Day: December 8, 2020
Rapala VMC OyjPörssitiedote8.12.2020 klo 18.00RAPALA VMC OYJ:N TALOUDELLINEN RAPORTOINTI VUONNA 2021 Rapala VMC Oyj julkaisee taloudellista informaatiotaan vuonna 2021 seuraavasti: – Vuoden 2020 tilinpäätöstiedote 9.2.2021,– Puolivuosikatsaus tammi-kesäkuulta 15.7.2021 ja Rapala VMC Oyj:n vuoden 2020 tilinpäätös julkistetaan viikolla 10. Rapala VMC Oyj noudattaa 30 kalenteripäivän hiljaista jaksoa ennen edellä mainittujen taloudellisten tiedotteiden julkaisemista. RAPALA VMC OYJNicolas WarchalowskiToimitusjohtajaLisätietoja antavat:Olli Aho, sijoittajasuhteet, puh. +358 9 7562 540Jakelu: NASDAQ OMX Helsinki ja keskeiset tiedotusvälineetRapala-konsernistaRapala-konserni on maailman johtava kalastusvälineyritys ja globaali markkinajohtaja uistimissa, kolmihaarakoukuissa...
Freddie Mac Multifamily Closes First Social Impact M-Deal Supporting Housing for Homeless Veterans and Those in Need
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MCLEAN, Va., Dec. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) recently closed its first Social Impact M-Deal backed by 27 mission-focused properties for low-income residents, many of whom are disabled, seniors with disabilities or homeless veterans. The transaction provided $359 million in liquidity to Arc70 to fund bonds backed by properties that address affordable housing challenges or properties serving underserved groups considered to be among the most vulnerable. This is the first M Certificate offering under the company’s Social Bonds Framework, which is part of the larger Impact Bonds series. “We are proud to announce our inaugural Social Impact M-Deal, part of our Impact Series focused on providing critical funding for affordable properties and those serving underserved groups,” said Steve Johnson, vice president,...
SouthGobi Announces Additional Resumption Guidance From the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SouthGobi Resources Ltd. (TSX: SGQ, HK: 1878) (“SouthGobi” or the “Company”) announces that the Company received a letter from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on December 3, 2020, setting out the additional resumption guidance for the Company. Reference is made to the announcement of the Company dated November 16, 2020 (the “Announcement”). Unless otherwise stated herein, capitalized terms used herein shall have the same meanings as that ascribed to them in the Announcement.ADDITIONAL RESUMPTION GUIDANCEFurther to the resumption guidance issued by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange as disclosed in the Announcement, the Company received a letter from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on December 3, 2020, setting out the following additional resumption guidance for the Company:demonstrate...
Atlantic Petroleum – Pegasus update
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Tórshavn, Faroe Islands, 2020-12-08 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — P/F Atlantic Petroleum (NASDAQ Copenhagen: ATLA DKK & Oslo Stock Exchange: ATLA NOK) today announces that Hague and London Oil plc (“HALO”) has decided to fully relinquish its equity participation in the Greater Pegasus Area in the UK Southern North Sea.HALO’s decision to relinquishHALO has today announced a decision to fully relinquish its equity participation in the Greater Pegasus Area in the UK Southern North Sea.Atlantic Petroleum has an economic interest in the Pegasus West gas discovery and the adjacent areas. The economic interest arises from the sale of Atlantic Petroleum’s 10% interest in the Pegasus discovery to Third Energy Offshore, now HALO, in 2015 for a cash payment plus up to GBP 9.0MM in deferred milestone payments.Atlantic Petroleum is reviewing...
Tauriga Sciences Inc. to Further Expand & Diversify its Product Offerings with the Launch of CBD Infused Honey
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This Product is Comprised of Raw Linden Honey Infused with 500mg CBD / Each Jar Contains 20 Servings (25mg CBD per Serving) NEW YORK, NY, Dec. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — Tauriga Sciences, Inc. (OTCQB: TAUG) (“Tauriga” or the “Company”), a revenue generating, diversified life sciences company, with a proprietary line of functional “supplement” chewing gums (Flavors: Pomegranate, Blood Orange, Peach-Lemon, Pear Bellini, Mint, Black Currant) as well as two ongoing Biotechnology initiatives, today announced a new product offering to help ensure the expansion and diversification of the Company’s proprietary product offerings. This is in response to the Company’s fast growing E-Commerce business segment as well as the continually increasing customer base.After evaluating numerous potential new product offerings,...
Black Rock Petroleum Company Announces Torrance California Oilfield Acquisition
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Los Angeles California , Dec. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Los Angeles, CA – December 7, 2020About Torrance California OilfieldLocated in Los Angeles County, California, 520 acre development area situated in the Monterey Shale play with estimated minimum (PUD) Recovery of 5-17 MMBbls. Up to 34 MMBLS With Esteam Technology, Potential Original Oil in Place Recovery could exceed 45 MM Bbls. Monterey Shale Reserve is Estimated at more than 15 Billion Barrels and has long been seen as an area of huge potential oil production using new methods to extract the vast reserves known to exist.Torrance Oil Field Summary:
Hydrogen Generation Market to Exhibit 5.2% CAGR till 2027; Need to Curb Emissions of Greenhouse Gases will Aid Growth: Fortune Business Insights™
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Pune, Dec. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global hydrogen generation market is set to gain traction from the high demand for fuel cell-based buses and electric vehicles (EVs), especially in North America and Asia Pacific. In December 2019, Hyundai, for instance, planned to invest around USD 6 billion in the development of hydrogen fuel cell technology to increase the sales of electric vehicles worldwide. This information is given by Fortune Business Insights™ in a recent study, titled, “Hydrogen Generation Market Size, Share & Industry Analysis, By Type (On-site and Portable) By Technology (Steam Methane Reforming, Water Electrolysis, Partial Oil Oxidation, and Coal Gasification), By Application (Ammonia Production, Petroleum Refinery, Methanol Production, Transportation, Power Generation, and Others), and Regional Forecast,...
Results of additional issuance – RIKB 23 0515 – RIKB 25 0612 – RIKS 33 0321
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As stated in paragraph 6 in General Terms of Auction for Treasury bonds, the Government Debt Management offered the equivalent of 10% of the nominal value sold in the auction 4. December, at the price of accepted bids.
Niðurstöður viðbótarútgáfu – RIKB 23 0515 – RIKB 25 0612 – RIKS 33 0321
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Í tengslum við útboð sem haldið var 4. desember stóð aðalmiðlurum til boða, samkvæmt 6. grein í almennum útboðsskilmálum ríkisbréfa, að kaupa 10% af andvirði þess sem selt var í útboðinu á söluverði samþykktra tilboða.
NexTech CEO Evan Gappelberg to Present on Proactive Investors Livestream, December 10, 2020
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NexTech AR Solutions (NexTech) (OTCQB: NEXCF) (CSE: NTAR) (FSE: N29), an emerging leader in augmented reality for eCommerce, AR learning applications, AR-enhanced video conferencing and virtual events is pleased to announce that NexTech CEO, Evan Gappelberg, will be presenting at a special Proactive Investors Livestream focusing on NexTech, the Company’s Black Friday sales, expansion into Southeast Asia, latest new clients, and new technology advances.NexTech’s live presentation will take place at 12:30 PM ET on Thursday, December 10, 2020.Please click the link below to register for the Livestream:CLICK TO REGISTER FOR LIVESTREAMLivestream Talking Points:Life after COVID.Update on the recently acquired Map Dynamics; a hybrid event platform with over 750 accounts and over...