Day: December 11, 2020
TORONTO, Dec. 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Golden Leaf Holdings Ltd. (CSE: GLH) (OTCQB: GLDFF) (“Golden Leaf” “GLH”, or the “Company”), a premier, consumer-driven cannabis company specializing in production, processing, wholesale, distribution and retail, today celebrates the benefits of the MORE Act passing, and looks to the future of cannabis and the change that comes with it.“The momentum is clearly changing. We’re experiencing an amazing moment for cannabis and are very encouraged by the recent passing of the MORE Act,” says Jeff Yapp, CEO and President of Golden Leaf. “We believe we’re in the right industry at the right time.”Last Friday, December 4th, the House of Representatives passed the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act, that would decriminalize cannabis use at the federal level, and remove criminal...
Clean Motion AB erhåller bryggfinansiering
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Huvudägarna i Clean Motion AB har avtalat om bryggfinansiering upp till 2,3 MSEK. I och med detta avtal kan Clean Motion slutföra ackordet och har medel som bedöms tillräckliga för att driva bolaget under den kommande 3 månadersperioden.Clean Motion har idag tecknat avtal med befintliga huvudägare om bryggfinansiering upp till 2,3 miljoner vilket möjliggör slutbetalning av beslutat ackord och medel som bedöms tillräckliga för den kommande 3 månadersperioden. Under tiden fram till slutet av januari kommer styrelsen fortsätta arbetet med att finna en långsiktig finansieringslösning. Som tidigare meddelats så pågår diskussioner med såväl industriella samarbetspartner som institutionella investerare. Styrelsen har fortsatt en dialog med Interest Group som i samband med rekonstruktionen åtagit sig en investering. En sådan investering kommer...
Crescat Capital Completes Strategic Investment in Goliath Resources
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TORONTO, Dec. 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Goliath Resources Limited (TSX-V: GOT) (OTCQB: GOTRF) (Frankfurt: B4IF) (the “Company” or “Goliath”) is pleased to announce it has closed a non-brokered flow through and non-flow through financing for a total of $1,834,573 net proceeds as no fees were paid on this offering. Crescat Capital LLC (“Crescat”) has made a strategic investment representing a 10.3% ownership of the Company and will have the option to participate in future financings to maintain its interest level for a three year period from today. Dr. Quinton Hennigh has been appointed as a technical advisor to the Company.Goliath further announces that its board of directors has adopted a shareholder rights plan (the “Rights Plan”) in order to ensure, to the extent possible, that all shareholders are treated fairly...
New Millennium Iron Corp. Announces the Closing of the Reorganization with the Tata Steel Group; New Millennium Iron Corp. Announces Listing on The NEO Exchange and Delisting of Common Shares from The Toronto Stock Exchange on Completion of Abaxx Technologies Inc. Transaction
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CALGARY, Alberta, Dec. 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — New Millennium Iron Corp. (the “Company” or “NML”) (TSX: NML) is pleased to announce the closing of the reorganization (the “Reorganization”) with TS Global Minerals Holdings Pte. Ltd. (“TSGMH”), Tata Steel Minerals Canada Ltd. (“TSMC”) and TSMUK LTD (“TSMUK”, and together with TSGMH and TSMC, the “Tata Steel Group”).Pursuant to the reorganization agreement dated August 5, 2020, NML and the Tata Steel Group completed the Reorganization as follows:NML sold and transferred its 4.32% interest in TSMC to TSMUK, representing its entire interest;NML purchased for cancellation the 47,402,908 common shares of NML held by TSGMH, representing TSGMH’s entire interest;NML retained its interests in the LabMag and KéMag properties (the “Taconite Properties”), and TSGMH was granted a 1% gross...
Paul Mueller Company Signs Letter of Intent for the Sale of Its Mueller Field Operations, Inc. Subsidiary
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SPRINGFIELD, Mo., Dec. 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Paul Mueller Company, Inc. (Symbol: MUEL) announced today it signed a letter of intent to sell its entire equity interest in its wholly-owned subsidiary, Mueller Field Operations, Inc. (MFO), to the management of MFO. This ends a nearly year-long, national marketing effort with an investment bank. The transaction is expected to close by December 31, 2020.MFO was organized in 1998 as a Paul Mueller Company subsidiary to enable the company to compete for larger contracts that required tank fabrication on-site and other field-installed equipment. MFO activities and services are different than those of the parent company, and this transaction will allow each to focus on their respective specialties.Paul Mueller Company is a global stainless steel processing equipment manufacturer. They...
Nexans : Information on share capital and voting rights – November 2020
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Information on share capital and voting rightsNovember 2020Statement made in accordance with article L. 233-8 II of the French commercial Code and articles 221-1 2 ° f) and 223-16 of the AMF Regulations.December 11th, 2020Statement made by:Nexans S.A.Registered office : 4 Allée de l’Arche – 92400 CourbevoieRCS Nanterre 393 525 852Regulated market of Euronext Paris (Compartment A)Calculated based on all shares with voting rights, including treasury shares stripped of voting rights (Art. 223-11 of AMF General Regulations). For information, excluding treasury shares stripped of voting rights. Provision of Nexans articles of association requiring shareholders to declare the crossing of threshold other than the legal thresholds: yes.Extract of article 7 of Nexans articles of association: “Fully paid up shares may be registered...
Nexans : Information mensuelle relative au nombre d’actions et de droits de vote – Novembre 2020
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Information mensuelle relative au nombre d’actions et de droits de voteNovembre 2020Déclaration faite en application de l’article L. 233-8 II du code de commerce et des articles 221-1 2° f) et 223-16 du règlement général de l’AMF.Le 11 décembre 2020Société déclarante :Nexans S.A.Siège social : 4 Allée de l’Arche – 92400 CourbevoieRCS Nanterre 393 525 852Marché réglementé d’Euronext Paris (Compartiment A)Conformément à l’article 223-11 du Règlement général de l’AMF, ce nombre total de droits de vote est calculé sur la base de l’ensemble des actions auxquelles sont attachés des droits de vote, y compris les actions privées de droit de vote. A titre d’information, compte non tenu des actions privées de droit de vote (actions autodétenues). Présence dans les statuts d’une clause imposant une obligation de déclaration...
EPH European Property Holdings Limited (EPH) announces the successful allocation of 4,435,000 new ordinary shares
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11 December 2020, Road Town, Tortola, BVIReferring to the Company’s press releases dated 23 November and 25 November 2020, EPH European Property Holdings Ltd. (the “Company”) announces the successful allocation of 4,435,000 Offer Shares for a price of USD 36.82 per Offer Share, in total USD 163,296,700.As of the settlement date and first trading day of the Offer Shares, which is planned for 22 December 2020, the Company’s issued share capital will consist of 14,409,022 ordinary shares, of which all will be duly authorized, validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable. As a result, unissued (authorized) shares will comprise of 6’590’978 ordinary shares without par value and 1,000,000 series A non-voting preferred shares without par value.This announcement is for information purposes only and does not constitute an invitation...
Canoe EIT Income Fund Announces 2020 Annual Redemption Price
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CALGARY, Alberta, Dec. 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Canoe EIT Income Fund (“Canoe” or the “Fund”)(TSX – EIT.UN) today announced that units accepted for the 2020 voluntary cash redemption will be redeemed at a rounded price of $9.49 per unit in Canadian dollars. This price is equal to 95% of the average net asset value per unit based on the three business days preceding the redemption date of December 9, 2020, less direct costs. Payment of the redemption proceeds will be made on or before January 4, 2021. Units that were not accepted for redemption have been returned to unitholders.About Canoe EIT Income FundCanoe EIT Income Fund is one of Canada’s largest closed-end investment funds, designed to maximize monthly distributions and capital appreciation by investing in a broadly diversified portfolio of high quality securities....
Le fonds Canoe EIT Income Fund annonce son prix de rachat annuel pour 2020
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CALGARY, Alberta, 11 déc. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le fonds Canoe EIT Income Fund (« Canoe » ou le « fonds ») (Bourse de Toronto : EIT.UN) a annoncé aujourd’hui que les parts acceptées pour le rachat volontaire en argent en 2020 seront rachetées au prix de 9,49 $ par part en dollars canadiens. Ce prix correspond à 95 % de la valeur liquidative moyenne par part, établie en fonction des trois jours ouvrables précédant la date du rachat, le 9 décembre 2020, déduction faite des coûts directs. Le produit du rachat sera versé aux alentours du 4 janvier 2021. Les parts qui n’ont pas été acceptées pour le rachat ont été remises aux porteurs de parts.À propos du fonds Canoe EIT Income FundLe fonds Canoe EIT Income Fund est l’un des fonds de placement à capital fixe les plus importants au Canada; il vise à maximiser les distributions mensuelles...