Day: December 3, 2020
Vedtægter for Coloplast A/S, som vedtaget på Coloplast A/S’ ordinære generalforsamling afholdt i dag den 3. december 2020, er vedlagt.For yderligere information, kontakt venligstInvestorer og analytikereAnders Lonning-SkovgaardExecutive Vice President, CFOTlf. 4911 1111Ellen BjurgertVice President, Investor RelationsTlf. 4911 1800 / 4911 3376Email: dkebj@coloplast.comPresse og medierDennis KaysenDirector, Corporate CommunicationTlf. 4911 2608Email: dkdk@coloplast.comAdresseColoplast A/SHoltedam 1DK-3050 HumlebækDanmarkCVR nr. 69749917Hjemmesidewww.coloplast.comDenne meddelelse foreligger på dansk og engelsk. I tvivlstilfælde er den danske udgave gældende.Coloplast udvikler, producerer og markedsfører produkter og serviceydelser, der gør livet lettere for mennesker med meget personlige og private lidelser. Vi arbejder tæt sammen med brugerne...
Coloplast A/S – Announcement no. 14/2020 – Decisions of Annual General Meeting 2020
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Resolutions adopted at the Annual General Meeting 2020Today, 3 December 2020, Coloplast A/S held its Annual General Meeting, at which the following resolutions were adopted:The annual report for the financial year 2019/20 was adopted.Distribution of year-end dividend of DKK 13.00 per share of nominally DKK 1 was approved. In addition to the interim dividend of DKK 5.00 per share of nominally DKK 1 paid out in connection with Coloplast A/S’ half-year result, this brings the total dividend paid for the year to DKK 18.00 per share of nominally DKK 1.The remuneration report for the financial year 2019/20 was approved.The remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors for the financial year 2020/21 was approved.The proposals from the Board of Directors were adopted:Updated remuneration policyAmendment of Article 2 – ObjectsAdoption...
Coloplast A/S – Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 14/2020 – Beslutninger på den ordinære generalforsamling 2020
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Beslutninger vedtaget på den ordinære generalforsamling 2020I dag, den 3. december 2020, har Coloplast A/S afholdt ordinær generalforsamling, hvor følgende beslutninger blev vedtaget:Årsrapporten for regnskabsåret 2019/20 blev godkendt.Forslag om udbetaling af ordinært udbytte på 13,00 kr. pr. aktie á 1 kr. blev godkendt. I tillæg til de 5,00 kr. pr. aktie á 1 kr. udbetalt i forbindelse med halvårsresultatet, vil der således være udbetalt udbytte for året på samlet 18,00 kr. pr. aktie á 1 kr. Vederlagsrapporten for regnskabsåret 2019/20 blev godkendt.Vederlaget til medlemmerne af bestyrelsen for regnskabsåret 2020/21 blev godkendt.De af bestyrelsen stillede forslag blev godkendt:Opdateret vederlagspolitikÆndring af vedtægternes § 2 – formålVedtagelse af ny § 11 – Bemyndigelse til bestyrelsen til afholdelse af fuldstændig elektronisk generalforsamlingAktionærforslaget...
180 Life Sciences Corp. to Present at the 13th Annual LD Micro Main Event Conference on Tuesday, December 15th at 1:40 PM EST
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MENLO PARK, Calif., Dec. 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 180 Life Sciences Corp. (NASDAQ: ATNF) (“180 Life Sciences” or “the Company”), a clinical-stage biotechnology company with its lead indication in Phase 2b/3, focused on the development of novel drugs that fulfill unmet needs in inflammatory diseases, fibrosis and pain, today announced it will participate in the LD Micro Virtual Main Event 2020 Conference.180 Life Sciences CEO Dr. James Woody will present on Tuesday, December 15th at 1:40 PM EST.To register for the live broadcast of the virtual event, visit: Main Event will feature a new and unique format, with companies presenting for 10 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of Q&A by a panel of investors and analysts.About 180 Life Sciences Corp.180 Life Sciences Corp. is a clinical-stage...
Rackspace Technology Named a Leader in Multicloud Managed Services Providers by Independent Research Firm
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Received 4 highest possible criteria scores within the current offering category and 4 in the strategy category criteriaSAN ANTONIO, Dec. 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rackspace Technology™ (NASDAQ: RXT), a leading end-to-end multicloud technology solutions company, today announced that they were named a leader in the Forrester Research, Inc. December 2020 report, The Forrester Wave™: Multicloud Managed Services Providers, Q4 2020. The report evaluated 11 vendors based on 24 criteria across three categories: current offering, strategy, and market presence.According to the report, “Rackspace Technology was one of the pioneers of managed public cloud after changing its strategy from attempting to compete head-on with the hyperscalers to pairing with and enhancing them.” In addition to receiving the highest score in the strategy category,...
Educational Development Corporation to present virtually at the 13th Annual LD Micro Main Event Conference
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TULSA, Okla., Dec. 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Educational Development Corporation (“EDC”, or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: EDUC) (, today announced that it will be presenting at the 13th Annual LD Micro Main Event Investor Conference on Tuesday, December 15th at 10:20 AM EST / 7:20 AM PST. Randall White, CEO and President, will be presenting to a live, virtual audience. Register here: Main Event will feature a new and unique format, with companies presenting for 10 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of Q&A by a panel of investors and analysts. “The time has finally come to do something different in the virtual conference world. Let’s see if we can pull off something that can be enjoyed by both executives and investors alike,” stated Chris Lahiji, Founder of LD, now a wholly owned subsidiary...
Heimavellir hf.: Tilkynning vegna kröfuhafafunda skuldabréfaeigenda HEIMA071225, HEIMA071248 og HEIMA100646 sem átti að halda þann 7. desember 2020
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LEX, sem umboðsmaður kröfuhafa í skuldabréfaflokkunum HEIMA071248, HEIMA071225 HEIMA100646 hefur boðað fund með eigendum skuldabréfa þann 7. desember 2020 í samræmi við umboðssamning, dags. 12. desember 2018, þar sem á dagskrá eru m.a. tillögur útgefanda, Heimavalla hf., um tilteknar breytingar á skilmálum skuldabréfanna. Heimavellir hf. hafa óskað eftir því að bæta tillögu við þær tillögur sem lagðar voru fram þann 23. nóvember 2020 sbr. viðaukar við þessa tilkynningu.Í ljósi þessa og til að gefa skuldabréfaeigendum færi á að mynda sér upplýsta skoðun á kostum framkominnar tillögu, hefur verið ákveðið að fresta fundunum sem búið var að boða til þannig að nýir fundartímar eru eftirfarandi:Fundur vegna HEIMA071225 verður haldinn þann 11. desember 2020 kl:09:00Fundur vegna HEIMA071248 verður haldinn þann 11. desember 2020 kl:10:00Fundur...
SLAM Gold Veins Assay Up to 3,955 g/t Gold
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MIRAMICHI, New Brunswick, Dec. 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SLAM Exploration Ltd. (“SLAM” or the “Company” on TSXV: SXL) is pleased to announce assay results ranging up to 3,955 g/t gold from Trench M20-18 on its wholly owned Menneval gold project in northwestern New Brunswick. Trench M20-18 traced a mineralized quartz vein referenced as vein No. 18 intersected over a strike length of 114 metres with 12 sites of visible gold as reported by our news release dated October 20, 2020 .Gold was detected in all 17 samples collected from vein No 18 which was traced over a strike length of 114m. Assay results range from 1.22 to 3,955 g/t gold over widths ranging from 0.04 to 0.12 m thick. Gold assays for all 17 samples from vein No. 18 are tabled as follows:Vein No.18 is part of a network of veins extending southwest of Zone 9 as reported...
Davidson Kempner Capital Management LP : Form 8.3 – G4S plc
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FORM 8.3PUBLIC OPENING POSITION DISCLOSURE/DEALING DISCLOSURE BYA PERSON WITH INTERESTS IN RELEVANT SECURITIES REPRESENTING 1% OR MORERule 8.3 of the Takeover Code (the “Code”)1. KEY INFORMATION2. POSITIONS OF THE PERSON MAKING THE DISCLOSUREIf there are positions or rights to subscribe to disclose in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy table 2(a) or (b) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security.(a) Interests and short positions in the relevant securities of the offeror or offeree to which the disclosure relates following the dealing (if any)All interests and all short positions should be disclosed.Details of any open stock-settled derivative positions (including traded options), or agreements to purchase or sell relevant securities, should...
Chart Industries’ CEO Evanko Named 2020 World LNG Executive of the Year
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ATLANTA, Dec. 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Chart Industries, Inc. (NASDAQ: GTLS) is proud to announce that President and CEO Jill Evanko has been named the 2020 World LNG Executive of the Year winner. The World LNG Summit and Awards, hosted by dmg events and sponsored by Cheniere, is the premier industry event of the year that brings together thousands of LNG industry leaders each December. The LNG Executive Award is awarded to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the development and future of the LNG industry through either commercial or technical innovation or the development of knowledge and learning in his or her organization. “It is an honor to be recognized as this year’s World LNG Executive of the Year. It is a testament to the entire Chart team for their hard work and dedication to progressing Chart as...