Day: January 5, 2021
Company closes acquisition of Colorado-based APEX Family Medical previously announced on November 5, 2020.APEX generated over $2.5 million in revenues in fiscal 2019 and $0.5 million in net income, servicing over 5,000 patients per year.APEX will strengthen SHG’s clinical footprint in Colorado, accelerating the launch of its insurable services multi-disciplinary platform to an existing base of 17,000 Colorado patients.In conjunction with recently acquired Texas, Washington and Tennessee clinics, this acquisition marks the 4th completed transaction of the 5 deals announced in 2020.TORONTO, Jan. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Skylight Health Group Inc (CSE:SHG; OTCQX: SHGFF) (“SHG” or the “Company”), one of the largest multi-specialty healthcare systems in the United States, is pleased to announce that it has completed the acquisition...
Security National Financial Corporation Announces Expansion Lease to R1 in its Center 53 Campus in Murray, Utah
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MURRAY, Utah, Jan. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Security National Financial Corporation (NASDAQ-SNFCA) is pleased to announce a new lease totaling approximately 100,800 square feet in building two of its Center 53 campus located in Murray, Utah.R1 RCM Inc. (NASDAQ-RCM), who is also a tenant in building one, has leased space in building two for its’ expansion. In 2020, Security National broke ground on its second building of the Center 53 campus. Incorporating R1 as a tenant in building two brings the preleased occupancy of that building to 50%.R1 is the leading provider of technology-enabled RCM (Revenue Cycle Management) services for hospitals, health systems and physician groups. With a flexible engagement approach, R1 seamlessly complements a healthcare organization’s infrastructure, quickly driving sustainable improvements to...
Neptune Digital Announces Intention to Change Trading Symbol on TSX-V To “NDA”
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Neptune Digital Assets Corp. (TSX-V:DASH) (OTC:NPPTF) (FSE:1NW) (the “Company“) is pleased to announce that the Company intends to change its trading symbol on the TSX Venture Exchange (“TSX-V”) to “NDA” from its current trading symbol “DASH” in the coming weeks. The Company has successfully reserved the trading symbol “NDA” with the TSX-V. The proposed change to the Company’s trading symbol is subject to the approval of the TSX-V and the Company will provide additional notice to shareholders.No action is required from shareholders in connection with the proposed change to the Company’s trading symbol. Issued certificates representing commons shares of the Company will not be effected by the change to the Company’s trading symbol. The Company encourages shareholders...
Studio City Finance Limited Announces Pricing of Senior Notes Offering
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MACAU, Jan. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Studio City Finance Limited (“Studio City Finance”) today announces that it has priced its international offering of senior notes due 2029 (the “New Notes” and such offering, the “Notes Offering”). Studio City Finance is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Studio City International Holdings Limited (“SCIHL”).The offering consists of US$750 million aggregate principal amount of 5.00% senior notes due 2029. The New Notes were priced at 100%. The net proceeds from the Notes Offering will be used to fund the conditional cash tender offer announced by Studio City Finance on January 4, 2021 for any and all of its outstanding 7.250% senior notes due 2024 (CUSIP Numbers 86389QAB8 and G85381AB0; ISIN US86389QAB86 and USG85381AB09) (the “2024 Notes” and such conditional tender offer, the “Conditional Tender...
ALSTOM SA: Alstom successfully carried out an 8-year € 750 million senior bond issuance at a 0% fixed coupon
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NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY TO ANY U.S. PERSON OR ANY PERSON LOCATED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OR IN ANY OTHER JURISDICTION WHERE IT IS UNLAWFUL TO RELEASE, PUBLISH OR DISTRIBUTE THIS PRESS RELEASE.Alstom successfully carried out an 8-year € 750 million senior bond issuance at a 0% fixed coupon 5 January 2021Alstom has today successfully carried out the issuance of senior unsecured bonds for a total of € 750 million at excellent financial conditions.The bonds have an 8-year maturity and a fixed coupon of 0% payable annually. The order book was oversubscribed more than 4 times.The proceeds of the issue of the bonds will be used for general corporate purposes including the financing of part of the...
ALSTOM SA : Alstom a réalisé avec succès une émission à 8 ans de € 750 millions d’obligations seniors à un taux d’intérêt fixe de 0%
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CE COMMUNIQUE NE DOIT PAS ETRE DIFFUSE, PUBLIE OU DISTRIBUE A TOUTE PERSONNE AMERICAINE OU A TOUTE PERSONNE SE SITUANT AUX ETATS-UNIS OU DANS UNE JURIDICTION OU LA DIFFUSION, PUBLICATION OU DISTRIBUTION D’UN TEL COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE EST ILLEGALE. 5 janvier 2021Alstom a réalisé avec succès aujourd’hui l’émission d’obligations seniors non garanties pour un montant total de € 750 millions dans d’excellentes conditions financières.Les obligations auront une maturité de 8 ans et porteront un taux d’intérêt fixe de 0% payable annuellement. Le livre d’ordres a été sursouscrit plus de 4 fois.Le produit de l’émission des obligations sera utilisé pour répondre aux besoins généraux de la société y compris une partie du financement de l’acquisition de Bombardier Transport...
Access-Power & Co., Inc. is pleased to announce entry into the hemp infused Covid-19 sanitizer market with our new brand reseller product called
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GRAND HAVEN, Mich., Jan. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Access-Power & Co., Inc., (“ACCR or the Company”), a Grand Haven based diversified holding Company is pleased to announce entry into the hemp Infused Covid-19 sanitizing market with our brand new product called The Company stated, “We are so excited about our entry into this new sector of the economy. As we stated in our 10K, the Company believes the Covid-19 aggression will continue into 2021. We should be well capitalized for this new venture.Patrick J. Jensen, our Director, commented, “I had a vision today. Today, we created a DREAM…and with the stroke of a pen, ACCR owns,”Patrick continued, “ will become a fully owned subsidiary of ACCR. We will offer this product for sale on our website soon. This marks the first...
Maha Energy AB (publ) (“Maha” or the “Company”) Announce December Production Volumes and Change in Production Reporting Periods
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Production VolumesThe Company’s aggregate sales production for the month of December totaled 88,2051 barrels of oil and 48.062 million scf of gas for a combined average production of approximately 3,105 BOE/day2, before royalties and taxes. Production progressively increased during the month as well servicing and tie in activities were completed. The total corporate production on the last day of 2020 was 4,112 BOEPD.The Tie-2 well was connected to the Tie production facilities mid-December with the previously press released better than expected rates (19th December 2020 Press Release) continuing to month end. Continued optimization work is still ongoing with the artificial lift system running GTE-4 and Tie -1 which in turn required them to be shut-in at times during the month.In line with the Company moving to the Nasdaq Stockholm...
Maha Energy AB (publ) (”Maha” eller ”Bolaget”) meddelar produktionsförsäljningsvolym för december månad och ändring av rapporteringsrutiner för detta.
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ProduktionsvolymerBolagets totala producerade försäljningsvolymer för december månad var 88 2051 fat olja och 48,062 miljoner scf av gas som tillsammans gav en månadssnittvolym om 3 1052 fat olje-ekvivalenter om dagen innan royalties och skatter. Produktionsvolymerna ökade under andra halvan av december månad efter att Tie-2 brunnen färdigställts samt att andra brunn servicearbeten avklarats. Bolagets totala produktion var 4,112 fat olje-ekvivalenter om dagen på årets sista dag.Tie-2 brunnen, som testade över förväntan (se 19 december, 2020 pressmeddelande) kopplades in på produktionsanläggningen vid Tie och fortsatte att producera till slutet av året. Optimeringsarbete på Tie-1 och GTE-4 brunnarna fortsatte under december och pågår fortfarande, vilket i sin tur har orsakat att dessa brunnar periodvis varit nedstängda.Tillsammans med...
ADA : Déclaration du nombre total des droits de vote et du nombre d’actions au 31.12.20
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arrêtée au 31 décembre 2020Identité du déclarant :ADASociété anonyme au capital de 4.442.402,16 eurosSiège social : 22-28 rue Henri Barbusse, 92110 Clichy338 657 141 RCS NanterrePièce jointeDéclaration du nombre total des droits de vote et du nombre d’actions au 31.12.20