Day: December 21, 2020
SOCIETE BIC BOARD OF DIRECTORSNomination of second Director representing the employeesClichy, France – 21 December 2020 – BIC announces the appointment of Inna Kostuk, as Director representing the employees for the Board of Directors of Société BIC. She was nominated by the Group’s Works Council on 16 October 2020. Inna Kostuk becomes the second Director representing the employees. Her mandate will last for the next three years.Inna Kostuk started her carrier in the Ukrainian State Tax Administration as a tax auditor. She held positions as Tax Manager at Delphi subsidiary in France and joined BIC in 2010 as Tax Manager Europe. Since 2013, she holds the position of Group Tax Director, supervising all international taxation aspects for BIC.##ABOUT BICBIC is a world leader in stationery, lighters, and shavers. For more than 75 years, the...
BIC : Nomination d’un second administrateur représentant les salariés
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Conseil d’Administration de Société BICNomination d’un second administrateur représentant les salariésClichy, France– 21 décembre 2020 – BIC annonce la nomination de Mme Inna Kostuk, en qualité d’Administratrice représentant les salariés au sein du Conseil d’Administration de Société BIC. Elle a été nommée par le Comité de Groupe le 16 octobre 2020. Inna Kostuk devient le deuxième Administrateur représentant les salariés. Son mandat s’étendra sur les trois prochaines années. Inna Kostuk a débuté sa carrière au sein de l’administration fiscale ukrainienne comme inspecteur des impôts. Après avoir exercé les fonctions de Responsable Fiscal chez Delphi, elle a rejoint BIC en 2010 en tant que Responsable Fiscal Europe. Depuis 2013, elle est Directeur Fiscal Groupe en charge des questions de fiscalité internationale.##A propos de BICBIC...
Casino Group : Success of the tender offer on bonds maturing until 2025
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Paris, 21 December 2020,In the context of the reinforcement of its financial structure announced on December 9, Casino Group announces the success of its tender offer launched on December 14, with the early cancellation of €822 million in aggregate principal amount of notes maturing in 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025:This transaction, which reinforces the liquidity of the Group and extends the maturity of its debt, raises the cumulative amount of bond repurchases carried out by Casino in 2020 to €1.4 billion.After the completion of the transaction, the balance of the segregated account dedicated to debt repayment will amount to €487 million.Important InformationThis press release and the information contained herein does not constitute an offer to repurchase the bonds or an invitation to sell the bonds or an invitation to participate...
Groupe Casino : Succès de l’opération de rachat de la dette obligataire venant à échéance d’ici 2025
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Paris, le 21 décembre 2020,Dans le cadre de l’opération de renforcement de sa structure financière annoncée le 9 décembre, le Groupe Casino annonce le succès de l’offre de rachats obligataires lancée le 14 décembre, avec l’annulation anticipée d’un total de 822 millions d’euros d’obligations arrivant à maturité en 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 et 2025 :Cette opération, qui renforce la liquidité du Groupe et allonge la maturité de sa dette, porte à 1,4 milliard d’euros le montant cumulé des rachats obligataires effectués en 2020. A l’issue de cette opération, les fonds sur le compte séquestre dédié au remboursement de la dette s’établiront à 487 millions d’euros.Information importanteLe présent communiqué de presse et les informations qu’il contient ne constitue ni une offre de rachat ni une invitation à vendre les obligations, ni une invitation...
The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund, Inc. Announces Lifting of Suspension to Self-Tender Policy; Interim January 2021 Tender Offer
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MIAMI BEACH, Fla., Dec. 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Thomas J. Herzfeld Advisors, Inc. (“TJHA”), an SEC-registered investment advisor, today announced that the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund, Inc. (NASDAQ: CUBA) (the “Fund”) has lifted its suspension of the Fund’s Self-Tender Policy (“Self- Tender Policy”) and in so doing reinstated fully the Fund’s three-year plan to address the Fund’s trading price discount to its net asset value (“NAV”) per share that was previously announced on May 31, 2019 (the “Plan”). In addition, the Board has approved an interim tender offer for shares to take place in January 2021.Under the Self-Tender Policy component of the Plan, the Fund has undertaken to conduct a tender offer within ninety (90) days after a fiscal year-end (June 30th) of 5% of outstanding shares...
Asante Gold Exploration Update – Options Announced
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THIS NEWS RELEASE IS NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE UNITED STATES OR TO U.S. NEWS AGENCIESVANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Asante Gold Corporation (CSE:ASE/FRANKFURT:1A9/U.S.OTC:ASGOF) (“Asante” or the “Company”) are pleased to announce we are nearing the completion of our previously announced program of trenching and auger drilling of the Kubi 513 zone, with laboratory results now expected in Q1 2021.In addition, a program of induced polarization (IP) geophysics has been completed on our Fahiakoba concession and significant anomalies have been recorded, such that plans are now being drawn up for a follow up drill program in Q1 2021, as are the delineation of new targets at Kubi.A major Canadian geophysical contractor is being mobilized to commence 3D, IP, drone Mag and EM on our Betenase and...
Tilbud om køb af B-aktier til B-aktionærerne i F.E. Bording A/S
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Glostrup, Dec. 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fremsættelse af tilbud til selskabets B-aktionærer om køb af B-aktierF.E. Bording A/S’ anmodning om sletning fra handel og notering godkendt af Nasdaq Copenhagen A/SMÅ IKKE OFFENTLIGGØRES, PUBLICERES ELLER DISTRIBUERES, DIREKTE ELLER INDIREKTE, I ELLER TIL NOGEN JURISDIKTION, HVIS DETTE VIL UDGØRE EN OVERTRÆDELSE AF GÆLDENDE RET ELLER REGULERING I DEN PÅGÆLDENDE JURISDIKTION.Sletning fra handel og noteringNasdaq Copenhagen A/S har den 21. december 2020 godkendt afnotering af F.E. Bordings A/S’ B-aktier.I overensstemmelse med de for Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S gældende udstederregler er afnoteringen betinget af, at B-aktionærerne har mulighed for at sælge deres B-aktier i en periode på mindst 4 uger.Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S har fastsat sidste handelsdag som minimum 4 uger efter offentliggørelsen...
FLEURY MICHON : Déclaration des opérations de rachat du 14/12/2020 AU 18/12/2020
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PROGRAMME DE RACHATDECLARATION DES TRANSACTIONS SUR ACTIONS PROPRESSOCIETE FLEURY MICHONPrésentation agrégée par jour et par marchéPériode : 14/12/2020 au 18/12/2020Détail transaction par transactionPièce jointeDéclaration Transactions du 14 au 18 décembre 2020
Clarification Announcement Notice of the Annual and Special Meeting of Shareholders
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SouthGobi Resources Ltd. (TSX: SGQ, HK: 1878) (“SouthGobi” or the “Company”) announces that reference is made to the notice of the annual and special meeting of the shareholders (the “Notice of Meeting”) of SouthGobi Resources Ltd. (the “Company”) to be held on Thursday, January 21, 2021 (the “Meeting”). This announcement is published for the purpose of clarifying the record date in the Notice of Meeting.The Company noted a typographical error in the English and Chinese versions of the Notice of Meeting and would like to clarify that record date for the Meeting should be December 11, 2020 (Friday) instead of December 9, 2020 (Wednesday), which should read as follows with the change duly underlined:English version:“The Board has fixed Friday, December 11, 2020 as the record...
Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting in Immunicum AB (publ)
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Press Release21 December 2020Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting in Immunicum AB (publ)The shareholders of Immunicum AB (publ) (the ”Company”), reg. no 556629-1786, are hereby invited to an Extraordinary General Meeting on Friday, January 22, 2021 at 13:00 at IVA Konferenscenter at Grev Turegatan 16 Stockholm. Registration for the meeting will commence at 12:30.NOTIFICATIONShareholders who wish to attend the meeting shall:be recorded in the share register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB on the record date of Thursday, January 14, 2021, andnot later than on Monday, January 18, 2021 have notified their attendance and any advisors to the Company; either in writing via letter to Immunicum AB (publ), “General meeting”, Östermalmstorg 5, SE-114 42 Stockholm or by e-mail to notification shall include full name, personal/corporate...