; code ISIN FR0012185536).Prochaine publication financière :Chiffre d’affaires annuel, le 26 février 2021Retrouvez toute l’information financière d’ARTEA sur : http://www.groupe-artea.frARTEA conçoit, réalise et développe des concepts immobiliers innovants dits de 3ème génération en intégrant des services et en développant son concept « Hospitality at Work & Hospitality to Live ».Depuis 20 ans, grâce à son écosystème,...
Decision of the Administrative Court regarding the fine imposed on Šiaulių Bankas
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Šiaulių Bankas AB, company code 112025254, domicile address: Tilžes str. 149, Šiauliai, Lithuania.On 12 January 2021, the Vilnius Regional Administrative Court issued a decision in an administrative case in which the complaint of Šiaulių bankas AB regarding the legality of the decision of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania imposing sanctions on Šiaulių bankas (a fine of EUR 880 thousand) was examined. The Resolution of the Bank of Lithuania was adopted after the 2019 scheduled inspection for the identified violations and shortcomings in the implementation of the requirements for the anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing.The court by its judgment dismissed Šiaulių bankas’ complaint as unfounded and left the existing decision of the Bank of Lithuania unchanged.Šiaulių Bankas eliminated most of the violations and shortcomings...
Administracinio teismo sprendimas dėl Šiaulių bankui skirtos piniginės baudos
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AB Šiaulių bankas, įmonės kodas 112025254, buveinės adresas: Tilžės g. 149, Šiauliai, Lietuva.Vilniaus apygardos administracinis teismas 2021 m. sausio 12 d. priėmė sprendimą administracinėje byloje, kurioje buvo išnagrinėtas AB Šiaulių banko skundas dėl Lietuvos banko valdybos nutarimo, kuriuo Šiaulių bankui buvo pritaikytos poveikio priemonės (880 tūkst. Eur bauda), teisėtumo. Lietuvos banko nutarimas buvo priimtas po 2019 m. planinio patikrinimo už nustatytus pažeidimus ir trūkumus pinigų plovimo ir teroristų finansavimo prevencijos reikalavimų įgyvendinime.Teismas savo sprendimu atmetė Šiaulių banko skundą kaip nepagrįstą ir paliko galioti esamą Lietuvos banko nutarimą.Didžiąją dalį Lietuvos banko nustatytų pažeidimų ir trūkumų Šiaulių bankas pašalino dar iki patikrinimo rezultatų svarstymo Lietuvos banko valdyboje. Šiaulių bankas...