Day: December 23, 2020
TORONTO, Dec. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 9 Capital Corp. (the “Company”) announces that it has entered into a binding agreement dated December 23, 2020 (the “Letter Agreement”) with Churchill Diamond Corporation (“Churchill”), an arm’s length, Ontario based mineral exploration company which currently holds three mineral exploration projects in Canada, to effect a business combination of the two companies (the “Proposed Transaction”). The Proposed Transaction will be a reverse takeover of the Company by Churchill and its shareholders.Churchill is a private Ontario company managed by career mining industry professionals which currently holds three exploration projects, namely Taylor Brook in Newfoundland, Pelly Bay in Nunavut and White River in Ontario. All three projects are at the evaluation stage, with known mineralized Ni-Cu-Co...
Corum Client Crowd Content Acquired by Cetina Capital
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SEATTLE, Dec. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Corum Group, the leading M&A advisory firm for software and related technology companies, today announces that its client, Crowd Content, has been acquired by Cetina Capital. Crowd Content is a leading content writing service helping businesses create content at any scale.“I’m excited for the Crowd Content team as they continue to fuel their growth partnering with Cetina Capital. As a leader in this sector, Crowd Content is well positioned and it was great working with the Crowd Content and Cetina teams on this transaction,” said David Levine, Corum Senior Vice President.“I’m very happy for our customers, writers, employees, and the technology community in Victoria,” said Clayton Lainsbury, Founder and CEO of Crowd Content. “Cetina is an excellent partner for the next phase of...
Acasti Pharma Unaware of Any Material Change
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LAVAL, Québec, Dec. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — At the request of IIROC, Acasti Pharma Inc. (“Acasti or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: ACST – TSX-V: ACST) wishes to confirm that the Company’s management and Board of Directors are unaware of any material change in the Company’s operations that would account for the recent increase in market activity.About AcastiAcasti is a biopharmaceutical innovator that has historically focused on the research, development and commercialization of prescription drugs using OM3 fatty acids delivered both as free fatty acids and bound-to-phospholipid esters, derived from krill oil. OM3 fatty acids have extensive clinical evidence of safety and efficacy in lowering triglycerides in patients with hypertriglyceridemia, or HTG. CaPre, an OM3 phospholipid therapeutic, was being developed for patients with severe...
Shawcor Announces the Sale of its Products Business
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TORONTO, Dec. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Shawcor Ltd. (“Shawcor” or the “Company”) (TSX: SCL) today announced the sale of its Pipeline Performance Products business (the “Products business”) to Seal For Life Industries (“Seal For Life”), a platform of Arsenal Capital Partners, a private equity investment firm based out of New York. The purchase price was USD $91.5 million, subject to working capital adjustments.“The Products business has provided stable returns to Shawcor for many years. However, most recently it has presented limited strategic alignment with Shawcor’s forward-looking direction, and the Company had the opportunity to obtain full value on disposition. Furthermore, the sale of the business allows the Company to focus on areas where it has the greatest differentiation opportunity for long term growth and serves to...
Bombardier Announces Sale of 10 Challenger 350 Business Jets
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Firm commitment from undisclosed customer represents one of the largest business jet orders of 2020Deal underscores desirability of best-selling Challenger 350 aircraft amid strong interest in business aviation and the enhanced safety it provides Challenger 350 business jet has a winning combination of proven performance and cabin experience that is unrivalled in its classMONTREAL, Dec. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bombardier is pleased to announce a firm order for 10 Challenger 350 aircraft in a transaction valued at $267 million U.S., based on 2020 list prices.“This order highlights the tremendous value customers place on the unmatched capabilities of our aircraft,” said Éric Martel, President and Chief Executive Officer, Bombardier Inc. “Bombardier’s newly refreshed portfolio and growing service network position the company well...
Bombardier annonce la vente de dix avions d’affaires Challenger 350
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Un engagement ferme d’un client qui préfère garder l’anonymat représente l’une des plus importantes commandes d’avions d’affaires de 2020L’entente souligne l’attrait de l’avion à succès Challenger 350 dans un contexte de vif intérêt pour l’aviation d’affaires et la sécurité accrue qu’elle procureLe biréacteur d’affaires Challenger 350 offre une combinaison gagnante de performances éprouvées et d’expérience en cabine inégalées dans sa catégorieMONTRÉAL, 23 déc. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bombardier a l’honneur d’annoncer une commande ferme de 10 avions Challenger 350 dans une transaction estimée à 267 millions $ US, aux prix courants de 2020.« Cette commande souligne la valeur considérable que les clients accordent aux capacités inégalées de l’avion », a affirmé Éric Martel, président et chef de la direction de Bombardier Inc. « Le...
Atlas Air Partners with Fuel Supplier on Sustainable Aviation Fuel Test Flight from Spain’s Zaragoza Airport
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PURCHASE, N.Y., Dec. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: AAWW), a leading global provider of outsourced aircraft and aviation operating services, has announced the completion of a transoceanic sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) test flight that originated at Spain’s Zaragoza Airport.Atlas Air Flight 562 was powered by a blend of fuel containing 2.33% SAF sourced from fresh vegetable oil. The Boeing 747-400F left Zaragoza on Monday, December 21 and arrived in Mexico City. This is believed to be the first transoceanic commercial cargo flight in Spain to include a blend of SAF and Jet A-1 fuel. Using life cycle analysis, SAF has been shown to reduce carbon emissions by up to 80%. The flight’s cargo included a shipment of goods from an Atlas customer.“Innovative sustainable aviation fuel test projects...
Sunstock, Inc. Announces Full Redemption of Convertible Stock, Elimination of Third-Party Debt
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SACRAMENTO, Calif., Dec. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sunstock, Inc. (OTC PINK: SSOK), involved in the buying, selling and distribution of precious metals, today announces the conversion of 600 million shares of preferred stock into common stock. The completion of these preferred stock agreements eliminates the Company’s third-party debt in full.On Dec. 9, 2020, BFAM Partners, LLC completed the conversion of its balance of 400 million preferred shares. On Dec. 9, 2020, Innovative Digital Investors Emerging Technology, LP completed the conversion of its balance of 200 million preferred shares.“We are pleased to announce that as of December 2020, Sunstock is free of third-party debt, validating our commitment to corporate growth and successful debt management, as well as demonstrating investor confidence in our strategies,” stated...
MARE NOSTRUM : Déclaration de transaction sur actions propres
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MARE NOSTRUMDéclaration de transaction sur actions propres Grenoble, 23 décembre 2020. Dans le cadre du programme de rachat d’actions mis en œuvre par la société MARE NOSTRUM (FR0013400835– ALMAR) à l’issue de l’assemblée générale mixte du 21 janvier 2019, la société Mare Nostrum a acquis le 21 décembre 2020 un bloc de 71 481 actions MARE NOSTRUM au cours de 3,062 €.Cette opération a été approuvée par le Conseil d’Administration du 11 décembre 2020 et a été réalisée dans le cadre d’un protocole signé le 18 mai 2020 entre Mare Nostrum et Monsieur Frank Hueber, Administrateur du Groupe.Le descriptif du programme de rachat d’actions figure dans le chapitre 21 (section 21.1.3) du Document d’information du Groupe.Le reporting détaillé est disponible :– sur le site Internet de Mare Nostrum
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Incap Corporation Stock Exchange Release 23 December 2020, at 8.00 p.m. (EET) Changes in Board/management/auditorsINCAP’S JAMIE MAUGHAN APPOINTED MEMBER OF INCAP GROUP’S MANAGEMENT TEAMJamie Maughan (b. 1972, HND Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering) joined Incap Group’s Management Team on 22 December 2020. Jamie was appointed Director Operations UK & Slovakia at Incap Group and will continue as Managing Director of Incap Electronics UK Limited. Jamie joined Incap in January 2020 through the acquisition of AWS Electronics Group.As of 22 December 2020, the members of Incap Group’s Management Team are Otto Pukk, President and CEO; Greg Grace, Director, Operations Estonia; Murthy Munipalli, Director, Operations India and Sales Asia; Jamie Maughan, Director, Operations UK & Slovakia; and Antti Pynnönen, CFO.INCAP CORPORATION