Day: January 6, 2021
MONTREAL, Jan. 06, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — PyroGenesis Canada Inc. ( (TSX: PYR) (OTCQB: PYRNF) (FRA: 8PY), a high-tech company, (the “Company”, the “Corporation” or “PyroGenesis”) that designs, develops, manufactures and commercializes plasma atomized metal powder, plasma waste-to-energy systems and plasma torch products, is pleased to announce today that Mr. P. Peter Pascali, CEO of PyroGenesis, is scheduled to present at the SNN Network Canada Virtual Event on Thursday, January 7, 2021 at 10:30 AM Eastern Time.To access the live presentation, please use the following information:SNN Network Canada Virtual Event 2021Date: Thursday, January 7, 2021Time: 10:30 AM Eastern Time (7:30 AM Pacific Time)Webcast: you would like to book...
Puma Exploration Launches a District-Scale Airborne Geophysical Survey for Its Triple Fault Gold Project in New Brunswick, Atlantic Canada
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RIMOUSKI, Quebec, Jan. 06, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Puma Exploration Inc., PUMA-TSXV, (the “Company” or “Puma”) is pleased to announce that it has contracted Geotech Ltd. of Aurora, Ontario to carry out a helicopter-borne survey (VTEMtm Plus) to cover the Company’s flagship 100%-owned Triple Fault Gold Project (19,000 hectares). The survey area is approximately 2,855 lines-kms over 2 blocks with detailed line spacing of 100 meters (see Figure 1).Figure 1: Airborne Geophysical Survey at Triple Fault Gold ProjectModelling this new airborne geophysics data, which covers known gold mineralization and gold trends on the Williams Brook property, will be conducted in combination with the analysis of previous drilling, geochemical anomalies, and new geologic information collected during the current trenching and stripping program to quickly...
Half yearly achievement report on Fnac Darty share quotations liquidity mandate
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Ivry, January 6th 2021Regulated informationHALF YEARLY ACHIEVEMENT REPORT ON FNAC DARTY SHARE QUOTATIONS LIQUIDITY MANDATEPursuant to the liquidity mandate granted by Fnac Darty to Oddo Corporate Finance signed on September, 25th 2018, the following assets appeared on the liquidity account as of December, 31st 2020:– 68,010 shares– 2,730,538.66€The following assets appeared on the liquidity account at the implementation of the contract:– 97,750 shares– 360,967.54€ CONTACT AttachmentDecember 20 Half-yearly report Quotations liquidity mandate
Bilan semestriel du contrat de liquidité de la société Fnac Darty
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Ivry, le 6 janvier 2021Information réglementéeBILAN SEMESTRIEL DU CONTRAT DE LIQUIDITEDE LA SOCIETE FNAC DARTY Au titre du contrat de liquidité confié par la société Fnac Darty ( à Oddo Corporate Finance signé le 25 septembre 2018, les moyens suivants figuraient au compte de liquidité à la date du 31 décembre 2020 :68 010 titres2 730 538,66 €Il est rappelé que les moyens suivants figuraient au compte de liquidité lors de la mise en place du contrat :97 750 titres360 967,54 € CONTACT Pièce jointeBilan semestriel du contrat de liquidité Fnac- Décembre 2020
Houston Wire & Cable Company Completes Sale of Southern Wire Division and Achieves Debt Reduction Goal
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HOUSTON, Jan. 06, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Houston Wire & Cable Company (Nasdaq: HWCC) today announced that it completed the sale of its Southern Wire business, a leading wholesale distributor of wire rope and rigging products, to Southern Rigging Companies. The sale closed on December 31, 2020 for a purchase price of $20 million, subject to a working capital adjustment. HWCC used the net proceeds of approximately $18.1 million to reduce debt.The Company made great progress reducing debt during the year as Revolver debt decreased $66.4 million from its peak of $95.2 million in the first quarter to $22.6 million at year-end. The Revolver debt reflects proceeds from the sale of the Southern Wire division at December 31, 2020 of $18.1 million. Excluding the Southern Wire proceeds, Revolver debt at year-end would have been $40.7...
Les Hôtels Baverez : Nombres d’actions et de droits de vote au 31 décembre 2020
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LES HOTELS BAVEREZ S.A.2, place des Pyramides 75001 PARISCapital € 10.127.050 – Code NAF 5510 ZR.C.S. PARIS 572 158 558ISIN : FR 0007080254Mnémonique : ALLHBEURONEXT GrowthNombres d’actions et de droits de vote au 31/12/2020Au 31 décembre 2020, le nombre total d’actions composant le capital social de la société s’élève à 2 372 468.Le nombre total de droits de vote à la même date est de 3 862 279.Pièces jointesDeclaration_AMF-DDV_au_31_12_20Declaration_AMF-DDV_au_31_12_20
Traffic Data December 2020
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Despite an increase in the number of passengers from the previous month due to increased demand over the holiday period, the COVID-19 pandemic continued to impact Icelandair Group’s operations in December. Current travel restrictions at the Icelandic borders have heavily affected travel demand to and from Iceland over the past months. However, the Company’s freight services in December 2020 were comparable to December 2019.The total number of Icelandair’s passengers in December was around 14,500 decreasing by 95% from December 2019. The number of passengers both to and from Iceland was around 7,000. The number of via passengers in December was insignificant. The load factor on Icelandair’s flights was 40.3% compared to 80.7% in December 2019. The total capacity was 92% less than in December 2019. On-time performance was 86% compared to...
Dassault Aviation : Deliveries, order intakes and backlog in number of new aircraft as of December 31st 2020
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DASSAULT AVIATION GROUPDeliveries, order intakes and backlogin number of new aircraft as of December 31st 2020(unaudited figures)AIRCRAFT DELIVEREDIn 2020, 13 Export Rafale were delivered, in line with our guidance, versus 26 in 2019.In 2020, 34 Falcon were delivered, while 30 deliveries had been guided, versus 40 in 2019.As a reminder, we published on February 27th 2020 a guidance of 13 Rafale and 40 Falcon deliveries. After having withdrawn this guidance on April 1st because of the Covid-19 sanitary crisis, we published an updated guidance on July 23rd 2020 of 13 Rafale and 30 Falcon deliveries.AIRCRAFT ORDEREDIn 2020, 15 Falcon were ordered, compared to 40 in 2019. The Covid-19 outbreak, triggering an unprecedented global sanitary crisis, very restrictive travel restrictions and strong uncertainties about the worldwide economy, directly...
Dassault Aviation : Livraisons, prises de commandes et carnet de commandes en nombre d’avions neufs au 31 décembre 2020
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GROUPE DASSAULT AVIATIONLivraisons, prises de commandes et carnet de commandesen nombre d’avions neufs au 31 décembre 2020(données non auditées par les Commissaires aux Comptes)AVIONS LIVRÉSEn 2020, 13 Rafale Export ont été livrés, en ligne avec notre prévision, contre 26 en 2019.En 2020, 34 Falcon ont été livrés, pour une prévision de 30 livraisons, contre 40 en 2019.Pour mémoire, nous avions publié le 27 février 2020 une prévision de livraisons de13 Rafale et 40 Falcon. Après avoir suspendu cette prévision le 1er avril en raison de la crise sanitaire du COVID-19, nous avons publié le 23 juillet 2020 une nouvelle prévision de livraisons de 13 Rafale et 30 Falcon.AVIONS COMMANDÉSEn 2020, 15 Falcon ont été commandés, contre 40 en 2019. Le niveau de nos prises de commandes a été directement impacté par l’épidémie de COVID-19, ayant déclenché...
WISeKey upgrades its MyWISeID app to include vaccination certificates on the blockchain to serve as an official proof for those who receive coronavirus vaccine
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WISeKey upgrades its MyWISeID app to include vaccination certificates on the blockchain to serve as an official proof for those who receive coronavirus vaccineDownload the app for free at, Switzerland – January 6, 2021 – WISeKey International Holding (“WISeKey”, SIX: WIHN, NASDAQ: WKEY), a leading cybersecurity IoT company, today announced that its MyWISeID app now includes a WISeID Health Card with important medical details such as blood type, allergies, and other medical conditions, which can be enriched with digital health and vaccination certificates, including the result of an official COVID-19 test and vaccine.The Health Card would provide law enforcement and other public service organizations with the necessary tools to control and minimize health risks during the de-escalation...