Day: January 1, 2021
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — KayMaur Holdings Ltd. (“KayMaur”) reports that on December 31, 2020, KayMaur acquired 4,071,000 Class “A” common shares (“Common Shares”) in the capital of Founders Advantage Capital Corp. (“Founders”) from treasury at a deemed price of $1.75 per Common Share for total consideration of $7,124,250. The acquisition of Common Shares was completed in connection with the Inversion Rights Termination Transaction and related transactions (collectively, the “Reorganization”) disclosed in Founder’s information circular dated November 9, 2020 (the “Circular”).KayMaur is incorporated under the laws of British Columbia and its principal business is an investment company. Gary Mauris (“Mauris”) and Chris Kayat (“Kayat”) control KayMaur.Prior to giving effect to the Reorganization, KayMaur...
Founders Advantage Completes Acquisition of Dominion Lending Centres, Name Change and Corporate Reorganization
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CALGARY, Alberta, Jan. 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Founders Advantage Capital Corp. (TSX-V: FCF) (“FAC” or the “Corporation”) is pleased to announce that it has completed its acquisition (the “Acquisition”) of all of the limited partnership units of Dominion Lending Centres Limited Partnership (“DLC LP”) that the Corporation did not otherwise own in exchange for an aggregate of 26,774,054 non-voting series 1 class B preferred shares (the “Preferred Shares”). Concurrent with completing the Acquisition, the Corporation completed a private placement of 4,285,714 class “A” common shares (“Common Shares”) for aggregate gross proceeds of $7.5 million (the “Private Placement”). The Corporation paid the proceeds from the Private Placement, and issued an additional 4,285,714 Common Shares, to the holders of the Preferred Shares to remove...
Giant Food Reaches Settlement Agreement on FELRA and MAP Pension Liabilities; No Impact to Previously Issued 2020 Financial Outlook
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Zaandam, the Netherlands, January 1, 2021 – Ahold Delhaize today announces the conclusion of negotiations by its U.S. subsidiary, Giant Food, regarding certain of its multi-employer pension plans.Giant Food, UFCW Locals 27 and 400 (collectively the “Union Locals”) and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (“PBGC”) have reached an agreement on Giant Food’s funding obligations with respect to two multi-employer pension plans: the Food Employers Labor Relations Association and United Food and Commercial Workers Pension Fund (“FELRA”) and the Mid-Atlantic UFCW and Participating Employers Pension Fund (“MAP”). As a result of this agreement, the PBGC has approved the combining of MAP into FELRA (the “Combined Plan”) and has agreed to provide financial assistance to the Combined Plan following its insolvency, which is currently projected...
Bank of Åland Plc: Decision on dividend distribution for 2019
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Bank of Åland PlcInside informationJanuary 1, 2021, 3.00 p.m.Bank of Åland Plc: Decision on dividend distribution for 2019On January 1, 2021 the Board of Directors of the Bank of Åland Plc (Ålandsbanken Abp) approved the distribution of a dividend totalling EUR 1 per share (a regular dividend of EUR 0.80 and a 100th anniversary dividend of EUR 0.20) for the 2019 financial year, in compliance with the authorisation that the Board received from the Bank’s Annual General Meeting on April 2, 2020.The record date for the dividend distribution is Tuesday, January 5, 2021. The dividend will be paid on Tuesday, January 12, 2021.Because of the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic, on March 28, 2020 the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) recommended that small banks abstain from approving dividend distributions before October 1, 2020. On...
Ålandsbanken Abp: Beslut om dividendutdelning för 2019
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Ålandsbanken AbpInsiderinformation1.1.2021 kl. 15.00Ålandsbanken Abp: Beslut om dividendutdelning för 2019Styrelsen i Ålandsbanken har den 1 januari 2021 fattat beslut om utdelning av 1 euro (80 cent i ordinarie dividend och 20 cent i jubileumsdividend) för verksamhetsåret 2019 i enlighet med den fullmakt som styrelsen erhöll av Ålandsbankens bolagsstämma den 2 april 2020.Avstämningsdagen för dividendutbetalningen är tisdagen den 5 januari 2021. Dividenden erläggs tisdagen den 12 januari 2021.Med anledning av den rådande pandemin rekommenderade Finansinspektionen i Finland den 28 mars att mindre banker avstår från att fatta beslut om dividendutdelning innan den 1 oktober 2020. Den 29 juli 2020 meddelade Finansinspektionen att de förlänger sin rekommendation om att inte fatta bindande dividendbeslut innan den 1 januari 2021. Ålandsbanken...
Better Collective becomes majority owner in Mindway AI
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Regulatory Release 01/2021Better Collective increases its ownership to 90% of the shares in Mindway AI that specialises in software solutions based on artificial intelligence and neuroscience for identifying, preventing and intervening in at-risk and problem gambling. The investment supports Better Collective’s ambition to make betting more safe.As of January 1st 2021, Better Collective has exercised its option to acquire a further 70% of the shares in Mindway AI for a total price of 17 million DKK. The acquisition follows a preliminary investment made in 2019 where Better Collective acquired 19.99% of the company for 4 million DKK. With the new investment, Better Collective now holds 90% of the shares in Mindway AI, whereas the reimaing 10% is held by Kim Mouridsen, Founder of Mindway AI and Professor at Aarhus University. CEO of...
American Addiction Centers to Give 10 Veterans the Gift of Recovery This New Year
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BRENTWOOD, Tenn., Jan. 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Veterans who are struggling with drug or alcohol addiction may be eligible to receive 30 days of free care from American Addiction Centers. Starting January 1, AAC is accepting applications for treatment at its Desert Hope Treatment Center in Las Vegas. Desert Hope has a specialized program, Salute to Recovery, that was designed to meet the unique needs of veterans. The residential treatment program offers various evidence-based therapeutic modalities to address addiction and the most common mental health diagnoses among veterans, including PTSD, depression, anxiety, and loss and grief. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, more than one in ten veterans have been diagnosed with a substance use disorder and those individuals are three to four times more likely to receive...
Norsk Hydro: Hydro-Lyse hydropower transaction completed
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Hydro and Lyse announced in October 2020 a plan to merge part of their respective hydropower production in southern Norway into a joint hydropower company. The transaction was completed on December 31.As part of the transaction, the companies have merged power production assets in the south-west region of Norway through the establishment of a new company, Lyse Kraft DA, which includes Hydro’s hydropower assets Røldal-Suldal Kraft (RSK) and the majority of Lyse’s power production portfolio.The agreement is based on the framework set out in the Norwegian Waterfall Rights Act.Lyse Kraft DA has a normal annual power production capacity of 9.5 TWh, of which Hydro owns 25.6 percent and Lyse 74.4 percent. As part of the agreement, Hydro remains operator of the RSK assets and is now in addition assuming operatorship for Lyse’s until now fully...
Norsk Hydro: Hydro og Lyses vannkraftavtale fullført
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Hydro og Lyse kunngjorde i oktober 2020 at de planla å slå sammen deler av sin respektive vannkraftproduksjon i Sør-Norge til et felles vannkraftselskap. Transaksjonen ble sluttført 31. desember.Som en del av transaksjonen har selskapene slått sammen kraftproduksjonsressurser i sørvest-Norge gjennom etableringen av et nytt selskap, Lyse Kraft DA, som inkluderer Hydros eiendeler i Røldal-Suldal Kraft (RSK) og mesteparten av Lyses kraftproduksjonsportefølje.Avtalen er basert på rammene fastsatt i vannfallrettighetsloven.Lyse Kraft DA har en normal årlig kraftproduksjonskapasitet på 9,5 TWh, hvorav Hydro eier 25,6 prosent og Lyse 74,4 prosent. Som en del av avtalen forblir Hydro operatør av RSK og tar nå i tillegg over operatørskap for Lyses inntil nå heleide vannkraftverk. Lyse blir ansvarlig for markedsaktiviteter og vanndisponering.Som...
Enstar Group Limited gibt Rückversicherung des bestehenden Excess Workers’ Compensation-Geschäfts der Continental Casualty Company in Höhe von 690 Millionen US-Dollar bekannt
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HAMILTON, Bermuda, Jan. 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Enstar Group Limited (NASDAQ: ESGR) gab heute bekannt, dass eine ihrer hundertprozentigen Tochtergesellschaften eine Vereinbarung mit der Continental Casualty Company („CNA“) über die Rückversicherung eines bestehenden Excess Workers’ Compensation-Geschäftsportfolios unterzeichnet hat.Im Rahmen der Transaktion übernimmt die Enstar-Tochtergesellschaft Netto-Versicherungsrückstellungen in Höhe von ca. 690 Mio. US-Dollar, die sich auf das Geschäft des Jahres 2007 und der Vorjahre beziehen.Der Vollzug der Transaktion unterliegt behördlichen Genehmigungen und anderen Vollzugsbedingungen.Dominic Silvester, der Hauptgeschäftsführer von Enstar, kommentierte: „Mit der Vereinbarung, die wir heute mit CNA – einem führenden Unternehmen der Branche – geschlossen haben, bauen wir unser...