Day: December 3, 2020
Alstom announces the large success of its share capital increase of approximately €2 billion Alstom achieves a decisive milestone in the acquisition of Bombardier Transportation with the completion of its capital increase. Following the receipt of all the required regulatory authorizations, the completion of the acquisition is now expected to take place on January 29th, 2021December 3rd, 2020Results of the share capital increaseThe final gross proceeds of the share capital increase with shareholders’ preferential subscription rights (“the Capital Increase”) announced by Alstom on November 16th, 2020, amount to €2,008,302,622.50 (including issue premium), corresponding to the issuance of 68,078,055 shares with a par value of €7 at a unit subscription price of €29.50.Following the subscription period, which ended on November 30th, 2020,...
ALSTOM SA : Alstom annonce le large succès de son augmentation de capital d’environ 2 milliards d’euros
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Alstom annonce le large succès de son augmentation de capital d’environ 2 milliards d’eurosAlstom franchit une étape décisive dans l’acquisition de Bombardier Transport avec la réalisation de son augmentation de capital. Suite à l’obtention de toutes les autorisations réglementaires nécessaires, la réalisation de l’acquisition est désormais prévue le 29 janvier 2021.3 décembre 2020Résultats de l’augmentation de capitalLe montant brut de l’augmentation de capital avec maintien du droit préférentiel de souscription (« l’Augmentation de Capital ») dont le lancement a été annoncé par Alstom le 16 novembre 2020, s’élève à 2 008 302 622,50 euros (prime d’émission incluse), correspondant à l’émission de 68 078 055 actions nouvelles d’une valeur nominale de 7 euros à un prix de souscription unitaire de 29,50 euros.A l’issue de la période de souscription,...
Artefact :Levée de 21 M€ de dette in fine auprès d’investisseurs de premier plan
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Communiqué de PresseParis, jeudi 3 décembre 202017:45 CEST Levée de 21 M€ de dette in fine auprès d’investisseurs de premier planArtefact (FR0000079683 – ALATF – éligible PEA-PME) annonce la levée d’un emprunt in fine de 21 millions d’euros auprès de Tikehau Capital et Bpifrance, prêteurs historiques, et Eiffel Investment Group.Ce financement, obtenu dans des conditions compétitives, prend la forme d’une unique ligne de dette in fine à échéance 6 ans, selon les termes de laquelle seuls les intérêts financiers sont payables par périodes trimestrielles jusqu’à échéance. Le capital sera, quant à lui, remboursé en une fois à l’échéance, soit à fin 2026.Avec cette opération, la dette long terme du Groupe s’établit à 27 millions d’euros, exclusivement composée de l’emprunt mis en place ce jour, ainsi que du Prêt Garanti par l’Etat (PGE)...
Artefact : €21m raised in debt redeemable at maturity with leading investors
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Press releaseParis, 3 December 20205.45 pm CEST €21m raised in debt redeemable at maturity with leading investorsArtefact (FR0000079683 – ALATF – eligible for PEA-PME) announces it has raised 21 million euros in debt redeemable at maturity with Tikehau Capital and Bpifrance, existing lenders, and Eiffel Investment Group.This financing, which has been obtained on competitive terms, takes the form of a unique line of debt, redeemable at a 6-year maturity, under which terms only interests are payable on a quarterly basis until maturity. Principal is to be repaid in full at maturity, at the end of 2026.With this operation, the Group’s long-term debt amounts to 27 million euros, exclusively comprising the present financing, as well as the State-guaranteed loan (PGE) obtained during the first half for 6 million euros.This financing allows...
Nokia announces 2020 Bell Labs Prize winners
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Press ReleaseNokia announces 2020 Bell Labs Prize winners
SeaBird Exploration Plc: Update on the private placement in Green Minerals AS
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3 December 2020, Limassol, CyprusIn reference to the announcement on 27 November 2020 the Company updates on the following:2 886 400 new shares in Green Minerals were issued at a price of NOK 11 per shareTotal amount of shares post issue is 12 886 400, with a post-listing market capitalization of NOK 141 750 400 at the issue priceSeabird owns 77,6% of Green Minerals following the issueInsiders and existing shareholders in Seabird were allocated 12,2% of the issueExecutive Chairman Ståle Rodahl were allocated shares worth NOK 1 million and Board member Øivind Dahl-Stamnes were allocated NOK 200,000Payment date is December 4Application for listing on Euronext Growth Oslo is expected in Q1 2021SeaBird is a global provider of high quality marine seismic operations within the source vessel and 2D market, as well as in the shallow water 3D...
Sales Enablement SaaS Leader VERB to Present at the Benzinga Global Small Cap Conference on Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 12:30 PM ET
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VERB recently reported six consecutive quarters of SaaS revenue growth and introduced new hypergrowth initiatives to fuel growthNEWPORT BEACH, Calif. and SALT LAKE CITY, Dec. 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — VERB Technology Company, Inc. (Nasdaq: VERB) (“VERB” or the “Company”), a leader in interactive video-based sales enablement applications, including interactive livestream ecommerce, webinar, CRM and marketing applications for entrepreneurs and enterprises, today announced that it will deliver a presentation at the Benzinga Global Small Cap Conference being held December 8-9, 2020. Rory J. Cutaia, CEO of VERB, will provide an overview of VERB’s strategy, innovative sales enablement software-as-a-service (SaaS) product offerings, new hypergrowth initiatives, and recent record-breaking financial performance,...
HF COMPANY : Information mensuelle relative au nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital social – Nov 2020
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HF COMPANYSociété Anonyme au capital de 1 670 631,50 eurosSiège social : Node Park Touraine – 37310 TAUXIGNY405 250 119 RCS TOURSInformation mensuelle relative au nombre total de droits de voteet d’actions composant le capital socialArticle L 233-8 II du Code de commerce et article 222-12-5 du règlement général de l’AMFDénomination sociale de l’émetteur :HF COMPANYNode Park Touraine37310 Tauxigny* Total net = nombre total de droits de vote attachés aux actions – actions privées du droit de vote.Pièce jointeInformationMensuelleNov2020
URW SE – Information on total number of voting rights and shares in the share capital as at November 30, 2020
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Paris, Amsterdam, December 3, 2020Information on total number of voting rights and sharesin the share capital as at November 30, 2020(Article L.233-8-II of the French Commercial Code andArticle 223-16 of the General Regulation of the AMF)UNIBAIL-RODAMCO-WESTFIELD SEA European Company with Management Board and Supervisory BoardShare capital: €692,361,925Registered office: 7 place du Chancelier Adenauer, 75016 ParisRegistration number: 682 024 096 R.C.S. PARISAttachmentURW – Information on total number of voting rights and shares in the share capital as at November 30, 2020
URW SE – Informations relatives au nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital social au 30 novembre 2020
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Paris, Amsterdam, le 3 décembre 2020Informations relatives au nombre total des droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital social au 30 novembre 2020 (articles L.233-8 II du Code de commerce et 223-16 du Règlement Général de l’AMF)UNIBAIL-RODAMCO-WESTFIELD SESociété Européenne à Directoire et Conseil de surveillanceau capital de 692 361 925 eurosSiège social : 7 place du Chancelier Adenauer – 75016 PARIS682 024 096 R.C.S. PARIS Pièce jointeURW – Informations relatives au nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital social au 30 11 2020