Day: December 14, 2020
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Prime Mining Corp. (the “Company”) (TSX.V: PRYM) (OTCQB: PRMNF) (Frankfurt: A2PRDW) is pleased to report its operating and financial results for the three months ended October 31, 2020. Unless otherwise stated, all amounts are presented in Canadian dollars (“C$”).Prime Mining is focused on the development of the Los Reyes Gold-Silver Deposit in Sinaloa Mexico.Prime Mining’s Chief Executive Officer Daniel Kunz commented, “We are extremely pleased with the continued progress made during the quarter as Prime Mining and our Los Reyes project continue to evolve. The appointment of three key individuals both corporately and in operations has materially strengthened our management team. On the ground, we continued our comprehensive exploration program of field mapping, core...
AB INTL GROUP Announced Film “Love Over the World” (AiBianQuanQiu) Will Begin Screening on Cinemas Nationwide in Mid of January 2021
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NEW YORK, Dec. 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AB International Group Corp. (OTCQB: ABQQ), an intellectual property (IP) and movie investment and licensing firm, announces its first completed film “Love Over the World” (AiBianQuanQiu), has received No. 330 Screening License from the Chinese government. The distributors agreed with the Company that the film is scheduled to be screened on about 5000 cinemas nationwide in mid of January 2021.About AB International Group Corp. AB International Group Corp. is an intellectual property (IP) and movie investment and licensing firm, focused on acquisitions and development of various intellectual property. We are engaged in the acquisition and distribution of movies. The Company has a Patent License to a video synthesis and release system for mobile communications equipment, in which the technology...
Bionexus Gene Lab Corp to Webcast Live at Life Sciences Investor Forum December 17th
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KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Dec. 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bionexus Gene Lab Corp (OTCMKTS: BGLC), based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, focused on Risk stratification of cancer, today announced that Dr. Stephen Ponnampalam, Chief Medical Officer, will present live at on December 17th.DATE: Thursday, December 17th TIME: 12:00 PM ETLINK: will be a live, interactive online event where investors are invited to ask the company questions in real-time. If attendees are not able to join the event live on the day of the conference, an archived webcast will also be made available after the event.It is recommended that investors pre-register and run the online system check to expedite participation and receive event updates.Learn more about the event at
Construction contract in Estonia (commercial building in Tiskre)
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AS Merko Ehitus Eesti, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, and Tiskre Arendus OÜ have entered into a contract to perform construction works of a commercial and service building in Harku Parish, Tiskre at Liiva tee 61. The contract includes construction of a one-storey commercial and service building together with the infrastructure around the building. The anchor tenant of the commercial building will be Prisma. The contract value is approximately EUR 4.4 million, plus value added tax. The works are scheduled to be completed in summer 2021. AS Merko Ehitus Eesti ( is Estonian leading construction company, which offers construction services in general construction, civil engineering, road, electrical and residential construction. Additional information: AS Merko Ehitus Eesti, Member of Management Board, Mr. Jaan Mäe, phone: +372...
Ehitusleping Eestis (kaubandushoone Tiskres)
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AS Merko Ehitus kontserni kuuluv AS Merko Ehitus Eesti ja Tiskre Arendus OÜ on sõlminud lepingu kaubandus- ja teenindushoone ehituseks Harku vallas Tiskres aadressil Liiva tee 61. Lepingu raames ehitatakse Tiskresse Rannamõisa tee äärde ühekorruseline kaubandus- ja teenindushoone koos hoone juurde kuuluva taristuga. Hoone võtmerentnikuks saab Prisma. Lepingu maksumus on ligikaudu 4,4 miljonit eurot, millele lisandub käibemaks. Tööde valmimise tähtaeg on 2021. aasta suvel. AS Merko Ehitus Eesti ( on Eesti juhtiv ehitusettevõte, mis teostab üld-, insener-, elektri-, teede- ja elamuehituse töid. Lisainfo: AS Merko Ehitus Eesti juhatuse liige Jaan Mäe, tel +372 680 5105 Priit RoosimägiFinantsüksuse juhtAS Merko EhitusTelefon: +372 650 1250E-post: AS Merko Ehitus ( kontserni kuuluvad...
Ceridian Appoints Eric Glass as Chief Communications Officer
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TORONTO and MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ceridian (NYSE: CDAY) (TSX: CDAY), a global leader in human capital management (HCM), today announced that it has appointed Eric Glass as Chief Communications Officer.Reporting to Leagh Turner, President and Chief Operating Officer, Glass will lead Ceridian’s global corporate communications with responsibility for external communications, including media relations, social media, analyst and influencer relations, and government relations; employee communications; and corporate social responsibility, including Ceridian Cares – the company’s employee-driven charity.Glass joins Ceridian from Workday, where he most recently served as Vice President, Customer Advocacy. Immediately prior, he was Vice President, Corporate Communications, where he built and led the global...
Resolutions of the annual general meeting of shareholders of AS PRFoods 14.12.2020
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The annual general meeting of shareholders (the Meeting) of AS PRFoods (the Company) was held without convening a meeting in accordance with § 299.1 of the Commercial Code. The voting took place via submitting the voting ballots during the period from 7.12.2020 to 13.12.2020. According to the Commercial Code, in the event of non-voting, the shareholder is deemed to have voted against the resolution.Following the submission of the voting ballots, the Meeting adopted the following resolutions:1. Approval of the annual report of AS PRFoods for 2019/2020The shareholders decided to approve the annual report of the Company for the financial year 2019/2020 in the form submitted to the annual general meeting.Voting results:2. Decision on covering the loss of the financial year 2019/2020The shareholders decided:2.1. To approve the loss for the...
AS PRFoods aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku otsused 14.12.2020
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AS PRFoods (Aktsiaselts) aktsionäride korraline üldkoosolek (Koosolek) toimus koosolekut kokku kutsumata vastavalt äriseadustiku §-le 2991. Hääletamine toimus hääletussedelite esitamise teel perioodil 07.12.2020–13.12.2020. Vastavalt äriseadustikule loetakse hääletamata jätmise korral, et aktsionär hääletas otsuse vastu.Hääletussedelite esitamise tulemusel võttis Koosolek vastu järgmised otsused:1. AS-i PRFoods 2019/2020 majandusaasta aruande kinnitamineAktsionärid otsustasid kinnitada Aktsiaseltsi 2019/2020 majandusaasta aruande korralisele üldkoosolekule esitatud kujul.Hääletamistulemused:2. AS-i PRFoods 2019/2020 majandusaasta kahjumi kinnitamine ja kahjumi katmise otsustamineAktsionärid otsustasid:2.1. Kinnitada 2019/2020 majandusaasta kahjum summas 1 718 tuhat eurot.2.2. Katta 2019/2020 majandusaasta kahjum järgmiselt: a) eelmiste...
Aurskog Sparebank og Eika Alliansen har inngått opsjonsavtale med TietoEvry om fremtidig kjernebankløsning
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Aurskog Sparebank har sammen med de øvrige bankene i Eika Alliansen inngått opsjonsavtale med TietoEVRY som ny leverandør av kjernebankløsninger. Opsjonsavtalen gir rett på en avtale på fem år med mulighet for forlengelser på totalt fire år. En endelig avtale vil styrke bankens langsiktige konkurransekraft gjennom kostnadseffektivisering, styrket utviklingskraft og økt strategisk fleksibilitet.Teknologi er en stadig mer avgjørende forutsetning for norske bankers konkurranseevne. Det forventes mer samarbeid mellom norske banker i fremtiden, også på tvers av dagens allianser og strukturer, for å oppnå økte stordriftsfordeler. Bankens strategiske valg skal redusere samarbeidsbarrierer og tilrettelegge for ytterligere verdiskapende muligheter for vekst og utvikling gjennom samarbeidet i Eika Alliansen.En endelig avtale med TietoEVRY er beregnet...
Hudson Resources Reports Assays From 35 Grab Samples Returning an Average of 19.35% Nb2O5 Along a 112 Meter Mineralized Structural Zone at the Nukittooq Niobium Project in West Greenland
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — HUDSON RESOURCES INC. (“Hudson” or the “Company”) (TSX Venture Exchange “HUD”; OTC “HUDRF”) is pleased to announce that it has received the assays from its niobium and tantalum exploration project (the “Project”) located in its wholly owned Sarfartoq exploration license in southwestern Greenland. The niobium project is called Nukittooq which means “strong man” in Greenlandic to reflect the key characteristic of niobium as a strengthener of steel.Hudson collected 38 samples from outcrop on the Project area (NR2020-13) which sits on the southern margin of the large Sarfartoq Carbonatite Complex which also hosts the Company’s ST1 Rare Earth Element (“REE”) deposit ( total of 35 grab rock samples...