Day: December 8, 2020
– Adds $52.61Million of Annualized Revenues, Representing One of BRP Group’s Largest Announced Partnerships to Date –– Meaningfully Expands BRP Group’s Southern California Footprint and Presence in Key MSAs Such as San Francisco and Los Angeles –– Impressive Track Record of Growth; 25%2YoY revenue growth in 2020 –– Brings BRP Group’s Total Annualized Revenues from 2020 Announced Partnerships to $225 Million3– TAMPA, Fla., Dec. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BRP Group, Inc. (“BRP Group” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: BRP), a rapidly growing independent insurance distribution firm delivering tailored insurance solutions, today announced that Baldwin Krystyn Sherman Partners, LLC (“BKS-Partners”), the middle-market indirect subsidiary of BRP Group, has entered into an agreement to acquire all of the outstanding equity interests of Burnham...
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PENNSAUKEN, N.J., Dec. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — J & J Snack Foods Corp. (NASDAQ-JJSF) announced today that its Board of Directors has declared a regular quarterly cash dividend of $.575 per share of its common stock payable on January 12, 2021 to shareholders of record as of the close of business on December 21, 2020. J&J Snack Foods Corp. (NASDAQ: JJSF) is a leader and innovator in the snack food industry, providing innovative, niche and affordable branded snack foods and beverages to foodservice and retail supermarket outlets. Manufactured and distributed nationwide, our principal products include SUPERPRETZEL, the #1 soft pretzel brand in the world, as well as internationally known ICEE and SLUSH PUPPIE frozen beverages, LUIGI’S Real Italian Ice, MINUTE MAID* frozen ices, WHOLE FRUIT sorbet and frozen fruit bars,...
Communiqué sur le report de l’Assemblée Générale Ordinaire et Extraordinaire du 21 décembre 2020 au 28 décembre 2020
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FONCIERE PARIS NORDSociété Anonyme au capital de 1 156 289,77 eurosSiège social : 15, rue de la Banque – 75002 ParisRCS PARIS 542 030 200____________________________________________Communiqué sur le report de l’Assemblée Générale Ordinaire et Extraordinairedu 21 décembre 2020 au 28 décembre 2020Report de la date de tenue de l’Assemblée Générale Ordinaire et Extraordinaire initialement prévue le 21 décembre 2020La Société FONCIERE PARIS NORD ayant souhaité attendre la publication tardive annoncée de l’ordonnance 2020-1497 du 2 décembre 2020 afin de s’y conformer, a décidé de reporter au lundi 28 décembre 2020 à 11 heures l’Assemblée Générale Ordinaire et Extraordinaire prévue le 21 décembre 2020.L’ordre du jour et les modalités de tenue de cette Assemblée restent inchangés.Le Président Directeur GénéralRichard Lonsdale-Hands6—-Pièce...
G4S plc: Rejection of GardaWorld’s revised offer following announcement of recommended offer from Allied Universal
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NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IN, INTO OR FROM ANY JURISDICTION WHERE TO DO SO WOULD CONSTITUTE A VIOLATION OF THE RELEVANT LAWS OF SUCH JURISDICTION.8 December 2020G4S plcRejection of GardaWorld’s revised offer following announcement of recommended offer from Allied UniversalOn 2 December 2020, Garda World Security Corporation (“GardaWorld”) announced it had revised its unsolicited offer to acquire the entire issued and to be issued share capital of G4S plc (“G4S” or the “Company”) from 190 pence to 235 pence in cash per share (the “Revised GardaWorld Offer”).The Board of G4S (the “Board”) has carefully considered the Revised GardaWorld Offer with its financial and legal advisers. Whilst the Board recognises the increase in the price of the Revised GardaWorld Offer, the Board has unanimously decided...
Arrow Exploration Announces Re-Start of Production from the RCE-1 Well on the Tapir Block
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CALGARY, Alberta, Dec. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ARROW Exploration Corp. (“Arrow” or the “Company”) (TSXV: AXL) and Petrolco S.A. (“Petrolco”), the Company’s partner on the Tapir Block in the Llanos Basin, are pleased to announce the re-start of oil production from the Rio Cravo Este-1 (“RCE-1”) well.The partners agreed to re-start production from RCE-1 due to the increased prices of Brent crude oil and following negotiations with certain vendors to lower field operating costs related to RCE-1. The agreement to re-start production was entered into on December 1st, 2020 between Samaria Llanos Exploration (“Samaria”), an indirect subsidiary of Arrow, and Petrolco. Production resumed on December 5th, 2020.As of December 7th, 2020, RCE-1 was producing at a rate of approximately 443 barrels of oil per day (221.5 barrels of oil per...
Meritage Announces Common Stock Dividend; Following Strong Operating Results
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GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Dec. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Meritage Hospitality Group Inc. (OTCQX: MHGU), one of the nation’s premier restaurant operators, today announced that the Company’s Board of Directors approved a special quarterly dividend of $0.07 per share at the December 8, 2020 meeting. The dividend is payable on December 29, 2020, to shareholders of record on December 21, 2020.Recently, the Company announced strong results for the third quarter ended September 27, 2020. Third quarter sales increased 15.9% to $136.6 million while Consolidated EBITDA (a non-GAAP measure) increased 26.5% to $12.8 million. We continue to experience improvement in Wendy’s operating results across our markets and foresee stabilizing sales and costs in 2021. Our restaurant management teams continue to build on our legacy as a responsible consumer...
GAUMONT : Information relative au nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions du capital social au 30 novembre 2020
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GAUMONTInformations relatives au nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions du capital socialprévues par l’article L. 233-8-II du code de commerceet l’article 223-16 du règlement général de l’Autorité des marchés financiersLe 8 décembre 2020Gaumont est une société cotée sur Euronext Paris – Eurolist Compartiment B – Code ISIN FR0000034894 – Pièce jointeversion pdf
Bavarian Nordic Introduces New Employee Incentive Program
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COPENHAGEN, Denmark, December 8, 2020 – Bavarian Nordic A/S (OMX: BAVA, OTC: BVNRY) announced today that the board, in line with previous years, has decided to introduce a three-year incentive program in January 2021 for all employees in the Bavarian Nordic Group, with the exception of employees receiving warrants. The program is a cash bonus program based on the development in the Company’s share price, and thus will have no dilutive effect on existing shareholdings.Each employee participating in the program is awarded so-called phantom shares every month of employment until 31 December 2023. The exercise price is DKK 203.1. The phantom shares may be exercised in January 2024, only if the Company’s share price by then exceeds the exercise price by at least DKK 5. In that case, each phantom share will yield a cash bonus equivalent to...
Bavarian Nordic iværksætter nyt incitamentsprogram for medarbejdere
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KØBENHAVN, Danmark, 8. december 2020 – Bavarian Nordic A/S (OMX: BAVA) meddelte i dag, at bestyrelsen, i lighed med tidligere år, har besluttet at iværksætte et treårigt incitamentsprogram i januar 2021 for alle ansatte i Bavarian Nordic koncernen, med undtagelse af medarbejdere, der modtager tegningsoptioner. Programmet er et kontant bonusprogram, baseret på udviklingen i selskabets aktiekurs. Incitamentsprogrammet medfører ikke udvanding for selskabets aktionærer.Hver deltagende medarbejder tildeles hver måned såkaldte fantomaktier frem til og med 31. december 2023. Udnyttelseskursen er DKK 203,1. Fantomaktierne kan udnyttes i januar 2024, og kun såfremt kursen på selskabets aktier til den tid overstiger udnyttelseskursen med mindst DKK 5. I så fald vil hver fantomaktie udløse en kontant bonus svarende til DKK 1 pr. kurspoint kursen...
Encore Capital Group, Inc. Announces Pricing of Upsized Senior Secured Floating Rate Notes Offering
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SAN DIEGO, Dec. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Encore Capital Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: ECPG) (the “Company”) today announced the pricing of its offering of €415.0 million aggregate principal amount of senior secured floating rate notes due 2028 (the “notes”) with a coupon of three-month EURIBOR (subject to a 0% floor) plus 4.250%, which was upsized by €140.0 million from €275.0 million, in a private offering to qualified institutional buyers pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”) and outside the United States to non-U.S. persons (within the meaning of Regulation S under the Securities Act).The notes will be senior secured obligations of the Company, and will be fully and unconditionally guaranteed on a senior secured basis by substantially all material subsidiaries of the Company. The...