Day: December 15, 2020
Net asset value (NAV) of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) unit at end of November 2020 amounted to EUR 1.2088 per unit. Compared to the previous month, NAV per unit increased by +0.66%. Total net asset value of the Fund rose to EUR 144.6 million over the month. The NAV was affected positively by the operating performance of properties and cash flow hedge movement during the month. EPRA NAV, EPRA NRV and EPRA NTA as at the end of November 2020 increased to EUR 1.2937 per unit, corresponding to an increase of +0.59% over the last month.Consolidated net rental income for the first 11 months of the year amounted to EUR 18.4 million, exceeding the previous year’s net rental income for the same period by EUR 1.0 million or +5.5% (EUR 17.4 million during the eleven months ended 30 November 2019). The strong growth was driven by the acquisitions...
Baltic Horizon Fund publishes its NAV for November 2020
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Net asset value (NAV) of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) unit at end of November 2020 amounted to EUR 1.2088 per unit. Compared to the previous month, NAV per unit increased by +0.66%. Total net asset value of the Fund rose to EUR 144.6 million over the month. The NAV was affected positively by the operating performance of properties and cash flow hedge movement during the month. EPRA NAV, EPRA NRV and EPRA NTA as at the end of November 2020 increased to EUR 1.2937 per unit, corresponding to an increase of +0.59% over the last month.Consolidated net rental income for the first 11 months of the year amounted to EUR 18.4 million, exceeding the previous year’s net rental income for the same period by EUR 1.0 million or +5.5% (EUR 17.4 million during the eleven months ended 30 November 2019). The strong growth was driven by the acquisitions...
Baltic Horizon Fond avaldab osaku puhasväärtuse 2020. aasta novembri seisuga
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Baltic Horizon Fondi (Fond) osaku puhasväärtus (NAV) 2020. aasta novembri lõpu seisuga on 1,2088 eurot osaku kohta. Fondi osaku puhasväärtuse muutus võrreldes eelneva kuu lõpu seisuga on +0,66%. Fondi kogu puhasväärtus kasvas kuuga 144,6 miljoni euroni. Fondi puhasväärtust mõjutas positiivselt renditegevusest teenitud rahavoog ja muutus rahavoogude riskimaandamisinstrumendi reservis. EPRA NAV, EPRA NRV ja EPRA NTA vähenes 2020. aasta novembri lõpu seisuga 1,2937 euroni osaku kohta, mis tähendab +0,59% kasvu viimase kuuga.Aasta esimese 11 kuu konsolideeritud puhas renditulu ulatus 18,4 miljoni euroni, ületades eelmise aasta sama perioodi renditulu 1,0 miljoni euro ehk +5,5% võrra (17,4 miljonit eurot 30. novembril 2019. aastal lõppenud üheteistkümne kuu jooksul). Tugeva kasvu taga olid Galerija Centrs`i ja North Star`i omandamised, millel...
Founders Advantage Receives Shareholder Approval for DLC Acquisition and Related Transactions
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CALGARY, Alberta, Dec. 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Founders Advantage Capital Corp. (TSX-V: FCF) (“FAC” or the “Corporation”) is pleased to announce the following results from its special meeting of shareholders (the “Meeting”) held earlier today:99.98% of the votes cast at the Meeting were in favour of the Corporation completing the proposed acquisition of Dominion Lending Centres pursuant to the purchase agreement dated October 5, 2020 (the “Proposed Acquisition Resolution”);99.96% of the votes cast at the Meeting were in favour of the Corporation completing the proposed Inversion Right Termination Transaction pursuant to the purchase agreement dated October 5, 2020 (the “Inversion Right Termination Resolution”);99.96% of the votes cast at the Meeting were in favour of the Corporation completing the proposed private placement...
Rackspace Technology und Humen.Ai arbeiten bei der Optimierung einer von künstlicher Intelligenz gesteuerten Dance-App zusammen
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SAN ANTONIO, Dec. 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rackspace Technology™ (NASDAQ: RXT), ein führendes Unternehmen für End-to-End-Multi-Cloud-Technologie-Lösungen, gab heute seine Zusammenarbeit mit Humen.Ai bekannt, einem Unternehmen für maschinelles Lernen (ML), das Deep Learning und künstliche Intelligenz (KI) nutzt, um personalisierte interaktive Inhalte zu schaffen. In Rahmen dieser Zusammenarbeit soll die iOS-Anwendung Sway: Magic Dance von Humen.Ai überarbeitet werden, um mithilfe von Serverless- und Machine-Learning-Technologien signifikante Kosten- und Funktionalitätsverbesserungen zu realisieren.Humen.Ai hat sich mit Onica, einem Unternehmen von Rackspace Technology und Amazon Web Services™ (AWS) Premier Consulting Partner, zusammengetan, um seine Sway-App zu verbessern, die KI-gesteuerte Bewegungsfilter verwendet, damit Benutzer...
ALSTOM SA: Alstom wins the contract to design, build and maintain the transport system for Toulouse Metropole’s third metro line
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Alstom wins the contract to design, build and maintain the transport system for Toulouse Metropole’s third metro line15 December 2020 – Alstom has been awarded the contract by Toulouse Metropole for the system for the third and new 27 km metro line, called Toulouse Aerospace Express, for the sum of more than €470 M. The contract could eventually be worth €713 M, including all options. The line consists of 21 stations and will serve the aviation labour pool.The firm tranche of the order guarantees a transport capacity of 5,000 passengers per hour in each direction (pphpd), with options for up to 10,000 pphpd. It includes Alstom’s efficient, proven “Systems” solutions: Metropolis™ trains and Urbalis™ 400 CBTC solution for driverless operation and Hesop™ reversible substations. The scope also includes platform screen...
ALSTOM SA : Le marché ensemblier de la 3ème ligne de métro de Toulouse est attribué à Alstom
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Le marché ensemblier de la 3ème ligne de métro de Toulouse est attribué à AlstomJean-Michel Lattes, Président de Tisséo Collectivités et Président de Tisséo Ingénierie et Jean-Baptiste Eyméoud, Président d’Alstom France, en présence de Jean-Luc Moudenc, Maire de Toulouse et Président de Toulouse Métropole ont signé symboliquement aujourd’hui 15 décembre 2020, le marché ensemblier du système de la 3ème ligne de métro de Toulouse.Le système de transport comprend le matériel roulant (rames), les équipements d’automatisme et de voie, l’alimentation électrique et la maintenance.Alstom a été désigné attributaire par Tisséo Ingénierie du marché du système de la troisième et nouvelle ligne de métro de 27 km pour un montant global de 713 millions d’euros HT, incluant toutes les options1. Cette ligne comprend 21 stations et desservira notamment...
Sodexo: January 12, 2021 Annual Ordinary Shareholders Meeting to be held behind closed doors
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Issy les Moulineaux, December 15, 2020Sodexo (NYSE Euronext Paris FR 0000121220‑OTC: SDXAY).In the context of the sanitary crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and in order to protect all shareholders, guests and organizers, the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer of Sodexo have taken the difficult but nevertheless necessary decision to exceptionally hold the January 12, 2021 Annual Ordinary Shareholders Meeting behind closed doors, without the physical presence of shareholders and other persons entitled to attend. The agenda of the Shareholders Meeting described in the preliminary notice of meeting published in the BALO on December 2, 2020 (bulletin n ° 145) remains unchanged.The Shareholders Meeting will be broadcast live and will be available for replay on the Company’s website: decision was...
Sodexo : Tenue à huis clos de l’Assemblée Générale Ordinaire du 12 janvier 2021
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Issy-les-Moulineaux, le 15 décembre 2020Sodexo (NYSE Euronext Paris FR 0000121220‑OTC : SDXAY).Dans le contexte de crise sanitaire liée à la pandémie de Covid-19, et afin de protéger l’ensemble des actionnaires, invités et organisateurs, le Conseil d’Administration et le Directeur Général de Sodexo ont pris la difficile mais néanmoins nécessaire décision de tenir exceptionnellement l’Assemblée Générale Ordinaire du mardi 12 janvier 2021 à huis clos, hors la présence physique des actionnaires et des autres personnes ayant le droit d’y assister. L’ordre du jour de l’avis de réunion publié au BALO le 2 décembre 2020 (bulletin n°145) demeure inchangé.L’Assemblée Générale sera diffusée en direct et sera également disponible en différé sur le site internet décision intervient conformément aux dispositions de l’ordonnance...
Montero Announces AGM Results
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TORONTO, Dec. 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Montero Mining and Exploration Ltd. (TSX.V: MON) (“Montero” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that at the Company’s Annual General Meeting held Tuesday, December 15, 2020 (the “Meeting”), all resolutions proposed were duly passed by the shareholders of the Company.Shareholders of the Company elected Dr. Antony Harwood, Gregory Hall, Andrew Thomson, Jamie Levy and Jean des Rivieres as directors of the Company for the ensuing year.Dale Matheson Carr-Hilton LaBonte LLP, Chartered Professional Accounts, were re-appointed as the Company’s auditor for the ensuing year, and authorized the Board of Directors to fix the remuneration to be paid to the auditor.The Company’s 10% “rolling” stock option plan was also approved.Following the Meeting, the Board of Directors appointed the following...