Day: January 11, 2021
NOT FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATES OR OVER UNITED STATES NEWSWIRE SERVICESTORONTO, Jan. 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Montero Mining and Exploration Ltd (TSX.V: MON) (“Montero”) has filed an NI 43-101 compliant report titled, Technical Report for the Isabella Gold Silver Project, Licanten District, Region VII, Chile on SEDAR. A 2,600m drill program is underway at the Isabella Gold Silver Project to test 4 gold silver quartz veins targets within granite and a sedimentary hosted geophysical target. Isabella is below a 600m elevation and located in the Coastal Range south of Santiago and no previous drilling has ever been undertaken on the project. The Technical Report was prepared by Dr Thomas Henricksen.The Technical Report is the first documented description of the Isabella Gold Silver Project and provides geological context...
Kinepolis secures 3-year bank credit of EUR 80 million
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Kinepolis secures 3-year bank credit of EUR 80 millionRegulatory release, inside information11 January 2021, 17h45The cinema sector and Kinepolis are being hit particularly hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in cinema closures, capacity restrictions and the postponement of Hollywood blockbuster releases. As previously announced, Kinepolis went into this global crisis with a healthy balance sheet and significant cash reserves. In combination with the implemented cost-cutting measures and taking into account the new construction projects in progress, the Group still has, as planned, sufficient financial funds to bridge a period of more than 10 months of closure of all its cinemas (which is considered the worst case scenario).Nevertheless, in order to be prepared for possible longer delays before the full resumption of its activities,...
Kinepolis souscrit un crédit bancaire de 3 ans pour un montant de 80 millions d’euros
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Kinepolis souscrit un crédit bancaire de 3 ans pour un montant de 80 millions d’eurosInformation réglementée et privilégiéeLe 11 janvier 2021, 17h45Le secteur du cinéma et Kinepolis sont particulièrement touchés par la pandémie de Covid-19, entraînant la fermeture des salles, des restrictions de capacité et le report consécutif de la sortie des blockbusters hollywoodiens. Comme déjà annoncé, Kinepolis a débuté cette crise avec un bilan solide et une importante réserve de liquidités. En tenant compte des mesures prises pour limiter les dépenses et des projets de construction en cours, le Groupe dispose aujourd’hui toujours des moyens financiers suffisants pour surmonter une période de fermeture de plus de 10 mois de tous ses cinémas (ce qui est considéré comme le pire des scénarios).Toutefois, pour se préparer à un report de la reprise...
Kinepolis sluit 3-jarig bancair krediet van 80 miljoen euro af
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Kinepolis sluit 3-jarig bancair krediet van 80 miljoen euro afGereglementeerd bericht, voorwetenschap11 januari 2021, 17u45De bioscoopsector en Kinepolis worden in het bijzonder getroffen door de Covid-19 pandemie, met sluitingen van bioscopen, capaciteitsrestricties en het uitstellen van Hollywood-blockbuster releases tot gevolg. Zoals eerder aangekondigd, is Kinepolis deze crisis ingegaan met een sterke balans en belangrijke cashreserves. In combinatie met de genomen kostenbeperkende maatregelen en rekening houdend met de nieuwbouwprojecten in uitvoering, heeft de groep zoals gepland op heden nog voldoende financiële middelen om een periode van meer dan 10 maanden sluiting van al haar bioscopen (wat als meest negatieve scenario wordt aanzien) te overbruggen.Om zich evenwel voor te bereiden op een langer uitblijven van een volwaardige...
Proposed reduction of the nominal value of OSB Group Shares from three-hundred and four (304) pence each to one (1) penny each (the “Capital Reduction”) and publication of Circular and Notice of General Meeting
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LEI: 213800ZBKL9BHSL2K459THE FOLLOWING ANNOUNCEMENT IS NOT A PROSPECTUS OR A PROSPECTUS EQUIVALENT DOCUMENT AND INVESTORS SHOULD NOT MAKE ANY INVESTMENT DECISION IN RELATION TO OSB GROUP SHARES EXCEPT ON THE BASIS OF THE INFORMATION IN THE CIRCULAR WHICH IS BEING PUBLISHED TODAY.CAPITALISED TERMS DEFINED IN THE CIRCULAR HAVE THE SAME MEANING WHEN USED IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT, UNLESS OTHERWISE DEFINED IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT.FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE11 January 2021Proposed reduction of the nominal value of OSB Group Shares from three-hundred and four (304) pence each to one (1) penny each (the “Capital Reduction”) and publication of Circular and Notice of General MeetingToday, OSB GROUP PLC (“OSB Group” or the “Company”) published a circular (the “Circular”) relating to the Capital Reduction.Pursuant to the implementation of a scheme of arrangement...
Vishay Intertechnology Delivers Best in Class On-Resistance Automotive Grade AEC-Q101 Qualified -100 V P-Channel MOSFET
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Industry-First Device in Compact 5 mm x 6 mm PowerPAK®SO-8L Package With Gullwing Leads Offers On-Resistance Down to 30 mΩMALVERN, Pa., Jan. 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. (NYSE: VSH) today introduced a new AEC-Q101 qualified p-channel -100 V TrenchFET® MOSFET designed to increase power density and efficiency in automotive applications. Not only is the Vishay Siliconix SQJ211ELP the industry’s first such device in the compact 5 mm by 6 mm PowerPAK® SO-8L package with gullwing leads, it also features best in class on-resistance down to 30 mΩ maximum / 24 mΩ typical at 10 V.Compared to the closest competing p-channel devices in the DPAK and D²PAK packages, the Automotive Grade MOSFET released today delivers 26 % and 46 % lower typical on-resistance, respectively, while offering a 50 % and 76 % smaller footprint....
Delcath Systems to Present at the H.C. Wainwright Virtual BioConnect Conference
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NEW YORK, Jan. 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Delcath Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq: DCTH ), an interventional oncology company focused on the treatment of rare primary and metastatic cancers of the liver, announced today that management will present at the H.C. Wainwright BIOCONNECT 2021 Virtual Conference.The presentation is now available “on-demand” by visiting Delcath Systems, Inc.Delcath Systems, Inc. is an interventional oncology company focused on the treatment of primary and metastatic liver cancers. Our investigational product, HEPZATO KIT (melphalan hydrochloride for injection/hepatic delivery system), is designed to administer high-dose chemotherapy to the liver while controlling systemic exposure and associated side effects. HEPZATO KIT has not been approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration...
Processa Pharmaceuticals to Present at the H.C. Wainwright BIOCONNECT 2021 Virtual Conference
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HANOVER, MD., Jan. 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Processa Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: PCSA), (“Processa” or the “Company”), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing products to improve the survival and/or quality of life for patients who have unmet medical needs, announced today that management will present at the H.C. Wainwright BIOCONNECT 2021 Virtual Conference.The presentation is now available for on-demand listening by visiting The press release can also be viewed on our website at Processa Pharmaceuticals, Inc.The mission of Processa is to develop products with existing clinical evidence of efficacy for patients with unmet or underserved medical conditions who need treatment options that improve survival and/or...
Investeringsforeningen C WorldWide – Udbytter for regnskabsåret 2020
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Udbytter for regnskabsåret 2020Investeringsforeningen C WorldWide udbetaler udbytter den 27. januar 2021, som fremgår nedenfor.Udbytterne vil fragår kursen den 27. januar 2021, og indsættes på medlemmernes afkastkonti den 29. januar 2021.Sidste dag med ret til, at handle beviserne inklusiv aconto udbytter er således den 26. januar 2021.Udlodningerne vil formelt set blive endeligt godkendt på den ordinære generalforsamling den 14. april 2021.Afdeling kr. pr. andelDK0010157965 Globale Aktier KL A 40,70DK0060287217 Globale Aktier Etik KL 16,30DK0010312529 Stabile Aktier KL 5,70DK0015945166 Emerging Markets KL 0,00DK0060057644 Asien KL A 0,00Med venlig hilsenHenrik BrandtDirektørVedhæftet...
Immune Therapeutics Inc. Spinoff Cytocom, Inc. to Participate in Biotech Showcase and H.C. Wainwright BioConnect 2021 During “J.P. Morgan Week 2021”
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WINTER PARK, FL, Jan. 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Immune Therapeutics, Inc. (Ticker: IMUN) announced today that Cytocom, Inc., a company that spun-off from Immune in 2014, is participating in Biotech Showcase Digital and H.C. Wainwright BioConnect. Both events will be held virtually and are scheduled alongside the J.P. Morgan 39th Annual Healthcare Conference 2021.Details of the events are as follows:Biotech Showcase DigitalDate: January 11-15, 2021Registration: H.C. Wainwright BioConnect 2021 ConferenceDate: January 11-14, 2021Registration: more information on Cytocom and their participation in these please go to their website at Therapeutics:
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