Day: December 6, 2020
Updated interim data from CPI-818’s phase 1/1b clinical trial provide evidence supporting its potential as a treatment for T cell lymphomasNew pre-clinical data provide evidence of CPI-818 potential as a treatment for autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS)BURLINGAME, Calif., Dec. 06, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Corvus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: CRVS), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, today announced that new data on CPI-818, the Company’s ITK inhibitor, were presented at the 62nd American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting & Exposition, which is taking place as an all-virtual event from December 5-8, 2020. The data include a poster presentation covering updated data from the Phase 1/1b clinical trial for T cell lymphoma and an oral presentation covering pre-clinical data demonstrating its potential...
GBT Presents Data on New Sickle Cell Disease Pipeline Therapies with Best-in-Class Potential – Inclacumab and GBT021601
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Two Inclacumab Pivotal Phase 3 Clinical Trials Expected to Begin in First Half of 2021GBT021601 – Potent Next–Generation Hemoglobin S Polymerization Inhibitor Shown to be Highly Effective in SCD Animal ModelsSOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Dec. 06, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Global Blood Therapeutics, Inc. (GBT) (NASDAQ: GBT) today announced new preclinical data on its sickle cell disease (SCD) pipeline therapies – inclacumab, a novel P-selectin inhibitor in development to reduce the frequency of vaso-occlusive crises (VOCs) in patients with SCD, and GBT021601, a next-generation hemoglobin S (HbS) polymerization inhibitor. These data are being presented at the all-virtual 62nd American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting and Exposition.“In pursuit of our mission to transform the treatment of and care for people living with...
GBT Presents New Data on the Long-Term and Real-World Use of Oxbryta® (voxelotor) Tablets in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease at 62nd ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition
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Final 72-Week Analyses of Phase 3 HOPE Study Demonstrate Durable Improvements in Hemoglobin Levels and Significant Improvements in Overall Health StatusReal-World Experience Study Results Consistent with HOPE Study and Show Improved Patient Health StatusSOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Dec. 06, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Global Blood Therapeutics, Inc. (GBT) (NASDAQ: GBT) today announced new data from the 72-week analyses of the Phase 3 HOPE Study of Oxbryta® (voxelotor) tablets in patients with sickle cell disease (SCD). These data, as well as new findings from real-world experience studies of Oxbryta, are being presented at the all-virtual 62nd American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting and Exposition.“We are pleased that the longer term, 72-week HOPE Study data are consistent with the previously reported 24-week primary analyses,...
Fate Therapeutics Presents Patient Case Study Demonstrating Clinical Activity of FT596 in Refractory Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma
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Off-the-Shelf, iPSC-derived CAR NK Cell Product Candidate Drives Partial Response at First Dose Level of 30 Million CellsDeepening of Response Observed with FT596 RetreatmentDuration of Response Comparable to FDA-approved Autologous CAR T-cell Therapy for Patients with Partial ResponseNo Observed Events of Any Grade of Cytokine Release Syndrome, Immune Effector Cell-Associated Neurotoxicity Syndrome, or Graft-vs-Host DiseaseSAN DIEGO, Dec. 06, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fate Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ: FATE), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the development of programmed cellular immunotherapies for cancer and immune disorders, today presented a patient case study from the Company’s Phase 1 clinical trial of FT596, its universal, off-the-shelf, CD19-targeted chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) natural killer (NK)...
Surplus for Swedish central government in November 2020
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Surplus for Swedish central government in November 2020Swedish central government payments resulted in a surplus of SEK 40.4 billion in November. The Debt Office’s forecast was a surplus of SEK 20.5 billion. The difference is due to lower disbursements and higher tax income than expected.The report Sweden’s Central Government Debt November 2020 was accidentally published prematurely on Sunday 6 December instead of Monday 7 December at 9:30 CET as scheduled. Due to this error, the Swedish National Debt Office is now publishing in advance the outcome of central government payments and the size of the central government debt for November 2020 in its entirety.The primary balance was SEK 20.4 billion higher than forecasted. Tax income were approximately SEK 7 billion higher than calculated. In addition, disbursements from a number of...
Överskott för staten i november 2020
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Överskott för staten i november 2020Statens betalningar resulterade i ett överskott på 40,4 miljarder kronor i november. Riksgäldens prognos var ett överskott på 20,5 miljarder kronor. Skillnaden beror på lägre utgifter och högre skatteinkomster än beräknat. På grund av ett fel publicerades rapporten Sveriges statsskuld november 2020 i förtid på söndag den 6 december istället för som planerat måndag den 7 december kl. 09.30. Riksgälden tidigarelägger därför hela publiceringen av utfallet för statens betalningar och statsskuldens storlek i november 2020.Det primära saldot blev 20,4 miljarder kronor högre än prognos. Skatteinkomsterna var cirka 7 miljarder kronor högre än beräknat. Därutöver var utbetalningarna från ett antal myndigheter lägre än beräknat.Riksgäldens nettoutlåning till myndigheter m.fl. var 0,8 miljarder kronor lägre än...
Constellation Pharmaceuticals Provides Update of MANIFEST Study for CPI-0610 at ASH Meeting
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67% spleen volume response rate observed in 63 first-line myelofibrosis patients treated with CPI-0610 + ruxolitinib at 24 weeksCPI-0610 demonstrated activity, both as a monotherapy and as add on to ruxolitinib, in second-line or later settingsTranslational data supports potential disease-modifying effects of CPI-0610CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Dec. 06, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Constellation Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: CNST) today announced that two oral presentations and three posters relating to the Phase 2 MANIFEST and the Phase 3 MANIFEST-2 clinical trials of CPI-0610 in myelofibrosis (MF) were presented at the American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting and Exposition. The preliminary data in these presentations are based on a data cutoff of September 29, 2020, and reflect an analysis of clinical activity in 63 first-line (1L)...
Kiadis announces new data at the 2020 ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition
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~Five presentations related to Kiadis’ K-NK cell therapy platform will be presentedat the 62nd American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting and Exposition~An oral presentation (abstract #68) presents data that show multiple infusions of FC21-NK cells in patients with relapsed and refractory acute myeloid leukemia (R/R AML) yielded impressive outcomes with no infusion reactions or toxicities A poster presentation (abstract #825) describes data demonstrating NKTR-255 significantly enhanced the ADCC of expanded NK cells with anti-CD20 type I and type II antibodies against CLL, FL and rituximab-resistant BL cellsA poster presentation (abstract #2151) provides details of a phase I pilot study in CML patients to evaluate safety and examine if adding K-NK003 to ongoing Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) therapy leads to achieving MRD negative...
Skeljungur hf.: Official Offer Document relating to Strengur hf.’s takeover bid to Skeljungur hf.’s shareholders
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Strengur hf. published a press release 2 December 2020, announcing that the offer document for the takeover bid of Strengur hf. to Skeljungur hf.’s shareholders would be published on Sunday 6 December 2020. Attached is the Official Offer Document.AttachmentSkeljungur_opinbert tilboðsyfirlit
Skeljungur hf.: Opinbert tilboðsyfirlit vegna yfirtökutilboðs Strengs hf. til hluthafa Skeljungs hf.
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Strengur hf. birti auglýsingu í fjölmiðlum þann 2. desember 2020 þar sem boðað var að tilboðsyfirlit vegna yfirtökutilboðs Strengs hf. til hluthafa Skeljungs hf. yrði birt sunnudaginn 6. desember 2020. Tilboðsyfirlitið má finna í viðhengi. ViðhengiSkeljungur_opinbert tilboðsyfirlit