Day: December 4, 2020
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Dec. 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rush Enterprises, Inc. (NASDAQ: RUSHA and RUSHB), which operates the largest network of commercial vehicle dealerships in North America, announced today that Vice President of Medium-Duty Truck and Bus Sales Steve Taylor will retire on December 31, 2020. Taylor joined Rush Enterprises in 2003 and has been instrumental in the growth of medium-duty truck sales for the organization. In 2003, the company sold approximately 600 medium-duty trucks per year through a small number of GMC and Hino franchises and Peterbilt’s medium-duty product lineup. Through the years, Taylor helped the Company obtain franchises with Hino, Isuzu, Ford and Bluebird Bus to extend the Company’s product line-up, strengthening its presence in major markets from coast-to-coast and becoming the largest dealer...
HL Acquisitions Corp. Receives Shareholder Approval of Business Combination with Fusion Fuel Green
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NEW YORK, NY, Dec. 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — HL Acquisitions Corp. (Nasdaq: HCCH) (“HL”) and Fusion Fuel Green PLC (“Fusion Fuel”) announced today that the shareholders of HL have approved the business combination between HL and Fusion Fuel at an annual general meeting of shareholders held today in New York. None of HL’s public shares were redeemed in connection with the vote to approve the business combination. It is expected that the business combination will close in the coming days.Upon the closing of the business combination, each unseparated unit of HL will separate into its component parts of one ordinary share, one warrant, and one right. Each right of HL will be automatically exchanged for one-tenth (1/10th) of one ordinary share in accordance with its terms. The ordinary shares and warrants of HL will then automatically...
Une étude de CarGurus révèle l’impact de la pandémie sur l’industrie automobile canadienne en 2020
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CAMBRIDGE, Mass., 04 déc. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — CarGurus (Nasdaq: CARG), l’un des principaux cybermarchés mondiaux de l’industrie de l’automobile, a publié aujourd’hui son « Étude CarGurus sur le moral des consommateurs relativement à la COVID-19 : comment la pandémie a affecté la perception des automobilistes en 2020», qui évalue la réaction des magasineurs d’automobiles face à la pandémie de COVID-19. La publication de novembre compare les études CarGurus précédentes qui ont été menées à la fois en avril et en juin dernier, et explore des sujets tels que les stocks de véhicules, leur abordabilité, la vente de détail en ligne, le covoiturage et les transports en commun.« Comparativement à nos recherches précédentes, la dernière étude de CarGurus sur la COVID-19 dresse un tableau cohérent et porteur...
Præcisering af forventninger for 2020
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SELSKABSMEDDELELSEMeddelelse nr. 9/2020 Fjerritslev, 4. december 2020Præcisering af forventninger for 2020Migatronic-koncernen har været stærkt påvirket af COVID-19 i 2020. Den seneste udmeldte forventning i omsætningen for 2020 lød på et fald i niveauet 10-20%. Dette præciseres nu til et fald i niveauet 15-18%. Den seneste udmelding omfattede derudover en forventning om et underskud i resultatet før skat for 2020 i niveauet 3 – 8 mio. kr. Dette præciseres nu til en forventning om et underskud i resultatet før skat i niveauet 3 – 6 mio. kr.Med venlig hilsenSvejsemaskinefabrikken MIGATRONIC A/SFrank Lorenz Kristian Morberg Madsen Bestyrelsesformand Adm. direktørEventuelle spørgsmål omkring meddelelsen kan rettes til:Adm. direktør...
Implementing changes in the capital adequacy calculations
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Starting from November, AS LHV Group is implementing an updated model for calculating capital adequacy according to regulations for capital calculations for SME-s. As an effect of the change, the capital adequacy of LHV will improve by 1.8 percentage points.Priit RumLHV kommunikatsioonijuhtPhone: +372 502 0786Email:
Muudatuse rakendamine kapitali adekvaatsuse arvutamisel
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AS LHV Group rakendab lähtuvalt kapitali arvutamise reeglitest väikeste ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtetele alates novembrist täiendatud kapitali adekvaatsuse arvutamise mudelit. Muudatuse mõjuna paraneb LHV kapitali adekvaatsuse tase 1,8 protsendipunkti võrra.Priit RumLHV kommunikatsioonijuhtTelefon: 502 0786E-post:
Atlantic Capital Bancshares, Inc. Announces Extension of Exchange Offer
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ATLANTA, Dec. 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Atlantic Capital Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ: ACBI) (“Atlantic Capital”) announced today that it extended its offer to holders of $75 million in aggregate principal amount of its 5.5% fixed to floating rate subordinated notes due 2030 (the “Old Notes”), issued August 20, 2020, to exchange the Old Notes for a like principal amount of notes with identical terms other than that such new notes have been registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.The exchange offer, which had been scheduled to expire on December 2, 2020 at 11:59 p.m., New York City time, will now expire at 5:00 p.m., New York City time, on December 10, 2020, unless further extended by Atlantic Capital. All other terms, provisions and conditions of the exchange offer will remain in full force and effect. US Bank National...
Investview (INVU) Reports Record $1.4 Million Month Bitcoin Mining Revenue and Increased Bitcoin Holdings
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Eatontown, NJ, Dec. 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire –Investview, Inc. (OTCQB: INVU), a diversified financial technology and global distributor organization that operates through its subsidiaries to provide financial education tools, content, research and management of digital asset technology that mines cryptocurrencies, with a focus on Bitcoin mining and the generation of digital assets, has reached a new all-time-high monthly revenue and profit margin as INVU increased its Bitcoin mining revenue by an estimated 67% (from approximately $840 thousand in October 2020 to approximately $1.4 million in November 2020) and profit margin by an estimated 109% (from approximately $386 thousand in October 2020 to approximately $808 thousand) in November 2020. Investview produced nearly 80 Bitcoin in November- averaging...
Virtual Expertise Software, Focus-Enhancing Headphones Named Best New Tech in ISG Startup Challenges
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STAMFORD, Conn., Dec. 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Software that enables businesses to remotely and visually resolve user problems, and headphones with an EEG microchip to improve user focus, productivity and well-being, were voted the winners of ISG Startup Challenges at two recent events hosted by Information Services Group (ISG) (Nasdaq: III), a leading global technology research and advisory firm.Help Lightning was voted the winner of the ISG Startup Challenge at the ISG Digital Business Summit, November 17-18. After hearing entrepreneurs from three startups pitch their businesses to a panel of judges, audience members voted in a live poll for Help Lightning’s virtual expertise software, which service organizations and call centers use to visually collaborate remotely with colleagues or customers as if they are working side-by-side.“As...
Crackle Wins Best Ad-Supported Video Service Award at Cynopsis Model D Awards
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COS COB, Conn., Dec. 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment, Inc. (Nasdaq: CSSE), one of the largest operators of streaming advertising-supported video-on-demand (AVOD) networks, today announced that Crackle was awarded Best Ad-Supported Video Service at the Cynopsis Model D Awards. The company also won Outstanding Team of the Year for its original series Going From Broke.The Crackle network is set apart from the rest of the AVOD industry with programming that is refreshed faster than other AVOD networks, as well as through its original and exclusive content. Crackle is also expanding distribution and has recently signed deals with companies such as PLEX, Vizio, and Cox Cable with several others launching in Q1 of 2021.The Cynopsis Model D Awards, held on December 1st and hosted by Cynopsis publisher...