Month: November 2020
Grieg Seafood is contemplating a tap issue of up to NOK 500 million under the Company’s existing senior unsecured green bond with maturity date 25 June 2025 and ISIN NO0010885007, subject to market conditions. The current outstanding amount is NOK 1,000 million and the borrowing limit is NOK 1,500 million.The proceeds from the potential tap issue will be used for green projects as further defined by the Green Bond Framework.DNB Markets and Nordea have been engaged as arrangers for the contemplated tap issue.For further information, please contact:Atle Harald Sandtorv, CFO, Mobile: +47 908 45 252About Grieg SeafoodGrieg Seafood ASA is one of the world’s leading salmon farmers. Our farms are in Finnmark and Rogaland in Norway, British Columbia and Newfoundland in Canada, and Shetland in the UK. Our headquarter is located in Bergen,...
Change in Oyj’s management team
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies. Oyj Press Release November 27, 2020 at 09:30 EETChange in Oyj’s management Oyj’s HR Director and member of the management team, Taina Suorsa has resigned to take on new challenges outside She will continue to serve as HR director through the transition period, however at the latest until the end of April 2021. The recruitment process to appoint a new HR Director will be initiated without delay.“Taina Suorsa has worked at since 2014 and served as HR director since 2018. She has together with the management developed internal processes and strengthened’s employer image as a retail frontrunner. In these exceptional times it has been a pleasure to notice, how our employees have risen to the challenges and worked together for a common...
Muutos Oyj:n johtoryhmässä
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies. Oyj Lehdistötiedote 27.11.2020 klo 09.30Muutos Oyj:n johtoryhmässä Oyj:n henkilöstöjohtaja ja johtoryhmän jäsen Taina Suorsa on irtisanoutunut tehtävästään siirtyäkseen uusien haasteiden pariin Verkkokauppa.comin ulkopuolella. Hän toimii henkilöstöjohtajana siirtymäkauden ajan, kuitenkin enintään huhtikuun loppuun 2021. Uuden henkilöstöjohtajan hakuprosessi käynnistetään saman tien.”Taina Suorsa on toiminut Verkkokauppa.comissa vuodesta 2014 ja henkilöstöjohtajana vuodesta 2018. Hän on yhdessä muun johdon kanssa kehittänyt yhtiön sisäisiä prosesseja ja vahvistanut Verkkokauppa.comin työnantajamielikuvaa kaupan alan edelläkävijänä. Näinä poikkeuksellisina aikoina on ollut ilo huomata, kuinka yhtiön henkilöstö on selvinnyt haasteista ja puhaltanut yhteen hiileen, joka osaltaan osoittaa pitkäjänteisen...
Mitteilung | MCH Group | Ausserordentliche Generalversammlung 27. November 2020 | Résultats
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Nicht zur Versendung, Veröffentlichung oder Verteilung in den USA, in das Vereinigte Königreich, in Kanada, Japan, Australien oder in den Mitgliedstaaten des Europäischen Wirtschaftsraumes (“EWR”).Zustimmung zum Massnahmenpaket und Auslösung der ersten Tranche der KapitalerhöhungenKlare Zustimmung der Aktionäre der MCH Group AG zu den Kapitalerhöhungen und zum Einstieg von Lupa Systems als Ankeraktionär.Durchführung der beiden Kapitalerhöhungen im Umfang von bis zu CHF 104.5 Mio. gemäss Prospekt, der ab 30. November 2020 bezogen werden kann.Bezugsfrist für die erste Tranche der beschlossenen Kapitalerhöhungen im Umfang von CHF 30 Mio. vom 30. November bis 4. Dezember 2020.Die Aktionärinnen und Aktionäre der MCH Group AG haben an der ausserordentlichen Generalversammlung vom 27. November 2020 allen Anträgen des Verwaltungsrats...
Communiqué | MCH Group | Assemblée générale extraordinaire 27 novembre 2020 | Résultat
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Ne pas expédier, publier ou distribuer aux États-Unis d’Amérique, au Royaume-Uni, au Canada, au Japon, en Australie ou dans les États membres de l’Espace économique européen (“EEE”).Approbation du paquet de mesures et déclenchement de la première tranche des augmentations de capitalApprobation claire par les actionnaires de MCH Group SA des augmentations de capital et de l’entrée de Lupa Systems en tant qu’actionnaire de référence.Réalisation des deux augmentations de capital d’un montant maximum de 104,5 millions de CHF selon le prospectus qui sera disponible à partir du 30 novembre 2020.Période de souscription pour la première tranche des augmentations de capital approuvées d’un montant de 30 millions de CHF du 30 novembre au 4 décembre 2020.Lors de l’assemblée générale extraordinaire du 27 novembre 2020, les...
Announcement | MCH Group | Extraordinary General Meeting 27 November 2020 | Results
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Not for dispatch, publication or distribution in the USA, the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, Australia or in the member states of the European Economic Area (“EEA”).Approval of the package of measures and initiation of the first tranche of capital increasesShareholders of MCH Group Ltd. give clear approval to the capital increases and the entry of Lupa Systems as an anchor shareholder.Implementation of the two capital increases for an amount of up to CHF 104.5 million as per the prospectus to be available on 30 November 2020.Subscription period from 30 November to 4 December 2020 for the first tranche of the approved capital increases for an amount of CHF 30 million.At the Extraordinary General Meeting on 27 November 2020, the shareholders of MCH Group Ltd. gave their clear approval to all the proposals of the Board of Directors...
Mobility Scooters Market to Exhibit 6.9% CAGR and Reach USD 1.85 Billion by 2027; Backed by Growing Focus on Development of Advanced Product Worldwide, reports Fortune Business Insights™
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Pune, India, Nov. 27, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global mobility scooters market size is expected to gain momentum by reaching USD 1.85 billion while exhibiting a CAGR of 6.9% between 2020 and 2027. This is attributable to the growing focus on developing innovative mobility scooters and the increasing prevalence of neurological disorders across the globe. This information is published by Fortune Business Insights. The report further mentions that the market stood at USD 1.30 billion in 2019. North America stood at USD 562.3 million in 2019 and is expected to hold the highest position in the global mobility scooters in the forthcoming years. This is attributable to the increasing prevalence of the aging population and the presence of established players in the region.KEY INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENTS:October 2020: The Government in England...
Heijmans and BAM merge asphalt plants to form AsfaltNu
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Heijmans and BAM will merge their asphalt plants as per 31 December 2020 to form new asphalt company AsfaltNu.Heijmans and BAM are set to combine their joint know-how, expertise and investments in the field of asphalt production in a new company, AsfaltNu. This will enable the two companies to make their asphalt production chain more sustainable and more efficient. AsfaltNu will produce asphalt for both Heijmans and BAM, but also for third parties in the asphalt market.AsfaltNu will operate from a head office in Culemborg. Edwin van Osch (from Heijmans) and Diederik Oosting (BAM) will form the management of the new company.Ton Hillen, CEO Heijmans: “Heijmans and BAM each currently operate a number of separate asphalt plants. If you want to make progress in the sustainability strategy of the asphalt sector, the separate operations are...
Heijmans en BAM brengen asfaltcentrales samen in AsfaltNu
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Heijmans en BAM voegen per 31 december 2020 hun asfaltcentrales samen tot het nieuwe asfaltbedrijf AsfaltNu.Heijmans en BAM bundelen in AsfaltNu de gezamenlijke kennis, kunde en investeringen op het gebied van asfaltproductie. Hierdoor kan de asfaltketen verder verduurzamen en wordt efficiency verbeterd. AsfaltNu zal niet alleen voor Heijmans en BAM werken, maar ook derden in de asfaltmarkt bedienen.Het hoofdkantoor van AsfaltNu is gevestigd te Culemborg. De tweekoppige leiding wordt gevormd door de directeuren Edwin van Osch (Heijmans) en Diederik Oosting (BAM).Ton Hillen, CEO Heijmans: “Heijmans en BAM exploiteren momenteel elk afzonderlijk een aantal asfaltcentrales. Als je stappen wil maken in de verduurzamingstrategie van de asfaltsector, ben je los van elkaar net te klein. Gezamenlijk kun je de asfaltketen echter wel verder verduurzamen...
Join the First-Ever WISeKey TransHumanCode Holograminar on December 14 at 3:00 pm CET
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Join the First-Ever WISeKey TransHumanCode Holograminar on December 14 at 3:00 pm CETThe event organized by WISeKey and ARHT Media will use holograms to connect speakers from Geneva, Toronto and New York to demonstrate the future of live eventsGENEVA, NEW YORK & TORONTO – November 27, 2020 — WISeKey International Holding Ltd (“WISeKey,” SIX: WIHN / Nasdaq: WKEY), a leading cybersecurity and IoT company and ARHT Media Inc. (“ARHT” or “the Company”) (TSXV:ART), a global leader in the development, production and distribution of high-quality, low latency hologram and digital content for online and in-person communication, today announced that their first holograminar will be held on December 14, 2020 at 3:00 pm CET (9:00am ET). For more information about this event, including speakers...