Day: December 21, 2020
WALLA WALLA, Wash., Dec. 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Banner Corporation (NASDAQ GSM: BANR) (“Banner”), the parent company of Banner Bank and Islanders Bank, today announced that its Board of Directors has authorized the repurchase of up to 1,757,781 shares of Banner’s common stock, which is the equivalent of 5% of its common stock.“We believe having the option to repurchase shares offers an effective capital management tool for building long-term shareholder value,” said Mark J. Grescovich, President and Chief Executive Officer. Under the plan, shares may be repurchased by the Company in open market purchases. The extent to which the Company repurchases its shares and the timing of such repurchases will depend upon market conditions and other corporate considerations.Additionally, Banner will report its fourth quarter 2020 results...
Mason Graphite Responds to Dissident Shareholder Al-Tamimi’s Misleading Summary of ISS Report
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MONTREAL, Dec. 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mason Graphite inc. (“Mason Graphite” or the “Company”) (TSX.V: LLG; OTCQX: MGPHF) wishes to reassert that proxy advisory firms Glass Lewis and ISS did not recommended voting in favour of many of the Dissident Shareholder’s proposed candidates for election at the Company’s next Annual General Meeting.Shareholders are reminded that:Both proxy advisory firms have published recommendations in favour of a majority of Mason Graphite’s board nominees. It is noteworthy that Simon Marcotte, a nominee put forward by Al-Tamimi, has NOT been recommended by either of the independent advisory firms.Al-Tamimi’s nominee slate also excludes a representative from Investissement Quebec – the Company’s largest shareholder, who has a contractual right to a seat on the board of Mason...
Mason Graphite répond au résumé trompeur de l’actionnaire dissident Al-Tamimi sur le rapport ISS
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MONTRÉAL, 21 déc. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mason Graphite inc. (« Mason Graphite » ou la « Société ») (TSX.V : LLG; OTCQX : MGPHF) désire réitérer que les firmes indépendantes de conseil en procuration Glass Lewis et ISS ne recommandent pas de voter pour la majorité des nominés proposés par l’actionnaire dissident pour élection lors de la prochaine assemblée générale annuelle de la Société.Il est rappelé aux actionnaires que :Les deux firmes de conseil en procuration ont publié des recommandations en faveur des nominés de Mason Graphite au Conseil d’administration (le « Conseil »). Il est important de mentionner que Simon Marcotte, un nominé mis de l’avant par Al-Tamimi, N’EST PAS recommandé par les deux firmes de conseil indépendant en procuration.La liste de nominés d’Al-Tamimi exclut aussi un représentant d’Investissement Québec...
Galantas Announces Conversion of Convertible Debenture
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TORONTO, Dec. 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Galantas Gold Corporation (the “Company”), the Northern Ireland gold producer and explorer, with a 100% interest in Northern Ireland’s Omagh gold mine, is pleased to announce that a convertible debenture, as detailed in releases dated December 16 and 23, 2019 (the “Debenture”) and approved by the TSX Venture Exchange, has been converted into common shares of the Company, by the holder, Melquart Limited. The debenture carried a 15% coupon and was exercisable at a 25% discount to the market price.The capital and interest accruing on the Debenture totals GBP£1,150,000 (CAN$ 1,968,386).As governed by the Debenture, 11,410,933 common shares of no par value (“Common Shares”) have been issued at a price of CAN$0.1725.Following the issuance, Melquart Limited will hold 20,673,528 common shares, representing...
Konverteringskursen för den andra konverteringsperioden för konvertibler av serie KV1 har fastställts till 0,26 SEK
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COMPAGNIE LEBON : Assemblée générale mixte du 21 décembre 2020
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COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSEParis, le 21 décembre 2020 à 18 heuresAssemblée Générale mixte du 21 décembre 2020Un format de huis clos imposé par la crise sanitaireToutes les résolutions adoptées, sauf la dizièmeL’Assemblée générale mixte s’est tenue ce lundi 21 décembre à huis clos en audioconférence, sans présence physique des actionnaires, afin de respecter les mesures de distanciation sanitaire recommandées, en application de l’ordonnance n° 2020 – 1497 du 2 décembre dernier. Toutes les résolutions ont été adoptées sauf la dixième. Celle-ci proposait de déléguer au Conseil d’administration la compétence pour procéder à l’émission de titres de capital au profit des adhérents de plans d’épargne Entreprise du Groupe.Les onze autres résolutions ont été adoptées à une très large majorité. Elles portaient sur les politiques de rémunération du...
CRCAM Alpes Provence : Déclarations_Hebdomadaires_CAAP_S51-2020
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CAISSE REGIONALE DE CREDIT AGRICOLE MUTUEL ALPES PROVENCE Société coopérative à capital variable25, Chemin des trois cyprès 13097 Aix en Provence Cedex 2381 976 448 R.C.S Aix en ProvenceAix-en-Provence, le 21 décembre 2020Achats effectués dans les conditions de l’article 5 du règlement abus de marché dans le cadre du programme de rachat des Certificats Coopératifs d’Investissement autorisé par l’Assemblée Générale Mixte des sociétaires du 31 mars 2020. Le détail des transactions est disponible en annexe.Le Crédit Agricole Alpes Provence vous informe que le document est disponible sur son site Internet : et a été transmis...
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New York, New York, Dec. 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ackrell SPAC Partners I Co. (“Ackrell” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: ACKIU) announced today that it priced its upsized initial public offering of 12,000,000 units, at $10.00 per unit. The units will be listed on the NASDAQ Capital Market (“NASDAQ”) and will begin trading today, December 21, 2020, under the ticker symbol “ACKIU.” Each unit consists of one subunit and one-half of a redeemable warrant. Each subunit consists of one share of the Company’s common stock and one-half of a redeemable warrant. Each full warrant entitles the holder thereof to purchase one share of common stock at a price of $11.50 per share. Once the securities comprising the units begin separate trading, the subunits and warrants are expected to be listed on NASDAQ under the symbols “ACKIT” and “ACKIW,” respectively. ...
Abeona Therapeutics Announces Acceptance of Late-Breaker Abstracts Highlighting New Clinical Data for Novel AAV-based Gene Therapies in MPS IIIA and MPS IIIB at WORLDSymposium™
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NEW YORK and CLEVELAND, Dec. 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Abeona Therapeutics Inc. (Nasdaq: ABEO), a fully-integrated leader in gene and cell therapy, today announced that abstracts detailing new interim results from its ABO-102 Phase 1/2 Transpher A study for MPS IIIA and ABO-101 Phase 1/2 Transpher B study for MPS IIIB have been accepted for platform oral presentations during the late-breaking abstract session at the 17th Annual WORLDSymposium™ being held February 8-12, 2021.“Children born with MPS IIIA and MPS IIIB experience progressive neurodevelopmental decline and loss of motor function that is life-threatening,” said Michael Amoroso, Chief Operating Officer of Abeona. “We are excited to share new analyses from the Transpher A study that will add to the understanding of the potential for ABO-102 to help preserve neurocognitive...
Voltalia SA: the Sarry wind farm produces its first kilowatt-hours
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Voltalia (Euronext Paris, code ISIN : FR0011995588), an international player in renewable energies, announces the start of operation of its Sarry wind farm in Burgundy Franche-Comté (France).The Sarry wind farm has produced its first kilowatt-hours. The power plant is made of 11 SG114 wind turbines, representing an installed capacity of 23.1 megawatts, supplied by Siemens Gamesa, which is currently testing them.Initially launched in March 2018, the construction of the wind farm has undergone several developments, including a turbine change in 2019 and the award of a new power sales contract in April 2020. The outcome is favorable to Voltalia, with an extension of the contract duration (from 15 to 20 years) and the prospect of using more efficient turbines. The financing of the park was successfully completed with BPCE Energeco.The Sarry...