Day: December 14, 2020
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zadar Ventures Ltd. (the “Company”) (TSX. V – ZAD) (OTCQB – ZADDF) (Frankfurt – ZAV0.F) would like to take this opportunity to update its current and future shareholders. We are pleased to announce that we have received shareholder approval for the proposed acquisition by the Company of XRApplied SAS, which was announced July 31, 2020.We have also filed a preliminary listing statement with the CSE under the name XRApplied Technologies Inc (“XRA”). Under the terms of our agreement, we will raise a minimum $700,000 and a maximum $3,500,000 at a price of $0.35 per unit by way of a non-brokered accredited investor private placement. Each unit consists of one common share and one share purchase warrant exercisable at $0.75 during the first year and $1.00 the second...
Oena and Farm Kareepan Diamond Sales – Q1 2021 Report
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Southstone Minerals Limited (“Southstone” or the “Company”) (TSX.V – SML) is pleased to provide a production and operational update for the period 1 September 2020 to 30 November 2020 (Q1 2021) on Oena Diamond Mine and Farm Kareepan Mine located in the Republic of South Africa.Oena Diamond Mine, Republic of South AfricaProduction at the Oena Diamond Mine during Q1 2021 operated normally. There is one mining contractor on site using four (4) pan plants to process run of mine (“ROM”) material and one Bourevestnik (“BVX”) unit used for diamond recovery. Mining and processing of ROM material totaled 117,630 tonnes from Oena area and 11,560 tonnes from Sandberg area. Diamond production results for Q1 2021:The Oena Diamond Mine continues to produce large and high-quality diamonds...
Gennemførelse af udbud af nye aktier i Agat Ejendomme A/S i forbindelse med rettet emission og privatplacering
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Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 16/2020Der henvises til vedhæftede meddelelse.Kontaktdetaljer:Agat Ejendomme A/SAdm. direktør Robert AndersenTel.: +45 88961010Vedhæftet filNr._16_Gennemførelse_af_udbud
IZEA Reports New Business Sales Surge in Q4 2020
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Orlando, Florida, Dec. 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (NASDAQ: IZEA), the premier provider of influencer marketing technology, data, and services for the world’s leading brands, announced today that it has seen a surge of new customers in Q4 2020. The company has delivered quarter over quarter growth in new customer counts for both Managed Services and SaaS. The number of new customers for Managed Services more than doubled from Q3 to Q4, and the total number of active SaaS customers hit a record in the fourth quarter as well.“Our managed services team continues to see positive momentum despite the various challenges associated with COVID-19,” said Ted Murphy, IZEA’s Chairman and CEO. “Not only have we delivered managed services bookings growth as compared to Q3 of this year, we have already bested our Q4 2019...
Allied Universal Offer: Update on Offer-related Arrangements
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NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IN, INTO OR FROM ANY JURISDICTION WHERE TO DO SO WOULD CONSTITUTE A VIOLATION OF THE RELEVANT LAWS OF SUCH JURISDICTIONFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE14 December 2020G4S plc (the “Company” or “G4S”)Allied Universal Offer: Update on Offer-related ArrangementsAs required by the co-operation agreement entered into between the Company, Allied Universal Topco LLC and Atlas UK Bidco Limited (“Bidco”) on 8 December 2020, the Company and Bidco have today entered into an escrow agreement with Citibank, N.A., London Branch (the “Escrow Agreement”).A copy of the Escrow Agreement is now available on G4S’s website at further enquiries, please contact:G4S plcHelen Parris Director of Investor Relations +44 (0) 207...
algoWatt: preliminary contracts signed for the sale of the GreenASM biodigestion and composting plant
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algoWatt: preliminary contracts signed for the sale of the GreenASM biodigestion and composting plantThe transactions envisage the acquisition by the Buttol Group of the plant structure, 50% of the shares of the JV GreenASM and taking over the leasing contractTotal consideration of the transaction equal to Euro 3.9 million, with an advance of Euro 0.7 million in favour of algoWattThe sale will involve the deconsolidation of a debt for over Euro 8 millionalgoWatt, a greentech solutions company listed on the Italian Stock Exchange (MTA), announces that two separate preliminary contracts were signed today for the sale of the GreenASM biodigestion and composting plant, located in Nera Montoro (TR), to the Buttol Group, which operates in the high quality environmental services sector through sustainable development.The total consideration...
algoWatt: sottoscritti contratti preliminari per la cessione dell’impianto di biodigestione e compostaggio GreenASM
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algoWatt: sottoscritti contratti preliminari per la cessione dell’impianto di biodigestione e compostaggio GreenASMLe operazioni prevedono l’acquisizione da parte del Gruppo Buttol della struttura impiantistica, del 50% delle quote della società di gestione GreenASM e l’accollo del debito residuo per leasing Corrispettivo complessivo dell’operazione pari a Euro 3,9 milioni, con anticipazione di Euro 0,7 milioni in favore di algoWattLa cessione prevederà il deconsolidamento di un debito di oltre Euro 7 milionialgoWatt, greentech solutions company quotata sul mercato telematico azionario (MTA) di Borsa Italiana, comunica che sono stati sottoscritti in data odierna due distinti contratti preliminari aventi ad oggetto la cessione al Gruppo Buttol – operativo nel settore dei servizi ambientali di elevata qualità attraverso un percorso...
Harvia Plc: Share repurchase 14 December 2020
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Harvia Plc Stock Exchange Release 14 December 2020 at 19:30 EETOn Nasdaq HelsinkiCompany now holds a total of 50,000 sharesincluding the shares repurchased on 14 December 2020.On behalf of Harvia PlcDANSKE BANK AS, SUOMEN SIVULIIKEAdditional information:Ari Vesterinen, CFOtel. +358 40 5050 440ari.vesterinen@harvia.fiAttachmentHarvia Oyj Share repurchases 14.12
Harvia Oyj: Omien osakkeiden hankinta 14.12.2020
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Harvia Oyj Pörssitiedote 14.12.2020 klo 19.30Nasdaq HelsinkiYhtiön hallussa olevat omat osakkeet 14.12.2020tehtyjen kauppojen jälkeen: 50 000 KPL.Harvia Oyj:n puolestaDANSKE BANK AS, SUOMEN SIVULIIKELisätietoja:Ari Vesterinen, talousjohtajapuh: +358 40 505 0440ari.vesterinen@harvia.fiLiiteHarvia Oyj Share repurchases 14.12
Aéroports de Paris SA – November 2020 traffic figures
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PRESS RELEASEDecember 2020, 14thAéroports de Paris SANovember 2020 traffic figuresIn November 2020, at Paris Aéroport alone, the traffic decreased by 87.5% compared to November 2019 with 1.0 million passengers welcomed.Groupe ADP total traffic1 is down by 58.6% compared to November 2019 with 6.7 million passengers welcomed for the entire network of operated airports.At Paris-Charles de Gaulle, only terminals 2E (halls K & L) and 2F are currently opened in order to handle the entirety of commercial passenger flights. Terminal 2AC, closed since December 1st, will reopen on December 17th. At Paris-Orly, Orly 3 and Orly 4 are open to passenger traffic. Orly 4, closed since November 19th, has reopened since December 10th. Orly 1B, closed since November 11th, will reopen from December 16th.Orly 1 is closed since November 11th and Orly...