Day: December 8, 2020
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Brandywine Realty Trust (NYSE:BDN) announced today that its Board of Trustees has declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.19 per common share and OP Unit payable on January 20, 2021 to holders of record on January 6, 2021. The quarterly dividend is equivalent to an annual rate of $0.76 per share.Conference Call and Audio WebcastWe will release our fourth quarter earnings after the market close on Tuesday, February 2, 2021, and will hold our fourth quarter conference call on Wednesday, February 3, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. Eastern. The conference call can be accessed by dialing 1-833-818-6810 and providing conference ID: 7644589. Beginning two hours after the conference call, a taped replay of the call can be accessed through Friday, February 19, 2021, by calling 1-855-859-2056 and entering...
Completion of Strategic Transaction Between Helios Holdings Limited and Fairfax Africa Holdings Corporation
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Not for distribution to U.S. news wire services or dissemination in the United States.TORONTO and LONDON, Dec. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Following shareholder approval at the Fairfax Africa Holdings Corporation (“Fairfax Africa”) special meeting of shareholders on December 4, 2020, Fairfax Africa and Helios Holdings Limited are pleased to announce the completion of the strategic transaction signed on July 10, 2020. Fairfax Africa has been renamed Helios Fairfax Partners Corporation (“HFP”) and will continue to be listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol ‘HFPC’.The transaction creates a leading pan-Africa focused listed investment holding company that has the benefit of the separate asset management activities of Helios Investment Partners LLP (“Helios”). This diversified investment platform combines best-in-class...
W&T Offshore Provides Operational Update and Increases Production Guidance for the Fourth Quarter of 2020
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HOUSTON, Dec. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — W&T Offshore, Inc. (NYSE: WTI) (“W&T” or the “Company”) today provided an operational update regarding fourth quarter 2020 production. The Company said that it has recently restored the vast majority of production that was shut-in due to the series of storms in the Gulf of Mexico and has also restored production at the Magnolia field that was offline due to extended downtime at a third-party operated platform downstream from that field. W&T now expects its fourth quarter production to average between 34,700 and 36,900 barrels of oil equivalent per day (“Boe/d”) of which 34% is estimated to be oil, 11% natural gas liquids, and the balance natural gas. Previously the Company had estimated its fourth quarter production would average 31,500 to 35,000 Boe/d.Tracy W. Krohn, W&T’s...
エンスター・グループ・リミテッド、リバティー・ミューチュアル・インシュアランス・ヨーロッパSEのレガシー事業に関連する4億2,000万ドル (約436億8,000万円) の再保険を発表
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バミューダ諸島ハミルトン発, Dec. 09, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — エンスター・グループ・リミテッド (Enstar Group Limited、NASDAQ: ESGR) は本日、同社の全額出資子会社の1社が、リバティー・ミューチュアル・インシュアランス・ヨーロッパSE (Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe SE、LMIE) との契約に署名し、過去にLMIEのロンドン支社が引き受けた、米国における多数のエネルギー、建設、および住宅建築関連の賠償責任保険ポートフォリオの再保険を引き受けたと発表した。この取引では、エンスターの子会社は2019年およびそれ以前の保険事業に関連する約4億2,000万ドル (約436億8,000万円) 相当の総保険準備金を引き受ける。取引完了には、規制当局の承認およびその他の締結条件を満たすことが求められる。エンスターについてエンスター (Enstar) は、バミューダ諸島、米国、英国、欧州大陸、オーストラリア、その他の国際拠点にあるグループ企業ネットワークを通じて、画期的な資本リリースソリューションを提供する、NASDAQ上場の大手グローバル保険グループである。同社は、レガシー買収のマーケットリーダーとして、2001年の創業以来、100社を超える企業やポートフォリオを取得してきた実績を持つ。エンスターに関する詳細については、www.enstargroup.comを閲覧されたい。注意事項本プレスリリースには、1995年米国証券民事訴訟改革法 (Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995) の意義の範囲内で、将来の見通しに関する記述が含まれている。これらの記述には、エンスターおよびその経営陣の意図、確信、あるいは現時点での予想に関する記述が含まれている。これらの将来の見通しに関する記述は、記述が行われた時点での事柄を述べているに過ぎず、将来の業績を保証するものではなく、リスクや不確実性が含まれること、および実際の結果は、さまざまな要因により将来の見通しに関する記述で予想されている状態とは実質的に異なる可能性があることを投資家に警告する。特に、エンスターは、規制上の承認が得られない、その他の締結条件を満たせないなどの状況を含むが、これらに限定されない多くの要因により、上述のように要約した条件または、他の受諾可能な条件があったとしても、そうした条件に基づき提案された交渉を完了できない可能性がある。また、COVID-19の感染拡大が進むことにより、世界的な経済と金融の混乱が生じ、金融市場の不確実性とボラティリティが高まっている。世界的な不確実性により、現時点では感染拡大が当社の事業に及ぼす長期的な影響を予測することはできない。エンスターに関する重要なリスク要因については、当社の2019年12月31日までの事業年度のForm...
PyroGenesis Receives Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label; Further Solidifying its Position as an Emerging Leader in GHG Emissions Reduction
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MONTREAL, Dec. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — PyroGenesis Canada Inc. ( (TSX: PYR) (OTCQB: PYRNF) (FRA: 8PY), (the “Company”, the “Corporation” or “PyroGenesis”) a Company that designs, develops, manufactures and commercializes plasma atomized metal powder, plasma waste-to-energy systems and plasma torch products, is pleased to announce today that it has been awarded the “Solar Impulse Efficient Solution” Label (the “Label”) from the Swiss-based Solar Impulse Foundation (the “Foundation”) for PyroGenesis’ proprietary APT high-powered (“APT-HP”) plasma torch for replacing fossil fuel burners. The Foundation’s purpose is to identify existing solutions that are both clean, profitable, and having a positive impact on quality of life.PyroGenesis’ proprietary APT-HP plasma torch presents an...
The New Ireland Fund (IRL), Inc. Declares Annual Distributions
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BOSTON, Dec. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Board of Directors of The New Ireland Fund, Inc. (the “Fund”) has declared an annual short-term capital gain distribution in the amount of $0.0675 per share and an annual long-term capital gain distribution in the amount of $0.2377 per share. The distributions will be paid in cash on December 30, 2020 to stockholders of record on December 18, 2020. The shares will trade “ex-dividend” on December 17, 2020The Fund will send you a Form 1099-DIV for the calendar year that will tell you how to report these distributions for federal income tax purposes.Investment Objective; The New Ireland Fund, Inc., (N.Y.S.E. – IRL) a closed-end diversified investment company seeks long-term capital appreciation through investment primarily in equity securities of Irish securities.The Fund...
Seer Announces Closing of Initial Public Offering and Full Exercise of Underwriters’ Option to Purchase Additional Shares
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REDWOOD CITY, Calif., Dec. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Seer, Inc., a life sciences company focused on enabling exceptional scientific outcomes through the power of unbiased, deep, rapid and scalable proteomics information, today announced the closing of its initial public offering of 10,592,106 shares of Class A common stock, including the exercise in full by the underwriters of their option to purchase up to an additional 1,381,579 shares of Class A common stock, at a public offering price of $19.00 per share. The gross proceeds from the offering, before deducting underwriting discounts and commissions and other offering expenses payable by Seer, were approximately $201.3 million. Seer’s Class A common stock began trading on the Nasdaq Global Select Market on December 4, 2020, under the ticker symbol “SEER.” All of the shares of...
California Gold Announces Strategic Review Process
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TORONTO, Dec. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — California Gold Mining Inc. (CSE:CGM) (“California Gold” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has initiated a strategic process to explore, review and evaluate a broad range of potential alternatives focused on maximizing shareholder value, including a potential sale or merger of the Company and the sale or joint venture of the Company’s Fremont property.Larry Phillips, Interim President and CEO of California Gold, states, “We have been working diligently to organize a proper data-room and qualify previous expressions of interest from credible parties relating to the Freemont asset. We believe the engagement of Red Cloud will expedite the process of identifying all interested parties and advancing those interests to a point where the California Gold shareholders can make a proper...
Xebec lance une stratégie liée à l’hydrogène dans le cadre de l’acquisition transformatrice de HyGear, d’un appel public à l’épargne par voie de prise ferme de 100 millions de dollars et d’un placement privé simultané de 50 millions de dollars avec la CDPQ
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– Grâce à cette acquisition, la Société disposera de la technologie et des portefeuilles de produits nécessaires pour concrétiser sa vision globale en matière de gaz renouvelable et lancer sa stratégie mondiale liée à l’hydrogène –NE PAS DISTRIBUER AUX AGENTS DE TRANSMISSION DES ÉTATSUNIS NI DIFFUSER AUX ÉTATSUNISSAUF INDICATION CONTRAIRE, TOUS LES CHIFFRES SONT EXPRIMÉS EN DOLLARS CANADIENSFaits saillants de l’opérationLancement de la stratégie liée à l’hydrogène grâce à l’acquisition stratégique, d’une valeur approximative de 155,9 millions de dollars, de HyGear, société établie aux PaysBas qui est un chef de file dans le secteur des solutions de production d’hydrogène sur place destinées aux applications industrielles et aux applications de ravitaillement des véhicules électriques à pile à combustibleAcquisition d’une technologie...
FPN – Communiqué mise à disposition des documents préparatoires – AGM 28 12 2020
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Paris, le 8 décembre 2020Communiqué de mise à disposition des documents préparatoiresA l’Assemblée générale ordinaire annuelle et extraordinaireLa Société annonce avoir mis à disposition du public les documents préparatoires à l’Assemblée générale ordinaire annuelle et extraordinaire du 28 décembre 2020, conformément aux dispositions de l’article R.225-73-1 du Code de commerce.Les documents préparatoires à l’Assemblée générale peuvent être consultés sur le site internet de la Société à l’adresse, dans la rubrique “Informations réglementées”, de la page “Finance et Informations réglementées”.FONCIERE PARIS NORDSociété Anonyme au capital de 1.156.289,77 eurosSiège social : 15, rue de la Banque – 75002 ParisRCS PARIS 542 030 200 Pièce jointeFPN – Communiqué mise à disposition...