Day: December 23, 2020
Las Vegas, NV, Dec. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — Hemp, Inc. (OTC PINK: HEMP), a global leader in the industrial hemp industry with bi-coastal processing centers, announced today “a newly approved plan will allow farmers to become independently licensed by the state, opening the door to commercial production and processing of hemp which will benefit both farmers and sellers of CBD hemp flowers.” According to News Americas, Indiana is now one of the twenty-nine states with approved hemp licensing for commercial businesses.The article also stated Indiana has started accepting hemp cultivation and processing licenses in November for the 2021 growing season. The state is offering one general hemp license and another one for agricultural hemp seed production. Applicants are also required to submit their personal...
Meddelelse nr. 12: Ændringer i direktion
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SELSKABSMEDDELELSEDato: 23. december 2020Selskabsmeddelelse nr.: 12Blue Vision A/S – ændringer i direktionPeter Hauge Jensen har i dag meddelt til selskabet, at han ønsker at fratræde som adm. direktør med kortest muligt varsel.Bestyrelsen vil hurtigst muligt finde en ny adm. direktør.Blue Vision A/SBestyrelsen
Stor dansk ordre til Scape Technologies
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Nasdaq First North Growth Market DenmarkSelskabsmeddelelse nr. 28/2020 Odense, 23.december 2020Stor dansk ordre til Scape Technologies A/SScape Technologies har modtaget en større ordre fra BROEN A/S, der er en er international markedsleder i ventilteknologi med hovedkvarter i Assens på Fyn.Ordren omfatter tre SCAPE Bin-Picker systemer til en samlet værdi af 1,86 mio kr og indgår i et nyt produktionsanlæg til færdiggørelse af ventiler. Systemerne skal implementeres i løbet af 2021.BROEN gruppen er en del af den hollandske Aalberts N.V. og er repræsenteret på 3 kontinenter med høj aktivitet i Rusland, Europa, Kina og USA. I 2018 leverede Scape Technologies to systemer til hollandske VSH Fittings B.V, der ligeledes er en del af Aalberts N.V.BROEN leverer komplette løsninger inden for VVS-installationer...
SouthGobi Resources announces second quarter 2020 financial and operating results
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HONG KONG, Dec. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SouthGobi Resources Ltd. (Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”): SGQ, Hong Kong Stock Exchange (“HKEX”): 1878) (the “Company” or “SouthGobi”) today announces its financial and operating results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2020. All figures are in U.S. dollars (“USD”) unless otherwise stated.Significant Events and HighlightsThe Company’s significant events and highlights for the three months ended June 30, 2020 and the subsequent period up to December 23, 2020 are as follows:Operating Results – The Company suspended coal exports to China beginning as of February 11, 2020 as a result of the closure of Mongolia’s southern border with China in order to prevent the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (“COVID-19”). On March 28, 2020, the Mongolian-Chinese border was re-opened...
UPDATE – GBS Inc. Announces Pricing of $21.6 Million Initial Public Offering
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NEW YORK, Dec. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — GBS Inc. (the “Company”) (Nasdaq: GBS), a life sciences company developing non-invasive, real-time diagnostic testing in the hands of patients and their primary health practitioners at point of care, today announced the pricing of its initial public offering of 1,270,589 units at a public offering price of $17.00 per unit. Each unit will immediately separate into (a) one share of the Company’s common stock (or, at the purchaser’s election, one share of Series B Convertible Preferred Stock), (b) one Series A warrant (the “Series A Warrants”) to purchase one share of the Company’s common stock at an exercise price equal to $8.50 per share exercisable until the 5th anniversary of the issuance date, and (c) one Series B warrant to purchase one share of the Company’s common stock at an exercise...
Freddie Mac Multifamily to Extend COVID-19 Forbearance Program
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MCLEAN, Va., Dec. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) has extended to March 31, 2021 the deadline for requesting a new or supplemental COVID-19 forbearance agreement for its Multifamily loans. The program was previously set to terminate at the end of 2020. The extension provides additional time for multifamily operators experiencing continued hardship as a result of the pandemic to request a new or supplemental forbearance agreement, which includes renter protections such as a moratorium on evictions for non-payment of rent.“We are still in the midst of the pandemic, and to continue to provide support for the multifamily market, we are providing additional time for borrowers to request a new or supplemental forbearance agreement,” said Debby Jenkins, head of Multifamily at Freddie Mac. “Our forbearance program...
Vincera Pharma Announces Completion of Business Combination and Listing on Nasdaq
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Business combination transaction with LifeSci Acquisition Corp. was completed on December 23, 2020Combined company renamed Vincera Pharma, Inc., common stock commences trading tomorrow, December 24, 2020 on the Nasdaq Capital Market under ticker symbol “VINC”Net Proceeds from this transaction are approximately $62 millionCompany to host business update conference call and webcast on Tuesday, January 5, 2021 at 8:30 AM Eastern TimeSANTA CLARA, Calif., Dec. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Vincera Pharma, Inc. (Nasdaq: VINC), a biopharmaceutical company aspiring to address the unmet medical needs of patients with cancer through paradigm-shifting therapeutics, today announced the completion of its business combination with LifeSci Acquisition Corp. (Nasdaq: LSAC; LSACU; LSACW; or “LSAC”), a blank check company targeting the biopharma, medical...
SeaBird Exploration Plc: Financial calendar
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Financial calendar for Seabird Exploration PLCFINANCIAL YEAR 202029.01.2021 – Quarterly Report – Q4FINANCIAL YEAR 202130.07.2021 – Half-yearly Report30.04.2021 – Annual Report25.05.2021 – Annual General Meeting30.04.2021 – Quarterly Report – Q122.10.2021 – Quarterly Report – Q328.01.2022 – Quarterly Report – Q4This information is published pursuant to the requirements set out in the Continuing obligations.
Adevinta ASA (ADE) – Publication of Prospectus
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NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR RELEASE, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AUSTRALIA, CANADA, HONG KONG OR JAPAN, OR ANY OTHER JURISDICTION IN WHICH THE DISTRIBUTION OR RELEASE WOULD BE UNLAWFUL.THIS ANNOUNCEMENT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN OFFER OF ANY OF THE SECURITIES DESCRIBED HEREIN.Oslo, 23 December 2020: Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement on 21 July 2020 and subsequent announcements relating to Adevinta ASA’s (the “Company”) agreement to acquire eBay Classifieds (the “Target”) from eBay Inc. (“eBay”) (the “Transaction”).Subject to the terms and conditions of the Transaction, the Company shall acquire the Target against consideration in the form of cash and a total of 539,994,479 new shares in the Company (the “Consideration Shares”). The Consideration Shares will comprise...
Yumanity Therapeutics Completes Reverse Merger with Proteostasis Therapeutics
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Shares of Yumanity to commence trading on Nasdaq under new ticker symbol “YMTX” on December 23, 2020$33.6 million common stock private investment in public equity (“PIPE”) transaction closes concurrently with the mergerBOSTON, Dec. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Yumanity Therapeutics (Nasdaq: YMTX), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery and development of innovative, disease-modifying therapies for neurodegenerative diseases, today announced that its reverse merger with Proteostasis Therapeutics, Inc. closed on December 22, 2020, following the approval of Proteostasis shareholders. The combined company will operate under the name Yumanity Therapeutics, Inc., and its shares will commence trading on the Nasdaq Capital Market on December 23, 2020, under the ticker symbol “YMTX.” The $33.6 million PIPE transaction,...