Day: December 17, 2020
EssilorLuxottica announces organizational changesand interim dividend 2020Hubert Sagnières decided to leave executive responsibilities in EssilorLuxottica and its subsidiaries, and remain non-executive Vice-ChairmanIn order to preserve the equal powers principle, Leonardo Del Vecchio to voluntarily step back from his executive responsibilities in EssilorLuxottica and remain non-executive ChairmanExecutive powers granted until the 2021 annual general meeting to Francesco Milleri and Paul du Saillant, who are appointed as CEO and Deputy CEOInterim dividend for financial year 2020 of Euro 1.15 per shareEssilorLuxottica is a global leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of ophthalmic lenses, frames and sunglasses. Formed in 2018, its mission is to help people around the world to see more, be more and live life to its fullest by...
EssilorLuxottica : EssilorLuxottica annonce des changements d’organisation ainsi qu’un acompte sur dividende pour l’exercice 2020
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EssilorLuxottica annonce des changements d’organisationainsi qu’un acompte sur dividende pour l’exercice 2020Hubert Sagnières a décidé de quitter ses fonctions exécutives au sein d’EssilorLuxottica et ses filiales, et reste Vice-Président non-exécutifPour garantir le respect du principe d’équilibre des pouvoirs, Leonardo Del Vecchio se retire volontairement de ses responsabilités exécutives dans EssilorLuxottica et reste Président non exécutifLes pouvoirs exécutifs sont confiés jusqu’à l’Assemblée Générale Annuelle de 2021 à Francesco Milleri et Paul du Saillant, qui sont nommés respectivement Directeur Général et Directeur Général DéléguéL’acompte sur dividende pour l’exercice 2020 s’élèvera à 1,15 euros par actionEssilorLuxottica est un leader mondial dans la conception, la fabrication et la distribution de verres ophtalmiques, demontures...
EssilorLuxottica : Cambiamenti organizzativi in EssilorLuxottica e acconto di dividendo per l’esercizio 2020
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Cambiamenti organizzativi in EssilorLuxottica e acconto di dividendo per l’esercizio 2020Hubert Sagnières lascia tutte le cariche operative in EssilorLuxottica e nelle sue controllate e rimane Vice Presidente non EsecutivoAl fine di mantenere la governance paritaria in EssilorLuxottica Leonardo Del vecchio lascia volontariamente le cariche operative nella Società e rimane Presidente non EsecutivoFrancesco Milleri e Paul du Saillant assumono tutti i poteri esecutivi fino all’Assemblea degli Azionisti del 2021 e vengono nominati rispettivamente Amministratore Delegato e vice Amministratore DelegatoAcconto di dividendo per l’esercizio 2020 pari a Euro 1,15 per azioneEssilorLuxottica è un leader globale nella progettazione, produzione e distribuzione di lenti oftalmiche, occhiali da vista e da sole. Costituita nel 2018, la sua mission è aiutare...
North Arrow Announces Addition of Torrie Chartier to Board of Directors
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — North Arrow Minerals Inc. (TSXV-NAR) is pleased to announce that Ms. Torrie Chartier has been elected as an independent director to the Company’s board of directors, increasing the number of directors to five.Ken Armstrong, President and CEO of North Arrow, stated, “It is a pleasure to welcome Torrie Chartier to the North Arrow board. Ms. Chartier is an experienced industry professional and North Arrow will benefit from her expertise and advice as the company takes advantage of improving diamond market sentiment to advance our Canadian diamond exploration projects in 2021, including an important $5.6 million, 1,500 to 2,000 tonne bulk sample program at the Naujaat Diamond Project, fully financed and set to start in June 2021.”Ms. Chartier presently serves as CFO and a...
Class 1 Announces Flow-Through Closing
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TORONTO, Dec. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Class 1 Nickel and Technologies Ltd. (CSE: NICO) (“Class 1” or the “Company“) is pleased to announce the closing of its non-brokered private placement of flow-through shares at an issue price of $1.10 per share (the “Offering”) which closed on December 16, 2020.The Company raised a total of $1,499,999.60 from the sale of 1,363,636 flow-through shares in the Offering.All securities will be subject to a four-month hold period from the closing date. On this closing, the Company paid a total of $119,999.97 in compensation to certain finders.Proceeds of the Offering will be used to satisfy drilling commitments under the Company’s option agreement with Quebec Precious Metals Corporation for the Somanike Property located in the Abitibi region of Quebec.Class 1 Nickel and...
Eimskip: Information regarding Q4 2020 results and EBITDA guidance for the year 2021
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According to management accounts for October and November, available today, along with an estimate for December, EBITDA will be in the range of EUR 14 to 15.5 million compared to EUR 11.2 million in same quarter last year. According to the expected Q4 results EBITDA for the full year 2020 will be in the range of EUR 60.7 to 62.2 million, compared to EUR 60.5 million in the year 2019. The Company would like to inform the market of this since an EBITDA guidance for 2020 has not previously been restated.The Company would like to point out that the operating results for December are not yet available but historically the results for that month are volatile. The results are subject to changes until work on financial closing and audit of the year 2020 is completed.EBITDA Guidance 2021At a meeting of the Board of Directors today next years budget...
Eimskip: Upplýsingar varðandi afkomu fjórða ársfjórðungs 2020 og afkomuspá ársins 2021
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Samkvæmt stjórnendauppgjöri fyrir október og nóvember, sem nú liggur fyrir, ásamt áætlun fyrir desember, lítur út fyrir að EBITDA á fjórða ársfjórðungi 2020 verði á bilinu 14 til 15,5 milljónir evra samanborið við 11,2 milljónir evra á sama ársfjórðungi síðasta árs. Miðað við vænta afkomu á fjórða ársfjórðungi þá verður EBITDA afkoma ársins 2020 á bilinu 60,7 til 62,2 milljónir evra, samanborið við 60,5 milljónir evra árið 2019. Félaginu þykir rétt að upplýsa um þetta þar sem afkomuspá hefur ekki verið í gildi fyrir árið 2020.Vakin er athygli á því að afkoma desember liggur ekki fyrir en sögulega er afkoma þess mánaðar sveiflukennd. Þá getur afkoman tekið breytingum þar til vinnu við uppgjör og endurskoðun ársins 2020 er lokið.Afkomuspá 2021Á fundi stjórnar félagsins í dag var áætlun næsta árs samþykkt og hefur félagið samhliða ákveðið...
Puma Exploration Closes $750,000 Private Placement
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RIMOUSKI, Quebec, Dec. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Puma Exploration Inc., PUMA-TSXV, (“Puma”) is pleased to announce the closing of the fully subscribed current ordinary units private placement for an amount of $750,000. The Company issued 5 million units (“Units”) at the price of $0.15 per Unit. Each unit comprises one common share and one common share purchase warrant. Each warrant gives its holder the right to purchase one common share at a price of $0.25 per share until December 17, 2022.In connection with the private placement, the company has paid cash finders’ fees totalling $15,315 and issued 364,200 finders’ warrants, each entitling the holder to acquire one additional common share of Puma at a price of $0.15 for 24 months. All securities issued to purchasers and finders under the offering are subject to a four-month...
Further asset sales and loan extensions
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Date: 17 December 2020Release: After close of EuronextPlease open the following link to read the full report including annexes:AttachmentFull press release
Hub Group Receives Two Awards From SDCE and Food Logistics to Close Out the Year
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OAK BROOK, Ill., Dec. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hub Group (NASDAQ: HUBG), announced today that it has been awarded Supply & Demand Chain Executive’s (SDCE) Green Supply Chain Award and Food Logistics 100+ Top Software and Technology Providers.SDCE’s Green Supply Chain Award recognizes companies making green or sustainability a core part of their supply chain strategy and are working to achieve measurable sustainability goals within their own operations. The award also recognizes providers of supply chain solutions and services assisting their customers in achieving measurable sustainability goals.The annual Food Logistics 100+ Top Software and Technology Providers honors leading software and technology providers that ensure a safe, efficient and reliable global food and beverage supply chain.“This year’s 13th-annual award...