Day: December 3, 2020
Société européenne à Directoire et Conseil de surveillanceau capital de 178 876 476 eurosSiège social : 89, rue Taitbout – 75009 Paris – France572 174 035 RCS PARIS Information relative au nombre de droits de vote et d’actions prévue par l’article L.233-8 II du Code de commerce et l’article 223-16 du Règlement Général de l’AMFParis, le 3 décembre 2020(*) Déduction faite des actions privées du droit de voteÀ propos de WendelWendel est l’une des toutes premières sociétés d’investissement cotées en Europe. Elle investit en Europe, en Amérique du Nord et en Afrique, dans des sociétés leaders dans leur secteur : Bureau Veritas, Constantia Flexibles, CPI, Cromology, IHS, Stahl et Tsebo, dans lesquelles elle joue un rôle actif d’actionnaire majoritaire ou de premier ordre. Elle met en œuvre des stratégies de développement à long...
Dorel Calls Special Shareholders’ Meeting for Going-Private Transaction
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MONTRÉAL, Dec. 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dorel Industries Inc. (TSX: DII.B, DII.A) (“Dorel”) today announced that the Québec Superior Court has issued an interim order authorizing, among other things, the holding of a special meeting (the “Special Meeting”) of Dorel shareholders on January 12, 2021. At the Special Meeting, shareholders will be asked to adopt a special resolution (the “Arrangement Resolution”) approving a previously-announced statutory plan of arrangement under the Business Corporations Act (Québec) (the “Arrangement”) pursuant to which a buyer group (the “Buyer Group”) led by an affiliate of funds managed by Cerberus Capital Management, L.P. (“Cerberus”) will acquire, for C$14.50 per share in cash, all of Dorel’s issued and outstanding Class A Multiple Voting Shares and Class B Subordinate Voting Shares, except...
Dorel convoque une assemblée extraordinaire des actionnaires en vue d’une opération de privatisation
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MONTRÉAL, 03 déc. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Les Industries Dorel Inc. (TSX : DII.B, DII.A) (« Dorel ») a annoncé aujourd’hui que la Cour supérieure du Québec a rendu une ordonnance provisoire autorisant, notamment, la tenue d’une assemblée extraordinaire (l’« assemblée extraordinaire ») des actionnaires de Dorel le 12 janvier 2021. À l’assemblée extraordinaire, les actionnaires seront appelés à adopter une résolution spéciale (la « résolution relative à l’arrangement ») approuvant un plan d’arrangement en vertu de la Loi sur les sociétés par actions (Québec) qui avait été annoncé précédemment (l’« arrangement »), et aux termes duquel un groupe d’acheteurs (le « groupe d’acheteurs ») dirigé par un membre du même groupe que des fonds gérés par Cerberus Capital Management, L.P. (« Cerberus ») acquerra, à un prix au comptant de 14,50 $...
Tauriga Sciences, Inc. Introduces its Product Line of CBD Infused Bath Bombs Under the Tauri-Gum Brand
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The Company has Launched its Bath Bomb Product Line in 3 Distinct Fragrances: Blood Orange, Mint, and PomegranateNEW YORK, NY, Dec. 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — Tauriga Sciences, Inc. (OTCQB: TAUG) (“Tauriga” or the “Company”), a revenue generating, diversified life sciences company, with a proprietary line of functional “supplement” chewing gums (Flavors: Pomegranate, Blood Orange, Peach-Lemon, Pear Bellini, Mint, Black Currant) as well as two ongoing Biotechnology initiatives, today introduced its newest product line: CBD Infused Bath Bombs (Spherical Shape), under the Tauri-Gum™ brand. Over the past few weeks, the Company performed a Pilot Test – offering Blood Orange fragrance Bath Bombs – on its Shopify E-Commerce Platform ( All of the “Pilot Test” inventory was sold out and the...
Nubeva TLS Decryption Solution Licensed by Empirix
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SAN JOSE, Calif., Dec. 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nubeva Technologies Ltd. (TSX-V:NBVA), a pioneer of next-generation decryption solutions, today announced a multi-year software licensing agreement with Empirix, a global leader in network and service performance monitoring, assurance and analytics. The agreement allows Empirix to embed Nubeva’s TLS 1.3 decryption technology into their 5G monitoring solutions so that telecommunication providers can continue to have the visibility they need to operate their networks.The multi-year agreement strategically positions Nubeva to capitalize on the expected 40% year-over-year growth of the global 5G services market.“We’re excited about our agreement with Empirix,” said Steve Perkins, Nubeva’s Chief Marketing Officer. “Not only does the partnership facilitate introductions with Tier 1 service...
TransGlobe Energy Corporation Announces an Agreement to Merge, Extend and Modernize Its Eastern Desert Concessions
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This Announcement contains inside information as defined in Article 7 of the Market Abuse Regulation No. 596/2014 (“MAR”). Upon the publication of this Announcement, this inside information is now considered to be in the public domain.AIM & TSX: “TGL” & NASDAQ: “TGA”CALGARY, Alberta, Dec. 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — TransGlobe Energy Corporation (“TransGlobe” or the “Company”) announces it has reached an agreement with the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (“EGPC”) to merge the Company’s three existing Eastern Desert concessions (the West Gharib, West Bakr and North West Gharib concessions) into a new modernized concession agreement (the “Merged Concession” or “Agreement”). The Agreement is subject to the usual Egyptian Parliamentary ratification and the satisfaction of other closing conditions. All dollar values...
Richardson Electronics Announces Availability of UnitedSiC’s New Generation 4 SiC FETs
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LAFOX, Ill., Dec. 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Richardson Electronics, Ltd. (NASDAQ: RELL) announces the availability of UnitedSiC’s Gen 4 SiC FETs.Released earlier this week, the Gen 4 SiC FETs, named UJ4C, are the first and only devices to be rated at 750V. Based on key Figures of Merit (FoM), the UJ4C series enables new performance levels and works with all the typical Si IGBT, Si MOSFET, and SiC MOSFET drive voltages.Available in 18- and 60-mOhm options and 3- and 4-lead TO247 packages, these new SiC FETs (UJ4C075018K3S, UJ4C075060K3S, UJ4C075018K4S, UJ4C075060K4S), provide increased efficiency, reduced on-resistance per unit area, low intrinsic capacitance, and offer the lowest integral diode VF with excellent reverse recovery and reduced dead-time losses.In hard-switching applications, these products exhibit the lowest RDS(on)...
BioSig to Highlight PURE EP™ System at the Benzinga Global Small Cap Conference
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Westport, CT, Dec. 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —The company’s PURE EP™ System is currently installed in six medical centers across the countryEvaluation installations are growing and provide a strong foundation for commercial efforts in 2021BioSig Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: BSGM) (“BioSig” or the “Company”), a medical technology company commercializing an innovative signal processing platform designed to improve signal fidelity and uncover the full range of ECG and intra-cardiac signals, today announced that Kenneth L. Londoner, Chairman, and CEO of BioSig Technologies, Inc. will present at the Benzinga Global Small Cap Conference on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, at 2:30 PM ET. Management will also be hosting virtual one-on-one investor meetings. Requests for one-on-one meetings can be made through the...
Goldstar completes initial prospecting at its Anctil property in Quebec, Canada
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NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE UNITED STATES OR TO U.S. NEWSWIRE SERVICESMONTREAL, Dec. 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Goldstar Minerals Inc. (“Goldstar” or the “Corporation”) (TSX-V: GDM) is pleased to announce that it has completed detailed prospecting and mapping work on its Anctil property in the Chibougamau area of Québec.The prospecting campaign on Anctil covered a target area of approximately 5 square kilometres. Mapping and detailed outcrop sampling was conducted along a systematic grid. This field work confirmed the presence of several structures including northeast trending faults and mostly east-west shear zones. Sulfide mineralization was found associated with some of the structures. Prospecting efforts have resulted in 144 samples being gathered from the Anctil property which have been sent for gold assay.Within the target...
Coloplast A/S – Announcement no. 15/2020 – Articles of Association
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Articles of Association for Coloplast as adopted at the annual general meeting of Coloplast A/S held today, 3 December 2020 are enclosed.For further information, please contactInvestors and analystsAnders Lonning-SkovgaardExecutive Vice President, CFOTel. +45 4911 1111Ellen BjurgertVice President, Investor RelationsTel. +45 4911 1800 /+45 4911 3376Email: dkebj@coloplast.comPress and mediaDennis KaysenDirector, Corporate CommunicationTel. +45 4911 2608Email: dkdk@coloplast.comAddressColoplast A/SHoltedam 1DK-3050 HumlebaekDenmarkCompany reg. (CVR) no. 69749917Websitewww.coloplast.comThis announcement is available in a Danish and an English-language version. In the event of discrepancies, the Danish version shall prevail.Coloplast develops products and services that make life easier for people with very personal and private medical conditions....