Day: December 14, 2020
GOFORE PLC COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT 14 DECEMBER 2020 AT 16.35Gofore Plc’s Business Review 1–30 November 2020: Strong and eventful monthGofore’s net sales in November 2020 were EUR 8.5 million (2019: EUR 6.0 million). The Group had a total of 727 employees (582 employees) at the end of the period. CEO Mikael Nylund comments:“November was quite eventful in Gofore this year! Our net sales continued to grow nicely, and were even 41% higher than in the corresponding period in the previous year. Growth continued specifically in the work of our own personnel, but also in subcontracting. The good year-end of Qentinel Finland, the subsidiary acquired in August, also had a positive impact on November’s Group net sales. Good things happened on the customer front, setting us up to success for the next year.We got the most significant single...
Gofore Oyj: Gofore Oyj:n liiketoimintakatsaus 1.–30.11.2020: Vahva ja tapahtumarikas marraskuu
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GOFORE OYJ YHTIÖTIEDOTE 14.12.2020 KLO 16.35Gofore Oyj:n liiketoimintakatsaus 1.–30.11.2020: Vahva ja tapahtumarikas marraskuu Goforen liikevaihto oli 8,5 miljoonaa euroa marraskuussa 2020 (2019: 6,0 miljoonaa euroa). Kauden lopussa Gofore-konsernin palveluksessa oli yhteensä 727 henkilöä (582 henkilöä). Toimitusjohtaja Mikael Nylund kommentoi: “Marraskuu oli tänä vuonna Goforessa varsin tapahtumarikas! Liikevaihtomme jatkoi kasvuaan erittäin mukavasti, ja oli jopa 41 % suurempi kuin edellisvuoden marraskuussa. Kasvu jatkui erityisesti oman henkilöstön tekemisessä, mutta myös alihankinnassa. Lisäksi elokuussa hankitun tytäryhtiö Qentinel Finlandin hyvä loppuvuosi vaikutti positiivisesti konsernin marraskuun liikevaihtoon. Asiakasrintamalla tapahtui hyviä asioita, joilla rakennetaan jo ensi vuoden menestystä. Vuoden merkittävin yksittäinen...
Victory Square Technologies Portfolio Company Enters Into Sales & Distribution Contract with Brazilian Company for an Initial Order of 3.7 Million Covid-19 Rapid Tests for Brazil
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This sales and distribution contract between Victory Square Health and the Brazilian production and distribution company will provide the company with an initial order of 3.7 million Covid-19 Rapid Tests over the next 24 monthsThis agreement is in addition to the previously announced business development and sales agreement with Molkom Pharmaceuticals on November 18, 2020VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Victory Square Technologies Inc. (“Victory Square” or the “Company“) (CSE:VST) (OTC:VSQTF) (FWB:6F6) — portfolio company Victory Square Health (VSH) has entered into a new sales and distribution contract with a Brazilian medical production and supply company on December 14, 2020. The contract will provide for an initial order of 3.7 million Covid-19 Rapid Tests to be supplied from Victory Square...
Marimaca Copper Files Preliminary Base Shelf Prospectus
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Not for distribution to United States newswire services or for dissemination in the United StatesVANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Marimaca Copper Corp. (“Marimaca Copper” or the “Company”) (TSX: MARI) announced today it has filed a preliminary short form base shelf prospectus with the securities regulators in each province of Canada, except for the Province of Quebec. When made final, the prospectus will allow the Company to offer up to $100 million of common shares, warrants, units, subscription receipts or any combination thereof (“Securities”) during the 25 month period that the shelf prospectus is effective. The specific terms of any offering of Securities, including the use of proceeds from any such offering, will be set forth in a shelf prospectus supplement.Marimaca Copper has filed the shelf...
Sandor Rosenberg announces retirement after 41 years as Chief Executive Officer of Information Analysis Incorporated
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FAIRFAX, Va., Dec. 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Information Analysis Incorporated (IAIC: OTC MARKETS), an information technology product and services company specializing in adapting legacy systems to modern secure platforms and capabilities, today announced that Sandor Rosenberg, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board, will retire as CEO and Chairman effective December 31, 2020, but will continue to provide guidance and oversight as a member of IAI’s Board of Directors. Stan Reese, current Chief Operating Officer, was appointed by the Board of Directors as interim President and Chief Executive Officer effective January 1, 2021.Sandor Rosenberg founded IAI in 1979, and took the Company public in 1986. He has guided IAI diligently through times of rapid expansion and times of severe cash impairment, through acquisition...
Liquidia Corporation Announces Chief Executive Officer Transition
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RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C., Dec. 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Liquidia Corporation (NASDAQ: LQDA) today announced Damian deGoa has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and a director of the Company, effective immediately. He succeeds Neal F. Fowler who has retired as CEO and a director of the Company. Mr. Fowler has agreed to provide assistance to the Company for a short period of time to support a smooth transition.“Damian is a strategic and proven leader in the healthcare industry, having led several companies in various stages of operations, most notably as Chief Executive Officer of RareGen from its formation in Summer 2018 through its acquisition by Liquidia in November 2020,” said Dr. Stephen Bloch, Chairman of the Company’s Board of Directors. “We are thrilled to welcome Damian’s wealth of experience in the pulmonary...
FAT Brands Announces Participation in LD Micro Main Event Conference
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Los Angeles, CA, Dec. 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FAT (Fresh. Authentic. Tasty.) Brands Inc. (NASDAQ: FAT), parent company of Fatburger, Buffalo’s Express, and seven other restaurant concepts, today announced their participation in today’s LD Micro Main Event Conference.The virtual conference will feature a 10-12 minute corporate presentation from FAT Brands President & CEO, Andrew Wiederhorn, followed by a Q & A session proctored by LD selected panelists.The live broadcast of the virtual presentation is scheduled for today at 10:20 AM EST. Registration is free. Register Here.About FAT (Fresh. Authentic. Tasty.) BrandsFAT Brands Inc. (NASDAQ: FAT) is a leading global franchising company that strategically acquires, markets and develops fast casual and casual dining restaurant concepts around the world. The Company currently...
INVL Baltic Real Estate investor’s calendar for 2021
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INVL Baltic Real Estate plans to publish information to investors in 2021 in accordance with the following calendar:26 February 2021 – audited financial reports and annual report;30 April 2021 – Net Asset Value and factsheet for 3 months of 2021;23 August 2021 – Net Asset Value and semi–annual report of 2021;29 October 2021 – Net Asset Value and factsheet for 9 months of 2021.The person authorized to provide additional information:Real Estate Fund Manager of Management CompanyVytautas BakšinskasE-mail
„INVL Baltic Real Estate“ 2021-ųjų investuotojų kalendorius
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„INVL Baltic Real Estate“ 2021 metais informaciją investuotojams planuoja skelbti tokia tvarka:2021 m. vasario 26 d. – audituotos finansinės ataskaitos ir metinis pranešimas;2021 m. balandžio 30 d. – grynųjų aktyvų vertė ir 2021 m. 3 mėnesių pagrindinių duomenų santrauka;2021 m. rugpjūčio 23 d. – grynųjų aktyvų vertė ir 2021 m. pusmečio ataskaita;2021 m. spalio 29 d. – grynųjų aktyvų vertė ir 2021 m. 9 mėnesių pagrindinių duomenų santrauka.Asmuo, įgaliotas suteikti papildomą informaciją:Valdymo įmonės Nekilnojamojo turto fondo valdytojasVytautas BakšinskasEl.paštas
STMicroelectronics Joins Ultra Wide Band Alliance and Nominates UWB Innovator Jean-Marie André to the Board of Directors
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STMicroelectronics Joins Ultra Wide Band Alliance and Nominates UWB Innovator Jean-Marie André to the Board of Directors