Day: January 5, 2021
5 January 2021Disclosure of the total number of voting rights and sharesforming the share capital as at 31 December 2020Information pursuant to article L. 233-8 II of the Code de commerce and articles 223-16 and 223-11 of the AMF General regulation (Règlement général de l’Autorité des marchés financiers) Attachment20201231_PR_monthly_voting_rights_EN
ALSTOM SA : Déclaration du nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital social au 31 décembre 2020
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5 janvier 2021Déclaration du nombre total de droits de vote et d’actionscomposant le capital social au 31 décembre 2020Information prévue par l’article L. 233-8 II du Code de commerce et des articles 223-16 et 223-11 du Règlement général de l’Autorité des marchés financiers : Pièce jointe20201231_PR_monthly_voting_rights_FR
Eloro Resources Closes C$6.3 Million Bought Deal Financing
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NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO U.S. NEWSWIRE SERVICES OR FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION, DISTRIBUTION OR DISSEMINATION DIRECTLY, OR INDIRECTLY, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATES.TORONTO, Jan. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Eloro Resources Ltd. (the “Company” or “Eloro”) (TSX-V: ELO; OTCQX: ELRRF; FSE: P2QM) is pleased to announce that it has closed its previously announced bought deal financing, including the exercise in full of the over-allotment option, of 4,080,660 units of the Company (“Units”) at a price of C$1.55 per Unit (the “Issue Price”) for aggregate gross proceeds to the Company of C$6,325,023 (the “Offering”). Each Unit consists of one common share (a “Common Share”) in the capital of the Company and one-half (1/2) of one common share purchase warrant (each whole common share purchase warrant, a “Warrant”) of the Company....
Pinnacle Dermatology, a Chicago Pacific Founders portfolio company, acquires Virginia Dermatology & Skin Surgery Center clinics in the Northern Virginia market.
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Brentwood, TN, Jan. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Pinnacle Dermatology, a leader in population skin health management, has acquired Virginia Dermatology & Skin Surgery Center in the Northern Virginia area including 5 locations in Fredericksburg, Stafford, Opitz, Woodbridge and Alexandria with two additional de novo locations opening in early Q1 of 2021 and a third following in the spring of 2021. With this acquisition, Pinnacle is taking the next great step in furthering its mission and commitment to population skin health management and providing the residents of Northern Virginia with access to comprehensive, patient-centered dermatologic care. “We couldn’t be happier to welcome the patients and staff of Virginia Dermatology & Skin Surgery Center to the Pinnacle Dermatology network of practices,” said Chad A. Eckes,...
Skeljungur hf.: Results of the takeover bid by Strengur hf. to shareholders of Skeljungur hf.
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On 6 December 2020 Strengur hf. made a takeover bid to the shareholders of Skeljungur hf. as provided for in Chapters X and XI of the Act No. 108/2007 on Securities Transactions, on the terms and conditions laid down in the offer document issued on that date. The offer period expired at 4:00 pm on 4 January 2021. Shareholders holding a total of 50,744,588 shares in Skeljungur hf. accepted the takeover bid, equivalent to 2.56% of the total issued shares in the company.Strengur hf. and related parties held voting rights for 754.639.578 shares in Skeljungur, or 38.00% of the votes in the company, prior to the takeover bid and will hold 40.56% of the votes once settlement has been made or 41.6% of the votes adjusted for own shares. Arion Bank Corporate Finance and Islandsbanki Corporate Finance managed the offer process on behalf of Strengur...
Skeljungur hf.: Niðurstöður yfirtökutilboðs Strengs hf. til hluthafa Skeljungs hf.
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Þann 6.desember 2020 gerði Strengur hf. hluthöfum Skeljungs hf. yfirtökutilboð, í samræmi við ákvæði X. og XI. kafla laga nr. 108/2007 um verðbréfaviðskipti, með þeim skilmálum og skilyrðum sem fram komu í opinberu tilboðsyfirliti dagsettu þann sama dag. Gildistími yfirtökutilboðsins var til kl. 16:00 þann 4. janúar 2021. Hluthafar sem áttu samtals 50.744.588 hluti í Skeljungi hf. tóku tilboðinu, eða sem nemur 2,56% hlutafjár í félaginu.Strengur hf. og tengdir aðilar fóru með atkvæðisrétt 754.639.578 hluta í Skeljungi hf. eða sem nemur um 38% atkvæða í félaginu fyrir tilboðið. Í kjölfar uppgjörs tilboðsins munu Strengur hf. og tengdir aðilar eiga 805.384.166 hluti og munu því fara með 40,56% atkvæða við uppgjör viðskipta eða 41,60% atkvæða þegar leiðrétt hefur verið fyrir eigin hlutum.Fyrirtækjaráðgjöf Arion banka og Fyrirtækjaráðgjöf...
Eik fasteignafélag hf.: Flöggun – Lífsverk lífeyrissjóður
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Flöggunartilkynning er í viðhengi.Viðhengi21.01.05 Flöggun – Lífsverk lífeyrissjóður
Update: Nephros Provides Year-End Technology Update, Including HDF Program Status
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HDF Assist Device Complete; Special 510(k) to be Filed in Early 2021Nephros Granted Patent Covering Technology in HDF Assist ModuleNephros Expands EndoPur® and S100 Filter Labels to Include Heat DisinfectionSOUTH ORANGE, NJ, Jan. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire—Nephros, Inc. (Nasdaq: NEPH), a commercial-stage company (“Nephros”) that develops and sells high performance water purification products and pathogen detection systems to the medical and commercial markets, today provides an update to the second-generation HDF Assist Module program (“HDF2”) being developed and commercialized through its majority-owned subsidiary, Specialty Renal Products Inc. (“SRP”), announces the granting of a patent that covers technology utilized in HDF2, and announces expanded heat disinfection product capabilities.HDF Assist Module...
Skeljungur hf.: Advertisement from the Nomination Committee of Skeljungur on candidacy to the Board of Directors of Skeljungur hf.
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The Nomination Committee of Skeljungur hf. hereby advertises for nominations or candidacy to the Board of Directors for The Annual General Meeting of Skeljungur which will be held on March 4, 2021.The Nomination Committee has an advisory role regarding the election of Board Members by putting forth a proposal at the AGM. The objective of the Nomination Committee is to establish a transparent and clear procedure for the nomination of Board Members at the Company´s AGM. The procedure is intended to enable the shareholders to take a more informed decision regarding whom to elect for Board membership. The Committees objective is also to ensure that the Company´s Board is sufficiently diverse, when it comes to capabilities, experience and knowledge. Also, that the Board Members´ capabilities are usable for the Company and its subsidiaries.The...
Skeljungur hf.: Auglýsing frá tilnefningarnefnd um framboð til stjórnar Skeljungs hf.
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Tilnefningarnefnd Skeljungs hf. auglýsir eftir tilnefningum eða framboðum til stjórnar félagsins vegna aðalfundar Skeljungs sem haldinn verður 4. mars 2021.Hlutverk tilnefningarnefndar er að hafa ráðgefandi hlutverk við val á stjórnarmönnum og leggur nefndin tillögur þess efnis fyrir aðalfund félagsins. Markmið með skipun tilnefningarnefndar er að koma á gagnsæju og skýru fyrirkomulagi tilnefninga stjórnarmanna á aðalfundi félagsins, sem m.a. skapar hluthöfum þess forsendur fyrir upplýstri ákvarðanatöku. Hlutverk nefndarinnar er að tryggja að stjórn félagsins hafi yfir að búa breidd í hæfni, reynslu og þekkingu. Jafnframt að færni stjórnarmanna sé af þeim toga að hún nýtist félaginu og dótturfélögum þess.Allir stjórnarmenn þurfa að fullnægja þeim skilyrðum sem fram koma í samþykktum félagsins og lögum um hlutafélög nr. 2/1995, sbr. 66....