Day: December 1, 2020
EUCLID, Ohio, Dec. 01, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — U.S. Lighting Group, Inc. (OTC:USLG), announced that as of November 28, 2020 it is now a mandatory, Reporting Issuer with the Security and Exchange Commission (“SEC”).“The US Lighting Group is delighted to be an official SEC reporting issuer. We attribute this success to the diligent efforts of the US Lighting Group, the Company’s auditors, and legal team, who have worked extremely hard to achieve this objective. Being a SEC Reporting company gives its Shareholders transparency and the potential to trade with more brokerage firms,” said Paul Spivak, CEO of the U.S. Lighting Group. “Also, the Company’s OTCQB application is in the final review stages. Once we get the final approval, we will be OTCQB certified. OTCQB will give the US Lighting Group access to additional resources, institutional...
Independent Bank Corporation Announces Date For Its Fourth Quarter 2020 Earnings Release
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GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Dec. 01, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Independent Bank Corporation (NASDAQ: IBCP), the holding company of Independent Bank, a Michigan-based community bank, announced that it expects to issue its 2020 fourth quarter financial results on Thursday, January 28, 2021, at approximately 8:00 am ET. The release will be available on the Internet at within the “News” section of the “Investor Relations” area of the Company’s website.Brad Kessel, President and CEO and Gavin Mohr, CFO will review the quarterly results in a conference call for investors and analysts beginning at 11:00 am ET on Thursday, January 28, 2021.To participate in the live conference call, please dial 1-866-200-8394. Also the conference call will be accessible through an audio webcast with user-controlled slides via the following event...
Ducommun Incorporated Named to Orange County Business Journal’s 2020 List of Fastest-Growing Public Companies
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SANTA ANA, Calif., Dec. 01, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ducommun Incorporated (NYSE: DCO), a global supplier of innovative electronic and structural solutions for the aerospace & defense industry, announced that it has been named to Orange County Business Journal’s (OCBJ) 2020 List of Fastest-Growing Public Companies, ranking 5th in the Large Public Companies category.To qualify, companies in this category must have more than $500 million in revenue and achieve a minimum of 15% revenue growth in the two years ended June 30, 2020. Ducommun Incorporated’s revenues grew 17.5% during that two-year time period.“We are very pleased that the Orange County Business Journal has recognized Ducommun as one of Orange County’s Fastest-Growing Public Companies for 2020. We are honored as well to be included with other companies in the...
Bombardier and Alstom Confirm Receipt of All Necessary Regulatory Approvals to Complete Bombardier Transportation Sale to Alstom
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MONTRÉAL, Dec. 01, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bombardier (TSX: BBD.B) and Alstom announced today that all necessary regulatory approvals required to complete the sale of Bombardier Transportation to Alstom have been received.Bombardier and Alstom now expect the transaction to close on January 29, 2021.About BombardierWith over 52,000 employees across two business segments, Bombardier is a global leader in the transportation industry, creating innovative and game-changing planes and trains. Our products and services provide world-class transportation experiences that set new standards in passenger comfort, energy efficiency, reliability and safety.Headquartered in Montréal, Canada, Bombardier has production and engineering sites in over 25 countries across the segments of Aviation and Transportation. Bombardier shares are traded on...
Bombardier et Alstom confirment avoir reçu toutes les approbations réglementaires nécessaires pour compléter la vente de Bombardier Transport à Alstom
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MONTRÉAL, 01 déc. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bombardier (TSX: BBD.B) et Alstom ont annoncé aujourd’hui que toutes les approbations réglementaires nécessaires pour compléter la vente de Bombardier Transport à Alstom ont été reçues.Bombardier et Alstom s’attendent maintenant à clore l’opération le 29 janvier 2021.À propos de BombardierAvec plus de 52 000 employés répartis entre deux secteurs d’activité, Bombardier est un leader mondial de l’industrie du transport, créant des avions et des trains novateurs qui changent la donne sur leur marché. Nos produits et nos services offrent des expériences de transport de calibre international qui établissent de nouvelles normes en matière de confort des passagers, d’efficacité énergétique, de fiabilité et de sécurité.Avec son siège social situé à Montréal, au Canada, Bombardier a des installations...
BAINS DE MER MONACO : Modalités de mise à disposition du rapport financier semestriel 2020/2021
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BAINS DE MER MONACO : Mise à disposition du Rapport financier semestriel 2020/2021SOCIETE ANONYME DES BAINS DE MER ET DU CERCLE DES ETRANGERS A MONACO (S.B.M.)Société anonyme monégasque au capital de 24 516 661 €Siège social : Monte-Carlo – Place du Casino, Principauté de MonacoR.C.S. : Monaco 56 S 523Siren : 775 751 878ISIN : MC00000311871er décembre 2020,INFORMATION REGLEMENTEERapport financier semestriel – comptes consolidés au 30 septembre 2020Le rapport financier semestriel et les comptes consolidés au 30 septembre 2020 ont été déposés auprès de l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers (A.M.F.) et sont consultables sur le site internet de la Société des Bains de Mer à l’adresse suivante : documents sont accompagnés du rapport de l’Auditeur...
CNH Industrial announces the closing of its notes offering of Euro 750,000,000 guaranteed 0.000% notes due April 2024
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London, December 1, 2020Today CNH Industrial N.V. (NYSE: CNHI / MI: CNHI) settled its offering of Euro 750,000,000 in principal amount of 0.000% notes due April 1, 2024, with an issue price of 99.910% of the principal amount, which was priced on November 24, 2020.The notes have been issued by CNH Industrial Finance Europe S.A., a wholly-owned subsidiary of CNH Industrial N.V., under the Euro Medium Term Note Programme guaranteed by CNH Industrial N.V. CNH Industrial Finance Europe S.A. intends to use the net proceeds from the offering for its general corporate purposes including repayment of existing debt.The notes have been admitted to listing on the Irish Stock Exchange.MiFID II professionals/ECPs-only / No PRIIPs KID – Manufacturer target market (MIFID II product governance) is eligible counterparties and professional clients only...
2020-12-01 Nombre d’actions et nombre de droits de vote au 30/11/20
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TIVOLY Société Anonyme au capital de 11 079 900 eurosSiège Social : 266 route Portes de Tarentaise – 73790 Tours-en-SavoieR.C.S. Chambéry : 076 120 021•Ce nombre est calculé sur la base de l’ensemble des actions auxquelles sont attachés desdroits de vote, y compris les actions privées de droits de vote, conformément à l’article 223-11 du Règlement général de l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers relatif au calcul des franchissements des seuils de nombre de droits de vote.**A titre d’information, nombre calculé « net » des actions privées de droits de vote.Le 1erdécembre 2020 TIVOLY est un groupe industriel qui a pour vocation la conception, la production et lacommercialisation d’outils de coupe et de produits et services associés destinés aux professionnels de lafabrication et de la maintenance, aux artisans et aux particuliers.Pièce...
Touax: Successful asset refinancing – Containers Business
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TOUAX : Succès du refinancement d’actifs dans la division Conteneurs
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