Day: December 17, 2020
SCANFIL OYJ PÖRSSITIEDOTE 17.12.2020 KLO 21:15SCANFIL VIRTAVIIVAISTAA TEHDASVERKOSTOAAN JA JÄRJESTELEE TUOTANTOAAN KESKI-EUROOPASSAScanfil tiedotti 1.7.2020, että Scanfil-konserniin kuuluva Scanfil GmbH suunnittelee Hampurin tehtaan tuotannon alasajoa sekä tehtaan sulkemista. Yhtiö aloitti koko Hampurin tehtaan henkilöstöä koskevan konsultaatioprosessin, joka on nyt saatu päätökseen. Scanfil GmbH on päättänyt sulkea Hampurin tehtaan. Tuotanto jatkuu Scanfil-konsernin Wutha-Farnrodan tehtaalla Saksassa ja Sierazin tehtaalla Puolassa.Järjestelyllä ei ole vaikutusta Scanfilin voimassa olevaan vuoden 2020 taloudelliseen näkymään.Scanfilin Wutha-Farnrodan tehdas on asemoitunut vahvaa insinööriosaamista omaavana ”high mix – low volume” -valmistusyksikkönä, sijaiten lähellä saksalaisia ja keskieurooppalaisia asiakkaita....
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SCANFIL PLC STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 17 DECEMBER 2020 9:15 PMScanfil announced on 1 July 2020 that Scanfil GmbH, part of the Scanfil Group, is planning to scale down and close its Hamburg factory. The company started a consultation process concerning the entire personnel working at the Hamburg factory. The consultation process has now ended and Scanfil GmbH has decided to close down the Hamburg factory. The production will continue at the Wutha-Farnroda factory in Germany and the Sieradz factory in Poland.The arrangement will result in non-recurring restructuring charges of approximately EUR 6 million, which will be recognized in the fourth quarter of 2020. The planned action would result in annual cost savings of approximately EUR 2.5 million. The measures are scheduled to be completed by the end of the third quarter...
JM Family Enterprises Subsidiary Home Franchise Concepts Adds Kitchen Tune-Up to its Family of Brands
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Deerfield Beach, Fla., Dec. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Home Franchise Concepts, a subsidiary of JM Family Enterprises, has entered into an agreement to acquire Kitchen Tune-Up, an impressive and growing franchise company specializing in affordable kitchen updates through its network of 135 individual franchisees in 202 territories across the U.S.JM Family and Home Franchise Concepts are focused on empowering the experienced team at Kitchen Tune-Up to continue to grow and provide value to its franchise network. This sale will provide Kitchen Tune-Up with additional resources such as expanded operational, technology and marketing support to continue to grow its reach while surpassing customer expectations.Kitchen Tune-Up becomes the fifth brand in the Home Franchise Concepts portfolio, joining Budget Blinds, Tailored Living featuring...
NioBay Announces Completion of Royalty Sale and Provides a Corporate Update
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MONTREAL, Dec. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NioBay Metals Inc. (“NioBay” or the “Company”) (TSX-V: NBY) is pleased to announce that Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd (“Osisko”) has exercised its option to purchase a 1.0% royalty on all products to be produced from NioBay’s wholly-owned James Bay Niobium project, located 40 kilometres south of Moosonee, Ontario (the “James Bay Project”) for $2,000,000. The option was granted to Osisko as part of its initial investment in NioBay in March 2018.The funds will be used in the development of the James Bay Niobium project.2021 DRILL PROGRAM ON THE JAMES BAY PROJECTThe Company is in final preparation for its 12,000 meters infill drilling on the James Bay Project. All major contracts have been awarded, and if weather permits, drilling should begin in January. The objective of the program is to convert...
Silver Lake Center, Affiliated with Genesis HealthCare, Among the First Long-Term Care Facilities in the U.S. to Administer COVID-19 Vaccine to Frontline Healthcare Workers
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KENNETT SQUARE, Pa., Dec. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Genesis HealthCare (NYSE:GEN) (Genesis or the Company) affiliated nursing home today became one of the first long-term care facilities in the U.S. to vaccinate frontline healthcare workers against COVID-19. Genesis HealthCare is one of the nation’s largest providers of post-acute care. An event, held outside Silver Lake Center in Dover, Delaware, documented the vaccinations of a Registered Nurse, Kolubah Goniah, Chief Nursing Officer, JoAnne Reifsnyder and the Center’s Executive Director, Warren Burke, and featured remarks by the Mayor of Dover, Robin R. Christiansen.“Today marks an incredible milestone of hope and defense in our collective fight against the COVID-19 pandemic: one of the first vaccinations of nursing home frontline staff,” said George V. Hager, Jr., Chief Executive...
DSG Global Inc. Subsidiary Imperium Motors Begins Receiving Shipments of Electric Vehicles from Partners Zhejiang Jonway Automobile and Skywell Automobile Group all to Arrive by the End of This Year
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With Continued Huge Demands the Company Has Placed Two Large Orders to Include the Jonway TerraE Truck and Skywell Buses
Jérôme Guilbert is appointed Chief Communications Officer at SCOR
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Press ReleaseDecember 17, 2020 – N° 27Jérôme Guilbert is appointed Chief Communications Officer at SCORJérôme Guilbert is joining SCOR as Group Chief Communications Officer. He will take up his post on January 4, 2021. Based in Paris, he will be responsible for all facets of the Group’s internal and external communications.Denis Kessler, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of SCOR, comments: “I am delighted that Jérôme Guilbert is joining SCOR. His experience and expertise will be invaluable assets in terms of further developing an ambitious brand strategy, particularly by accelerating SCOR’s production of original content on the changing risk universe and sharing it as widely as possible with all our stakeholders.”** *BiographyJérôme Guilbert, a French citizen, is a graduate of Paris-Dauphine University, Sciences...
Jérôme Guilbert est nommé Directeur de la Communication du groupe SCOR
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Communiqué de presse17 décembre 2020 – N° 27Jérôme Guilbert est nommé Directeur de la Communication du groupe SCORJérôme Guilbert rejoint SCOR en tant que Directeur de la communication du Groupe. Il prendra ses fonctions le 4 janvier 2021. Basé à Paris, il sera en charge de tous les aspects de la communication interne et externe du Groupe.Denis Kessler, Président et directeur général de SCOR, déclare : « Je me réjouis que Jérôme Guilbert rejoigne SCOR. Son expérience et son expertise seront de précieux atouts pour poursuivre le développement d’une stratégie de marque ambitieuse, notamment en accélérant la production par le Groupe de contenus originaux sur l’évolution de l’univers des risques et en les diffusant de la manière la plus large auprès de l’ensemble de nos parties prenantes. »** *BiographieJérôme Guilbert, de nationalité...
Daily Journal Corporation Announces Financial Results for Fiscal Year ended September 30, 2020
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LOS ANGELES, Dec. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — During fiscal 2020, Daily Journal Corporation (NASDAQ:DJCO) had consolidated revenues of $49,942,000 as compared with $48,655,000 in the prior year. This increase of $1,287,000 was primarily from Journal Technologies’ increased license and maintenance fees of $1,468,000, consulting fees of $2,179,000 and public service fees of $38,000, partially offset by reductions in the Traditional Business’ display advertising (including conferences which were discontinued) net revenues of $1,009,000, classified advertising net revenues of $218,000, trustee sale notice advertising net revenues of $282,000, legal notice advertising net revenues of $523,000 and circulation revenues of $159,000. The Traditional Business had a pretax loss of $1,814,000, representing a $1,833,000 decrease in income from...
Can-Am Completed Record-Breaking Racing Year in 2020
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VALCOURT, Quebec, Dec. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BRP (TSX: DOO; NASDAQ: DOOO) saw Can-Am Off-Road racers set new standards for side-by-side vehicle performance this year. And as 2020 approaches the finish line, the company is looking in its rearview mirror and celebrating a record-breaking year on racetracks around the world. And, just as importantly, acknowledging what all those victories mean for everyone who craves the ultimate in off-road exhilaration.“2020 was an incredible year for Can-Am Off-Road racing,” said Bernard Guy, Senior Vice President of Global Product Strategy at BRP. “The results speak for themselves. And much like automotive manufacturers involved with F1 or NASCAR, racing is a key marker for our product innovation. We observe and test vehicle dynamics and performance in the harshest of conditions, and then...