Day: December 15, 2020
TORONTO, Dec. 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — i3 Interactive Inc. (“i3 Interactive” or the “Company”) (CSE: BETS) (FRA: F0O3) is pleased to announce that it has closed the previously announced transaction (the “Transaction”) to acquire a controlling interest in an Indian entity (the “Indian Operating Entity”) which owns an active Indian poker brand (the “Indian Poker Operation”). The completion of the Transaction marks the latest step in the Company’s continued efforts to capitalize on the international growth of poker and create long-term value for its shareholders.“We are thrilled to have completed this Transaction. With the historical and projected growth of poker in India the Company has strategically positioned itself within a key market in order to deliver strong performance and return on shareholder value. This acquisition is...
Skeljungur hf.: Questions and answers regarding takeover bid of Strengur hf. to the shareholders of Skeljungs hf.
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See the attachment. Note, the press release is only in Icelandic. AttachmentStrengur_hf._-_Tilboðsyfirlit_-_Spurningar_og_Svör
Skeljungur hf.: Spurningar og svör vegna yfirtökutilboðs Strengs hf. til hluthafa Skeljungs hf.
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Eins og áður hefur verið tilkynnt hefur Strengur hf. lagt fram yfirtökutilboð í allt útistandandi hlutafé Skeljungs í samræmi við skilmála og skilyrði laga um verðbréfaviðskipti nr. 108/2007. Öðrum hluthöfum Skeljungs hefur því verið birt tilboðsyfirlit þann 6 desember sl. Í kjölfarið hafa borist spurningar frá hluthöfum varðandi þær framtíðaráætlanir sem tilboðsgjafi lýsir í tilboðsyfirlitinu. Til að varpa nánara ljósi á áformin birtir Strengur hér spurningar og svör svo að upplýsingarnar séu jafn aðgengilegar öllum hluthöfum áður en þeir taka upplýsta ákvörðun um yfirtökutilboðið. Spurningar og svör má finna í viðhengi.ViðhengiStrengur_hf._-_Tilboðsyfirlit_-_Spurningar_og_Svör
UPDATE – Rafael Pharmaceuticals Receives FDA Fast Track Designation for CPI-613® (devimistat) for the Treatment of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)
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CRANBURY, N.J., Dec. 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rafael Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (“Rafael” or the “Company”), a leader in the growing field of cancer metabolism-based therapeutics, announced today that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted Fast Track designation for the Company’s lead compound, CPI-613® (devimistat), for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML).“Receiving Fast Track designation, especially during a pandemic that has created significant challenges for many trials across the globe, is a testament to the dedicated work of the Rafael team,” said Sanjeev Luther, President and CEO of Rafael. “We would not be here without the support of the FDA, our doctors, our patients, and all who are invested in the hope of finding a successful treatment for this hard-to-treat cancer.”While one of the most common...
Mandatory notification of trade by primary insider
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On 14 December, David Bandele, CFO of Hexagon Composites, purchased 2,500 shares in Hexagon Purus AS at an average price of NOK 36.97. Following the transaction, Mr Bandele controls a total of 15,870 shares in Hexagon Purus AS.For further information please contact:Salman Alam, Vice President, Corporate Development, Hexagon PurusTelephone: +47 476 12 713 | salman.alam@hexagongroup.comKaren Romer, SVP, Hexagon CompositesTelephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.comAbout Hexagon PurusHexagon Purus, a Hexagon Composites company, is a world leading provider of hydrogen type 4 high-pressure cylinders, battery packs and vehicle systems integration for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus enables zero emission solutions for light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles, buses, ground storage, distribution, marine,...
Rackspace Technology and Humen.Ai Collaborate to Streamline Artificial Intelligence-Powered Dance App
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SAN ANTONIO, Dec. 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rackspace Technology™ (NASDAQ: RXT), a leading end-to-end multicloud technology solutions company, today announced it has worked with Humen.Ai, an Machine Learning (ML)-core company that uses deep learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create personalized interactive content, to rebuild Humen.Ai’s Sway: Magic Dance iOS application, using serverless and machine learning technologies to realize significant cost and functionality improvements.Humen.Ai partnered with Amazon Web Services™ (AWS) Premier Consulting Partner, Onica, a Rackspace Technology company, to improve its Sway app, which uses AI-powered motion filters to let users visualize themselves conducting complex dance moves. Rackspace Technology’s team of engineers quickly identified the need for a stronger infrastructure...
Maha Energy publishes a supplement to the prospectus
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The Board of Directors of Maha Energy AB (publ) (“Maha” or “the Company”) has prepared a supplement to the prospectus regarding the list change from Nasdaq First North Growth Market to Nasdaq Stockholm’s main list which was approved by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (“SFSA”) (Sw. Finansinspektionen) on 11 December 2020 and published by the Company on the same date.The Supplement has been prepared due to the press release by the Company on 14 December 2020 available on the Company’s website ( where the Company announced that the Well Test Results of Tartaruga well “Maha-1” indicate a lower than expected oil production rate which, in combination with delays caused by the second wave of Covid-19, means that the Company now expects the 2020 annual average production volume to land at 3,250...
Maha Energy offentliggör tilläggsprospekt
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Styrelsen i Maha Energy AB (publ) (”Maha” eller ”Bolaget”) har upprättat ett tillägg till det prospekt som upprättats med anledning av listbytet från Nasdaq First North Growth Market till Nasdaq Stockholm som godkändes av Finansinspektionen den 11 december 2020 och offentliggjordes av Bolaget samma dag.Tilläggsprospektet har upprättats med anledning av det offentliggörande som gjordes av Bolaget den 14 december 2020 och som finns tillgängligt på Bolagets webbplats ( där Bolaget offentliggjorde att testningen av Tartarugabrunnen ”Maha-1” indikerar en oljeproduktionstakt som är lägre än väntat och som, i kombination med förseningar orsakade av den andra vågen av Covid-19, medför att Bolaget nu förväntar sig en snittproduktion för 2020 om 3 250 fat olja per dag (vilket är en minskning från tidigare uppskattning om 3 700-4...
FirstFarms A/S sells 238 hectares for DKK 12 million
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FirstFarms A/S has today signed final agreement (SPA) of 238 hectares. The agreement is entered based on conditional agreement of totally 1,675 hectares of land in West Romania (company announcement no. 15 of 9 June 2020). There has previously been sold 618 hectares of land (company announcement no. 28 of 12 October 2020), and thus a total of 856 hectares have been sold.The total sales price is expected to constitute DKK 85 million. The remaining part is expected to be carried out in tranches over the coming 10 months. The tranche completed today constitute DKK 12 million.The profit of the total sale is expected to affect EBIT with DKK 40 million. Half of the sale has been carried out. Thus, the remaining sale is expected to affect EBIT with DKK 20 million in 2021.With the total sale, FirstFarms’ cash resource is strengthened by DKK 85...
FirstFarms A/S sælger 238 hektar for 12 mio. kr.
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FirstFarms A/S har i dag underskrevet endelig salgsaftale (SPA) på 238 hektar. Aftalen er gennemført med baggrund i betinget salgsaftale på samlet 1.675 hektar jord i Vestrumænien (selskabsmeddelelse nr. 15 af 9. juni 2020). Der er tidligere solgt 618 hektar (selskabsmeddelelse nr. 28 af 12. oktober 2020), og der er således samlet solgt 856 hektar.Den samlede salgspris forventes at udgøre 85 mio. kr. Den resterende del forventes gennemført i trancher over de kommende 10 måneder. Den i dag gennemførte tranche udgør 12 mio. kr.Avancen ved det samlede salg forventes at påvirke EBIT med 40 mio. kr. Halvdelen af salget er gennemført. Det resterende salg forventes derfor at påvirke EBIT med 20 mio. kr. i 2021.Med det samlede salg styrkes FirstFarms’ likvide beredskab med 85 mio. kr.Anders H. Nørgaard udtaler: ”Jeg er tilfreds med, at vi har...