Day: December 17, 2020
PERTH, Western Australia, Dec. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Perseus Mining Limited (“Perseus” or the “Company”) (TSX & ASX: PRU) is pleased to advise it has successfully completed the first pour of gold at its Yaouré Gold Mine in Côte d’Ivoire. Perseus achieved this important milestone nearly five weeks ahead of schedule, consistent with its “stretch target” of first gold at Yaouré in December 2020.With construction of the Yaouré processing plant and associated infrastructure largely complete, Perseus will now focus on satisfying continuous performance tests and positioning to declare Commercial Production. Perseus expects to achieve both during the March 2021 quarter, when the first shipment of gold from the Yaouré mine site is also expected to occur.Perseus acquired Yaouré when it merged with Amara Mining plc in April 2016....
Merus et Sema4 concluent un accord pour soutenir l’essai clinique de phase 1/2 de Merus sur le Zenocutuzumab
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UTRECHT (Pays-Bas) et STAMFORD, Connecticut (États-Unis), 18 déc. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Merus N.V. (Nasdaq : MRUS), société d’oncologie de stade clinique qui développe des anticorps innovants multispécifiques pleine longueur (Biclonics® et Triclonics™), et Sema4, société spécialisée dans l’analyse des données de santé axée sur les patients, ont annoncé aujourd’hui avoir conclu un accord stratégique visant à utiliser les tests génomiques avancés de Sema4 pour identifier les patients atteints de tumeurs présentant des fusions du gène neuréguline 1 (NRG1) susceptibles d’être éligibles à un traitement expérimental avec l’anticorps bispécifique Zenocutuzumab (« Zeno ») dans le cadre de l’essai eNRGy de phase 1/2 commandité par Merus.En vertu des termes de cet accord, Sema4 effectuera des tests génomiques...
Merus und Sema4 gehen Vereinbarung zur Unterstützung der klinischen Studie der Phase 1/2 für Zenocutuzumab von Merus ein
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UTRECHT, Niederlande und STAMFORD, Conn., Dec. 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Merus N.V. (Nasdaq: MRUS), ein Unternehmen im Bereich der klinischen Onkologie, das innovative multispezifische Antikörper in voller Länge entwickelt (Biclonics® und Triclonics™), und Sema4, ein patientenorientiertes Health-Intelligence-Unternehmen, gaben heute bekannt, dass sie eine strategische Vereinbarung getroffen haben, um die fortschrittlichen Genomtests von Sema4 zu nutzen, um Patienten mit Tumoren zu identifizieren, die Neuregulin-1-Genfusionen (NRG1) aufweisen und im Rahmen der von Merus gesponserten eNRGy-Studie der Phase 1/2 für eine Behandlung mit dem bispezifischen Antikörper Zenocutuzumab („Zeno“) in Frage kommen könnten.Im Rahmen der Vereinbarung wird Sema4 genomische Tests durchführen, um Patienten mit fortgeschrittenen NRG1-positiven (NGR1+)...
Conifex Announces Operating Disruption at Power Facility and Fourth Quarter 2020 Results Conference Call
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VANCOUVER, B.C., Dec. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Conifex Timber Inc. (“Conifex”) (TSX: CFF) announced today a disruption of operations at its power plant in Mackenzie, British Columbia resulting from damage to the plant’s generator. The boiler and other long lead-time equipment have not been impacted.Conifex is working with its contractors to assess the damages and the required work plan. Conifex currently estimates repairs and the resumption of operations in a matter of weeks.The disruption at the power facility is not expected to impact sawmill operations.Fourth Quarter 2020 Results Conference CallConifex plans to release its fourth quarter 2020 results after the market closes on Tuesday, March 2, 2021. Conifex has scheduled a conference call at 2:00 PM Pacific time / 5:00 PM Eastern time on the same day to...
Mount Logan Capital Inc. Announces Purchase of Minority Stake in U.S. Asset Management Platform
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THIS NEWS RELEASE IS NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO U.S. NEWSWIRE SERVICES FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATESAll figures in United States dollars unless otherwise noted.TORONTO, Dec. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mount Logan Capital Inc. (NEO: MLC) (“Mount Logan” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company has completed the acquisition of a 21.4% equity stake in Sierra Crest Investment Management LLC (“Sierra Crest”) from an arms-length third party for a purchase price of $7.0 million, funded by a combination of newly incurred debt and a deferred cash consideration. Sierra Crest is a registered investment adviser under the U.S. Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended, whose primary activities are the management of Portman Ridge Finance Corporation (“Portman Ridge”) and the Alternative Credit...
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Holmdel, New Jersey, Dec. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Monmouth Real Estate Investment Corporation (NYSE:MNR) today announced the acquisition of a new 487,900 square foot industrial building located at 8341 Industrial Parkway, Plain City, OH at a purchase price of $73.3 million. The property is net-leased for 15 years to FedEx Ground Packaging System, Inc., a Delaware corporation. The building is situated on approximately 100 acres.Michael P. Landy, President and CEO, commented, “We are very pleased to announce this high-quality acquisition. This large 100-acre site has ample expansion capacity and is situated near Interstate 270. Monmouth’s portfolio is closely tied to the rampant growth in ecommerce. For many years, our tenants have been experiencing strong demand for their services and this trend has greatly accelerated due to...
Mesoblast Update on COVID-19 ARDS Trial
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NEW YORK, Dec. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mesoblast Limited (Nasdaq:MESO; ASX:MSB) today provided an update on the randomized controlled trial of remestemcel-L in ventilator-dependent patients with moderate to severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) due to COVID-19 infection after the Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) performed a third interim analysis on the trial’s first 180 patients. The trial was powered to achieve a primary endpoint of 43% reduction in mortality at 30 days for treatment with remestemcel-L on top of maximal care in a trial of 300 patients. This projected mortality reduction was based on pilot data observed during the initial stages of the pandemic when control mortality rates were exceedingly high and prior to new evolving treatment regimens that have reduced disease mortality in ventilated patients....
Dune Acquisition Corporation Announces Pricing of Upsized $150 Million Initial Public Offering
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NEW YORK, Dec. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dune Acquisition Corporation (the “Company”) announced today the pricing of its upsized initial public offering of 15,000,000 units at a price of $10.00 per unit. The units will be listed on The Nasdaq Capital Market (the “Nasdaq”) and trade under the ticker symbol “DUNEU” beginning on December 18, 2020. Each unit consists of one share of Class A common stock and one-half of one redeemable warrant, with each warrant whole exercisable to purchase one share of Class A common stock at a price of $11.50 per share. After the securities comprising the units begin separate trading, the shares of Class A common stock and warrants are expected to be listed on Nasdaq under the symbols “DUNE” and “DUNEW,” respectively. The offering is expected to close on December 22, 2020.Dune Acquisition Corporation...
Gold Resource Corporation Approves Spin-Off of Fortitude Gold Corporation and Announces Record and Distribution Dates
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COLORADO SPRINGS, Dec. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — Gold Resource Corporation (NYSE American: GORO) (the “Company” and “Gold Resource”) announced today that its Board of Directors has approved the spin-off of Fortitude Gold Corporation (“Fortitude Gold”) and declared a pro rata distribution of 100% of the outstanding common stock of Fortitude Gold to shareholders of Gold Resource Corporation. The Board of Directors has established the record date as the close of business on December 28, 2020 (the “Record Date”), and the distribution date as the close of business December 31, 2020 (the “Distribution Date”). As a result of the distribution, Gold Resource shareholders of record will receive one (1) share of Fortitude Gold for every 3.5 shares of Gold Resource Corporation common stock they hold. The ex-date...
Canterra Minerals Announces Closing of $3.9M Financing and Acquisition of the Wilding Lake Gold Project, Newfoundland
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NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO US NEWS WIRE SERVICES OR FOR DISSEMINATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. ANY FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS RESTRICTION MAY CONSTITUTE A VIOLATION OF U.S. SECURITIES LAWS.VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Canterra Minerals Corporation (TSX-V:CTM) (“Canterra” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the closing of the previously announced (November 9, 2020) share exchange agreement whereby the Company has acquired (the “Acquisition”) all of the issued and outstanding securities of Teton Opportunities Inc. (“Teton”) the closing of the previously announced (November 9, 2020 and December 7, 2020) non-brokered private placement of flow-through common shares and units for aggregate gross proceeds of $3,949,500 (the “Financing”) and closing the Debt Settlement (as defined below).As previously...