Day: December 30, 2020
HOMEWOOD, Ill., Dec. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — CN (TSX: CNR)(NYSE: CNI) announced today that it has successfully completed the federally required interoperability testing with tenant railroads so they can operate Positive Train Control (PTC) on CN’s 35 subdivisions equipped with PTC in the United States. CN also announced that the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has approved and certified CN’s PTC system. These important achievements underscore CN’s continued progress in deploying technology.“Safety is a core value at CN and we are proud of what our CN railroaders have achieved, securing certification from the FRA of CN’s PTC system and completing the interoperability testing by working with our tenant railroads. We look forward to using this investment in PTC as a platform for future technology initiatives to enhance the...
Le CN satisfait avant la date prévue l’exigence du gouvernement fédéral des États-Unis concernant l’implantation de la Commande intégrale des trains
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HOMEWOOD, Ill., 30 déc. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le CN (TSX : CNR) (NYSE : CNI) a annoncé aujourd’hui qu’il avait mené à bien les essais d’interopérabilité avec les chemins de fer locataires exigés par le gouvernement fédéral américain afin de mettre en œuvre la Commande intégrale des trains (CIT) dans ses 35 subdivisions aux États-Unis. Le CN a aussi annoncé que la Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) avait approuvé et certifié son système de CIT. Ces importants jalons donnent la mesure des progrès continus que fait le CN pour déployer la technologie.« La sécurité est une valeur fondamentale au CN et nous sommes fiers des réalisations de nos cheminots qui ont obtenu la certification de la FRA pour notre système de CIT et mené à bien les essais d’interopérabilité en collaboration avec nos chemins de fer locataires. Nous sommes ravis...
Nasdaq Advances Corporate Sustainability Leadership in 2020
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Launched ‘Purpose Initiative’ to Champion Inclusive Growth and ProsperityPublished Inaugural Corporate Diversity Statistics1in Annual Sustainability ReportReduced Carbon Emissions to Zero for Second Consecutive YearNEW YORK, Dec. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nasdaq (Nasdaq: NDAQ) announced today the milestones achieved in 2020 to advance its environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices, as part of its company-wide commitment to sustainability. Nasdaq’s ESG efforts are successfully reflected both in its work with corporate clients, and within its own operations.“Nasdaq has always been driven by purpose – to create better markets by leveraging innovative technology and empowering people to reach their potential,” said Evan Harvey, Global Head of Sustainability, Nasdaq. “Our commitment to corporate and environmental sustainability...
The FSA granted AS LHV Kindlustus authorisation
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On 29 December, the Management Board of Estonian Finacial Supervision and Resolution Authority (FSA) decided to grant AS LHV Kindlustus authorisation to operate as a non-life insurance provider.“In Estonia, LHV wishes to grow. With obtaining the authorisation of the FSA and with the capitalisation of the company all preconditions have been filled in order to commence operations of the new business line and to repeat our success also in the field of insurance,” said Madis Toomsalu, CEO of LHV Group and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of LHV Kindlustus.“Preparations for launching the non-life insurance undertaking and entering the market with products suitable for customers have gone according to plan. Relying on the existing customers of LHV Pank and Euronics, our goal is to quickly start offering a clear alternative...
Finantsinspektsioon andis AS-ile LHV Kindlustus kindlustusandja tegevusloa
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29. detsembri juhatuse otsusega andis Finantsinspektsioon AS-le LHV Kindlustus kindlustusandja tegevusloa kahjukindlustuse tegevustega tegelemiseks.“LHV Groupi soov Eestis on kasvada. LHV Kindlustuse tegevusloa saamise ja ettevõtte kapitaliseerimisega on täidetud eeltingimused, et saaksime loodud ärisuunaga alustada ning senist edu ka kindlustusvaldkonnas korrata,” ütles LHV Groupi juhataja ja LHV Kindlustuse nõukogu esimees Madis Toomsalu.“Ettevalmistused kindlustusseltsi käivitamiseks ja klientidele sobilike kindlustustoodetega turule tulemiseks on läinud plaanipäraselt. Tuginedes LHV Panga ja Euronicsi olemasolevatele klientidele, on meie eesmärk asuda kiiresti pakkuma selget valikuvõimalust suuresti väliskapitali poolt hõivatud turul. LHV on toomas kindlustusturule sarnast muutust nagu panganduseski,” ütles...
Nova Leap Health Corp. to Present at the SNN Network Canada Virtual Investor Conference
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NOT FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATES OR FOR DISTRIBUTION TO U.S. NEWSWIRE SERVICESHALIFAX, Nova Scotia, Dec. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NOVA LEAP HEALTH CORP. (TSXV: NLH) (“Nova Leap” or “the Company”), a 2019 TSX Venture 50™ ranked company focused on the home health care industry, is pleased to announce that Chris Dobbin, President & CEO of Nova Leap, will present at the SNN Network Canada Virtual Investor Conference to be held January 6-7, 2021.About SNN Canada Network Virtual Investor ConferenceSNN Network, with lead sponsor Small Cap Discoveries, is proud to present the “SNN Network Canada Virtual Event” on January 6-7, 2021. SNN Network and Small Cap Discoveries, the leading Canadian MicroCap newsletter, have teamed up to highlight the most promising Canadian microcap companies.Mr. Chris Dobbin, President &...
BioPorto announces CE mark of near-patient test for kidney injury and milestones for gRAD platform technology
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December 30, 2020Announcement no. 22BioPorto announces CE mark of near-patient test for kidney injury and milestones for gRAD platform technologyBioPorto has obtained CE marking in the EU for its NGALds, a novel gRAD-based test for near-patient measurement of NGAL, and announces commercial launchIts novel SARS-CoV-2 rapid test, also based on the gRAD-platform, is undergoing clinical testing at the University of California, DavisThese two achievements mark significant product milestones for the Company’s proprietary gRAD platformBioPorto Diagnostics A/S (BioPorto) announces the self-declaration (CE mark) in Europe of the NGALds, BioPorto’s first test based on its proprietary Generic Rapid Assay Device (gRAD) platform for the development of lateral flow assays.The NGALds is designed to deliver a semi-quantitative NGAL result in under 15...
Xebec Closes Previously Announced Upsized Public Offering and Concurrent Private Placement
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NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO UNITED STATES NEWSWIRE SERVICES OR FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATES ALL FIGURES IN CANADIAN DOLLARS UNLESS OTHERWISE STATEDMONTREAL, Dec. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Xebec Adsorption Inc. (TSXV: XBC) (“Xebec” or the “Corporation”), a global provider of clean energy solutions, is pleased to announce that it has closed its previously announced upsized bought deal public offering (the “Public Offering”) of subscription receipts (the “Subscription Receipts”) for gross proceeds of $143,751,840, which includes the full exercise of the over-allotment option by the Underwriters (as defined below). Xebec is also pleased to announce that it has closed the previously announced upsized concurrent private placement (the “Concurrent Private Placement”) of subscription receipts (the “Placement Subscription...
Xebec procède à la clôture d’un appel public à l’épargne majoré annoncé auparavant et d’un placement privé simultané
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DISTRIBUTION INTERDITE AUX AGENCES DE TRANSMISSION DES ÉTATS-UNIS ET DIFFUSION INTERDITE AUX ÉTATS-UNISTOUS LES MONTANTS SONT EN DOLLARS CANADIENS, À MOINS D’INDICATIONS CONTRAIRESMONTRÉAL, 30 déc. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Xebec Adsorption Inc. (TSXV : XBC) (« Xebec » ou la « Société »), fournisseur mondial d’énergies propres, est heureuse d’annoncer qu’elle a procédé à la clôture de son appel public à l’épargne par voie de prise ferme majoré annoncé auparavant (l’« appel public à l’épargne ») de reçus de souscription (les « reçus de souscription ») pour un produit brut de 143 751 840 $, compte tenu de l’exercice intégral de l’option de surallocation par les preneurs fermes (terme défini ci-après). Xebec est également heureuse d’annoncer qu’elle a procédé à la clôture de son placement privé simultané majoré annoncé auparavant (le...
Skylight Health Announces Closing of Tennessee Clinic with $2.2 Million in Revenue and Positive EBITDA
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Company closes acquisition of Tennessee-based Perimeter Pain and Primary Care Clinic previously announced on December 3, 2020Tennessee-based Perimeter Pain and Primary Care Clinic is an established medical practice servicing over 12,000 patients per year.In 2019, the clinic generated CAD 2.2 million in revenues and CAD 400,000 in EBITDA.This transaction will be immediately accretive to the Company adding complementary services and insurable revenue to the existing primary care model across 15 States.TORONTO, Dec. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Skylight Health Group Inc (CSE: SHG; OTCQX: SHGFF) (“SHG” or the “Company”), one of the largest multi-specialty healthcare systems in the United States, is pleased to announce that it has closed on the acquisition of Healthcare Resources Management LLC (“HRM”) which operates Perimeter Pain and...