Day: December 19, 2020
HOUSTON et ANVERS, Belgique, 19 déc. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SEACOR Marine Holdings Inc. (NYSE : SMHI) (la « Société » ou « SEACOR Marine »), un fournisseur de premier plan de services de transport de soutien et maritime vers des installations de production de pétrole et de gaz naturel offshore et des parcs éoliens dans le monde entier, et Compagnie Maritime Belge (« CMB »), un groupe diversifié spécialisé dans l’expédition et la logistique, ont annoncé aujourd’hui qu’une filiale en propriété exclusive de la Société a conclu un contrat de vente et d’achat (« SPA ») définitif et contraignant visant à vendre Windcat Workboat Holdings Limited (« Windcat ») et son activité de navires de relève d’équipage (« CTV ») à CMB. En contrepartie de la vente, à la clôture de la transaction, CMB versera à SEACOR Marine...
No Action Letter received by Danske Bank A/S from the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control related to the Estonia case
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No Action Letter received by Danske Bank A/S from the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control related to the Estonia caseDanske Bank A/S has been informed that the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has decided to close its investigation of Danske Bank in relation to the Estonia case with no action. OFAC is the U.S. authority responsible for civil enforcement of U.S. sanctions. The decision does not preclude OFAC from taking future enforcement action should new or additional information warrant renewed attention.As we have previously communicated, Danske Bank continues to be under criminal and regulatory investigations by authorities in Denmark, France and the United States, including by the Danish State Prosecutor for Serious Economic and International Crime (SØIK), the...
Det amerikanske finansministeriums kontor for kontrol med udenlandske aktiver meddeler Danske Bank A/S, at man ikke tager yderligere skridt imod banken i relation til Estlandsagen
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Det amerikanske finansministeriums kontor for kontrol med udenlandske aktiver meddeler Danske Bank A/S, at man ikke tager yderligere skridt imod banken i relation til EstlandsagenKontoret for kontrol med udenlandske aktiver i det amerikanske finansministerium (the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the US Department of the Treasury – OFAC) har meddelt Danske Bank A/S, at undersøgelsen af banken i relation til Estlandsagen afsluttes uden yderligere skridt imod Danske Bank. OFAC er den amerikanske myndighed, der er ansvarlig for den civilretlige håndhævelse af amerikanske sanktioner. Afgørelsen udelukker ikke OFAC fra at tage fremtidige skridt, såfremt nye eller yderligere oplysninger måtte give anledning til, at undersøgelsen genoptages.Som vi tidligere har kommunikeret, er Danske Bank fortsat genstand for både strafferetlige undersøgelser...
Roberto Italia leaves the board of Cavotec
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Following his appointment as CEO of international investment group Verlinvest earlier this year Roberto Italia has decided to resign from Cavotec’s Board of Directors with immediate effect to focus on that role. Roberto Italia has been a board member of Cavotec since 2018.Patrik Tigerschiöld, chairman of the board of Cavotec, comments: ”I would like to thank Roberto for his valuable contribution during the time that we have served together on the board, and I wish him every success”.ENDS For further details please contact:Johan HähnelInvestor Relations ManagerTelephone: +46 70 605 63 34. Email: investor@cavotec.comThis information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 10:30 CET on 19 December 2020.About CavotecCavotec is a leading engineering group that designs and manufactures automated...
Maha Energy AB (publ) (“Maha” or the “Company”) Announce Strong Tie-2 Flow Rates and an Operational Update
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The Company is pleased to announce that the recently completed Tie-2 well is free flowing oil and gas at a rate of 1,825 BOPD and 1,083 MSCFPD (2,005 BOEPD1) on a 1-1/2” choke with a stable tubing-head flowing pressure. A follow up well west of Tie 2, Tie-3, was spudded on 18th December and is expected to take about 60 days to drill and complete. The completion issues with the GTE-4 well have been rectified and the well is now being cleaned up and flowing oil and gas to the Tie Production Facilities.Jonas Lindvall, CEO of Maha Energy commented “The Tie-2 well is delivering oil rates above expectations and with the issues with the GTE-4 completion now behind us we are finally heading in the right direction in Brazil. We now leave 2020 behind us and look forward to a strong start to 2021 underpinned by a solid production capacity.”Tie-2...
Maha Energy AB (publ) (”Maha” eller ”Bolaget”) meddelar starka Tie-2 produktionstestvolymer samt en operativ uppdatering
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Den nyligen färdigställda Tie-2 produktionsbrunnen flödar på egen hand 1 825 fat olja om dagen samt 1 083 tusen kubikfot gas om dagen (2 005 BOEPD1) genom en 1–1/2 tumsventil med stabilt brunnshuvudtryck. Borrning av uppföljningsbrunnen, Tie-3, påbörjades den 18 december och beräknas ta ungefär 60 dagar att färdigställa. Den svåråterställda GTE-4 brunnen har nu färdigställts och producerar nu olja och gas till Tie produktionsanläggningen.Jonas Lindvall, Maha Energy’s VD kommenterade: ”Tie-2 produktionsbrunnen levererar över förväntan och tillsammans med återställningen av den problematiska GTE-4 brunnen bakom oss så är vi äntligen på väg tillbaka åt rätt håll i Brasilien. Vi lämnar nu 2020 bakom oss och börjar 2021 med en stark produktionskapacitet”. Tie-2 (Tie fältet)Tie-2 (7-TIE-2D-BA) produktionsbrunnen har nu kopplats på till...
Recro Grants Inducement Award to New Chief Executive Officer
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MALVERN, Pa., Dec. 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Recro (Nasdaq:REPH), a leading contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO), with integrated solutions for formulation, analytical services, regulatory support, manufacturing and packaging of both commercial and development stage oral solid dose drug products, today announced that it granted an inducement award to its newly-appointed President and Chief Executive Officer, David Enloe.The award consists of 217,822 restricted stock units and an option to purchase 194,175 shares of Recro’s common stock. The award was granted on December 15, 2020 pursuant to the NASDAQ inducement grant exception as a component of Mr. Enloe’s compensation and was granted as an inducement material to his acceptance of employment with Recro in accordance with NASDAQ Listing Rule 5635(c)(4). With...
Relevium Issues Corporate Update on MCTO and Filing of Financial Statements
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MONTREAL, Dec. 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Relevium Technologies Inc. (TSX.V: “RLV”, OTC: “RLLVF” and Frankfurt: “6BX”) (the “Company” or “Relevium”) announces an update on its ongoing disclosure obligations and to its previously disclosed management cease trade order (“MCTO”), announced on October 27, 2020, with respect to the audited annual financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2020, the interim financial statements for the first quarter of operations for the three months ended September 30, 2020 and the corresponding management’s discussion and analysis for both filings (collectively, the “Required Financial Filings”) that were not filed by the required filing deadline of October 28, 2020 for the annual financial statements and November 30, 2020 for the interim financial statements (the “Filing Deadlines”).The...
UPS Continues Support of COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution
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ATLANTA, Dec. 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — UPS (NYSE:UPS) continues its involvement with COVID-19 vaccine delivery efforts through a partnership with global pharmaceutical and medical supply distributor McKesson. Through contracts with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response to support Operation Warp Speed, McKesson is the centralized distributor for non-ultra-frozen COVID-19 vaccines and ancillary supply kits. Under its agreement with McKesson, UPS will begin delivering Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine, which today received a U.S. Food and Drug Administration Emergency Use Authorization.“This is a critically important initiative for UPS, and we are committed to delivering what matters for as long as it takes,” says Carol Tomé, CEO of UPS. “McKesson is a valued UPS Healthcare...
Purpose Investments Inc. Announces Final Annual 2020 Capital Gains Distributions
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TORONTO, Dec. 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Purpose Investments Inc. (“Purpose”) today announced the final annual capital gains distributions for its open-end exchange-traded funds and closed-end funds (“the Funds”) with a December 15, 2020 tax year-end. The distributions represent capital gains realized by the Funds during the year.The annual capital gain distribution for Purpose Gold Bullion Fund will be paid in cash. ETF Series unitholders of record at the close of business on December 29, 2020 will receive the 2020 annual capital gains distribution on January 8, 2021.Details of the per unit distribution amounts are as follows:Purpose expects to announce the final annual capital gains distributions amounts for Purpose High Interest Savings ETF, Purpose US Cash Fund, and Purpose Specialty Lending Trust on or about December 31, 2020,...