Day: December 11, 2020
NEW YORK, Dec. 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Delcath Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq: DCTH), an interventional oncology company focused on the treatment of rare primary and metastatic cancers of the liver, today announced the completion of an underwritten public offering of 1,679,031 shares of its common stock, including 219,004 shares sold pursuant to the full exercise of an option previously granted to the underwriters to purchase additional shares of common stock. All of the shares were offered by Delcath at a price to the public of $13.25 per share. The Company now estimates that the gross proceeds of the offering to the Company are expected to be approximately $22.2 million, before deducting the underwriting discounts and commissions and other estimated offering expenses.Delcath intends to use the net proceeds from this offering for (i)...
SSH Communications Security Oyj selected as a supplier to a major contract for the delivery of cryptographic products and services
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SSH Communications Security Oyj selected as a supplier to a major contract for the delivery of cryptographic products and servicesSSH Communications Security Oyj has been selected as a supplier for cryptographic products, product-related maintenance, support and service services, as well as separately ordered professional services in a multi-year agreement.The value of the agreement, if fully exercised and including all options, will be approximately EUR 20 million. The agreement does not include a volume purchase obligation. SSH provides the products and licenses ordered under the agreement entirely as a subscription-based service. SSH does not expect the agreement to have an impact on the current year’s outlook or current guidelines.“Our product development team has successfully created a next-generation encryption technology...
SSH Communications Security Oyj on valittu merkittäväksi salaintuotteiden ja -palveluiden toimittajaksi
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SSH Communications Security Oyj on valittu merkittäväksi salaintuotteiden ja -palveluiden toimittajaksiSSH Communications Security Oyj on valittu toimittamaan salaintuotteita, tuotteisiin liittyviä ylläpito-, tuki- ja huoltopalveluita sekä erikseen tilattavia asiantuntijapalveluita monivuotisella sopimuksella. Sopimuksen arvo täysimääräisesti toteutuessaan kaikkine optioineen on noin 20 miljoonaa euroa. Sopimus ei sisällä määräostovelvoitetta. SSH toimittaa sopimuksen nojalla tilattavat tuotteet ja lisenssit kokonaan tilauspohjaisena palveluna (“subscription”). SSH ei odota sopimuksella olevan vaikutusta kuluvan vuoden näkymiin tai voimassa olevaan ohjeistukseen. “Tuotekehitystiimimme on luonut onnistuneesti seuraavan sukupolven salausteknologiaa edustavan kokonaisuuden, joka on nyt saanut kaupallisen lähtölaukauksensa. Tämä...
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Stockholm, 2020-12-11This is a translation of the special terms and conditions published on In the case of any inconsistency between the English translation and the Swedish language version, the Swedish language version shall prevail. Complete terms and conditions can be retrieved at
Due to a fire in the Vilniaus baldai factory (II)
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Vilniaus Baldai evaluates the damage caused by a fire, which broke out on Friday, the 11th of December, in one of the production departments based in Savanorių ave. 178 B, Vilnius, and restores the production processes taking place there.It is expected that most of the production facilities at Savanorių ave. will start operating on Saturday morning, and the mechanism affected by the fire – in the coming week. After the temporary shutdown of this mechanism, the company plans to increase production volumes at the new factory in Trakai district, Guopstos village.The annual financial results are not expected to be significantly affected by this incident.A fire broke out in one of the production departments – the equipment outside the building caught fire. At the time, shift workers were evacuated smoothly, all of them are healthy.The causes...
Dėl gaisro „Vilniaus baldų“ gamykloje (II)
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„Vilniaus baldai“ vertina penktadienį, gruodžio 11 d., padalinyje esančiame adresu Savanorių pr. 178 B, Vilnius, kilusio gaisro padarytą žalą ir vykdo jame vykstančių gamybos procesų atkūrimo darbus.Numatoma, kad didžioji dalis gamybos įrenginių Savanorių pr. esančiame padalinyje pradės veikti šeštadienį ryte, o gaisro metu nukentėjęs įrenginys – per ateinančią savaitę. Laikinai sustojus šiam įrenginiui, bendrovė numato didinti gamybos apimtis naujajame fabrike Trakų r., Guopstų k.Planuojama, kad metiniams finansiniams rezultatams šis įvykis reikšmingos įtakos neturės.Gaisras kilo viename iš gamybos padalinių – užsidegė lauke buvęs įrenginys. Tuo metu pamainoje dirbę darbuotojai buvo evakuoti sklandžiai, visi jie yra sveiki.Priežastys, dėl kurių kilo gaisras, nustatinėjamos, gamyklai padaryta žala vertinama ir bus įvardyta užbaigus tyrimą.Kontaktinis...
Ferrellgas Partners, L.P. Takes Action to Strengthen Financial Position for the Future
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Remains Independent, Employee-Owned Company Committed to Serving CustomersOperations to Continue as Usual with Ample Liquidity to Meet ObligationsOVERLAND PARK, Kan., Dec. 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ferrellgas Partners, L.P. (OTC:FGPR) (together with its operating partnership, Ferrellgas, L.P., and subsidiaries, “Ferrellgas”) today announced it has entered into an important agreement with a substantial majority of its noteholders that enables Ferrellgas to continue to be an employee-owned enterprise and move forward with a stronger balance sheet.The Transaction Support Agreement (“TSA”) executed between the Company’s parent master limited partnership, Ferrellgas Partners, L.P. (the “Parent MLP”), Ferrellgas Partners Finance Corp. (“Parent Finance”), and its noteholders will permit Ferrellgas to remain an independent, employee-owned...
View Systems, Inc. (VSYM) to Declare Dividend of Shares in Operating Entity, View Systems International, Inc., to spin out their ViewScan Technology and Focus on Developing their South American Cannabis Operations.
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Sannabis was recently issued a Fabrication License by the Colombian Government and anticipates soon the approval of Cultivation and Seed Use Licenses.Baltimore, MD, Dec. 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — View Systems, Inc. (OTC:VSYM) will declare a dividend of shares in wholly owned subsidiary, View Systems International, Inc. (VSII), to shareholders on a record date yet to be determined. View Systems, Inc. will transfer the assets, intellectual property, and licensing rights for the ViewScan Concealed Weapon Detections System to View Systems International. The corporate separation will be accompanied by a registration statement. An SEC attorney has been retained to file such registration. VSII will be offering new shares in a private placement memorandum (PPM) to be registered in addition to the dividend shares. Investors interested in...
Touchpoint Group Holdings Announces Commercial Launch of Royal Personal Training app
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Touchpoint platform connects fans and brands while promoting wellness in new ways during COVID-19 pandemicThe RPT Live app allows fans to participate in live stream fitness, motivation and focused well-being classes from the safety of homeMIAMI, Dec. 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Touchpoint Group Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB: TGHI), a media and digital technology holding company, today announced that its licensee, Royal Personal Training (“RPT” or “Royal”), has commercially launched its Touchpoint app (RPT Live) in the iOS store.A photo accompanying this announcement is available at RPT Live fitness app provides subscribers the ability to live stream classes hosted by RPT’s thriving team of 40 elite instructors proficient in nutritional counseling,...
Evercel Announces Agreement to Acquire ZAGG
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NEW YORK, Dec. 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Evercel, Inc. (“Evercel”) (OTC: EVRC) has entered into a definitive agreement pursuant to which Evercel and its co-investors will acquire ZAGG Inc (Nasdaq: ZAGG) (“ZAGG,” or the “Company”), a leading global mobile lifestyle company.ZAGG Inc (NASDAQ: ZAGG) is a global leader in accessories and technologies that empower mobile lifestyles. The Company has an award-winning product portfolio that includes screen protection, mobile keyboards, power management solutions, social tech, and personal audio sold under the ZAGG®, mophie®, InvisibleShield®, IFROGZ®, Gear4®, and HALO® brands. ZAGG has operations in the United States, Ireland, and China. ZAGG products are available worldwide, and can be found at leading retailers including Best Buy, Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Walmart, Target, and